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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Sort of, it wasn't too far out but I took some dirt roads through some areas close to my block. It was kind of woodsy but it's also where a lot of hobos camp out (there used to be a train station nearby) and I'm pretty sure people also hide a lot of dead bodies out there. Didn't find any though, sadly. Maybe next time. I wouldn't mind bringing a fresh one home for experiments.

On a similar note, I'm thinking about doing a drunken Into the Wild thing for an entire weekend soon, but I need to find someone to feed my cats first. The little shits are holding me back again. I would also need to buy like 10 plastic bottles of smirnoff to bring with me.
Make sure you have a knife to defend that vodka.

Sometimes mentally I feel like a hobo at an abandoned train station.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Hey drunk thread, so here i sit, on some indian dudes sofa in tenerife, i dont speak a word of spanish and im going to a club later...ive been warned by a friend that if people know im english ill be approached by every drunkard who fancies a go at attempting to talk to me....this should be interesting, currently drinking some strange cocktail with all manner of spirits enclosed in this 2012 olympics glass....not only am i wasted, im also damn high...will post back in the morning


This was the ad I saw while browsing GAF. The ads know me too well.


Gotta find my credit card...


In Seattle for the night getting loaded at the hotel.

God everytime I travel I just end up having fantasies of living in a hotel.

I would soooo live in a hotel.


I've consumed 2/3 of a bottle of two buck chuck and I am not drunk. I would like to go get something else to drink, but I am poor as I have just graduated from school and I do not have a decent job yet. I don't even have enough money to splurge on CS:GO. Fuck. :/

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
remember that song from the 90s Romeo and Juliet movie that goes "just like Romeo and Juliet, hot sex just to get you wet" or something. What was that song.

I've been having a surge of movie tie in flashes before my eyes it's very worrisome. I also experienced a nexus f sorts last night while sanding in the middle of the street looking at the horizon. I'll try to elaborate later, I'm at work. I'm ready for this week to be over though.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
goddamnit there is nothing better than putting some weed in the bottom of your kief catcher and then waiting like weeks for it to just COVERED. everytime you tap the grinder and shake it around its just rolling around like a snowball getting bigger and bigger.


erotic butter maelstrom
Wow it's a miracle that my alarm woke me up. Got shitfucked last night at bars and stuff. I have no idea how much money I put on my mastercard and I lost my marijuana pipe. But it could be worse I guess. I remembered to put my phone on the charger and I feel fine.

Last thing I remember is my friend puking in an alley.


erotic butter maelstrom
I could use another drink right now. I don't see why it's not socially acceptable to drink at work any more. If anything I would be a nicer person to work with if I had a solid buzz going thorugh out the day.


good credit (by proxy)
I made weed brownies and I've been eating this shit every day. Gonna eat some more after work tonight and get high as fuck. I dare anyone to stop me.
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