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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
No bike. It's been decided. Even though this girl I hang out with was positively turned on by the thought. Gtx 680 it is.

Not usually a big honey beer fan but this guy is hitting some good taste notes right now.

Also, super awesome label.


erotic butter maelstrom
I guess he posted some really extreme pro-Nazi propaganda in another thread. The mods deleted the posts but that shit was downright shocking. Wow.


It can't be that obvious. Hell, 20 seconds of thought and....

Real Doll Nazi Porn > Nazi Porn

You have to give the crowd something they've never seen. Looking at a minimum of at least 3, maybe 6 months of scheming to do it right.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, there must be A LOT of planning. My potential suicide thread will cause a national holiday.


erotic butter maelstrom
Can lighting strike you through a window? It's really coming down out there and I'm kinda freaking out.

whoa he gave me a weird fuckin' tag


I had to have dinner with my parents, my grandpa and 1 of my aunts from my mom side both of whom I hadn't seen in like 8 years.

hoo boy you wouldn't believe the amount of dead people who I either a) don't remember at all because I was too young or b) didn't know at all in conversations I had to hear

finally escaped and now chugging some beers


old people like to make quips about how old they are all the time

its terrifying

also I don't know how it is for you guys but other than a couple people on my moms side I'm not a fan of it, but everyone on my dads side fucking rules


It's 5:17 on a tuesday and I can barely type this. Hitting delete a lot. Anyway, Skyy vodka is the best!! I've drank a lot of dranks in my day, but I can drink an almost infinite amount of Skyy and not get sick. (straight shots). I used to take shots of Johnny Walker but it really upsets my stomach. This is like liquid. I should probably stop, I canb arelyt see.


good credit (by proxy)
Yesterday me and Devo got a half gallon of black velvet, disoronno, absinthe, and malibu rum. Right now I'm sipping on whiskeycoke and I'm so pissed off at birds. Even the concept of what a bird is upsets me greatly.

blame space we should PM don't be scared of my feelings.
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