Never played a smash bros game. None of the characters appealed to me. They just come off as boring, even though I like the games they come from (Donkey Kong Country Returns, Pokemon Blue, Super Mario Bros. 3, Metroid Prime, e.t.c.)
Whereas with All Stars, the idea of playing Crash Bandicoot, Raiden, or Sir Daniel Fortesque actually excites me. Guess it's because I grew up with Playstation. Not buying either All Starts or Kerflu-whatever btw. Also drank tonight
and you know what eff how there's not a lot of girls at bars, at least not the ones I've tried. Going to a commuter technical college SUCKS in that regard. even if college doesn't have as many parties as the movies portray, you still get far more opportunities. there are less than 10 girls in my information systems and security program. endeavor is a good beer, my fav is stella