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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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No you are one of those metroid things! ^_^

What are you up to tonight?

man, i ended up going down the pub and they had coors on offer for £2....ended up drinking a hell of a lot and having a few jagerbombs. I have work (at the same pub) at 4pm, so i'm trying to think of good sobering up/hangover plans before i wake up tomorrow feeling dead :[


man, i ended up going down the pub and they had coors on offer for £2....ended up drinking a hell of a lot and having a few jagerbombs. I have work (at the same pub) at 4pm, so i'm trying to think of good sobering up/hangover plans before i wake up tomorrow feeling dead :[

Chug water, take a multi-vitamin, drink a glass of green tea, and eat something. You'll be much less groggy in the morning.


man, i ended up going down the pub and they had coors on offer for £2....ended up drinking a hell of a lot and having a few jagerbombs. I have work (at the same pub) at 4pm, so i'm trying to think of good sobering up/hangover plans before i wake up tomorrow feeling dead :[

That's a lot of words for a drunk man! If you have any weed smoke it, otherwise just drink a lot of water. I'm going to keep drinking beer due to IRL friends leaving me at a pretty constant pace.


FUCK i wish i could be drunk forever or at least for a couple of days. Stupid life and it's problems always catching up on me


Why would you ban blamespace

And that egg dude is gone too?

I never wanted to say it, but I didn't think Eggman would last until 2013. I'd take Atramental's struggle for poontang over Eggman claiming he has sex with his mom any day.

It's moving out day for everybody at the university, time to trash the place.
Are we talking about poontang as a physical act? or poontang as a derogatory word for a women who is regarded solely in terms of potential sexual gratification?

Then I would have to say that I'm looking for "poontang for beginners".

But I can't act like I'm new at poontang 'cause the poontang is not gonna like that.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Every time blame gets banned everyone freaks out and says its a perm. Did he get a sweet perm for real this time?
So I'm drinking Mango vodka tonight. In my old age Im such a pussy I have to drink flavored vodka. Shame on me, right gaf? Although it doesnt seem as bad as that brit in this thread drinking coors. Isn't that an offense worth death to you brits?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I am so glad its Friday and the weekend. I haven't felt worn out like this in a little while. Also just generally sort of emotional. I don't even know why, either. Some people at work left today, it was their last day. Neither of them I even particularly liked. In fact, one of them I sorta always disliked. But at the same time there was definitely some sadness in realizing you'll probably never see someone ever again. IDK, just thinking about it. Its just weird. Actually thinking about looking for a different job myself. I was talking to someone who mentioned an opportunity and it sounded like a pretty sweet deal, but to get it I have to leave this environment I'm so comfortable with. I like being comfortable. Who knows.

I bought 1.75 liters of Makers Mark this morning. It was on sale for 35 dollars. I've been drinking a lot of Makers lately. Which is weird because I'm basically strictly a beer drinker except for when I drink other things. Its good. Whiskey Sours all day long. I got little thin stir/sip straws and ALL I can think about is an assembly from elementary school where they demonstrate what smoking tobacco [emphysema] does to you and they said its like breathing through a straw.

Girls are bugging me. I'm just really not getting what I want right now. This person I've been very close with for the last year or so has just really kinda of taken the turn for something I'm not interested in, yet at the same time is overly adamant I pursue her. And then there are two other incredibly complex situations that honestly I don't even know what to make of. Every interaction is like that moment of ascending a roller coaster and just not knowing what to do. Its strange and lovely but just very exhausting I'm so goddamn tired of socializing and being on. I Just want to brood and drink and watching falling skies because I havent even seen this season yet.

Yeah, Whiskey and Sativas. I've recently come to an embarrassingly late realization that I just can't smoke indicas.I'm slurping my whiskey sour right now.

yeah man. My computer is coming along. I have very wealthy friends and they bug the shit out of me. I've been piecing this computer together part party for 6 weeks now and in that time my bud got inspired to build a computer. Built it, and THEN Got his friends and classmates stoked on it too and then THEY all built computers. So in the time it took me to buy a motherboard and a graphics card no less than 5 other people built entire computers [though with much less badass specs and taste than my own] and are ALREADY spamming my gtalk with DayZ anecdotes. Fuck videogames.

I gotta get my cat groomed she keeps licking herself and it was only just recently I stopped perceiving it as an annoyance and put myself in her shoes and realized she must be really uncomfortable. Shes actually sitting in my lap right now. Blech. Gonna go for a walk and listen to some Mindisics that the user Dice would absolutely hate.

ok weird I havent; left for a walk yet because i needed to get ice and find a jacket bu the i looked through the threads history stats and i guess this is my first post in this thread?
that cant be true because its from less than a year ago but then again i dont really knhow


Had a pretty good night hit up a party with a chick Im trying to get with only to find out this chick was talking to somebody else when I got there.....salty as fuck


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Horrible cloud formations outside. It's time i make an easy going stroll to the store and buy some hefty booze.

Youtube favourite tracks, BOOZE, INTERNET FTW

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah the weather here is really weird. It's cold and sunny, but also muted.


try a hard cider, like apple juice but sexier. lambic is kind of like a beer, but the framboise lambic is quite delicious. both are good for getting a mild buzz, though if you down a sixer of cider, it tends to sneak up on you...

you'd probably enjoy some boone's farm


bruh just get some cheap vodka, some club soda and cranberry/lemonade/grapefruit/orange/whatever juice and you're set
I'm about to try out these recommended beverages in a few.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't had a Saturday off in forever. What to do, what to do?
Stay at home and read Jurassic park. That's what I'm doing. Bout to go out for a jog though and then I'll probably do lunch or something.
Ugh. I had one of those weird "feels" today.

I was driving past BJU and I saw two fairly attractive women students walking somewhere, all dressed up in their conservative attire.

I think my time their made me develop some weird fetish for women in modest clothing.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ew that was a nasty jog, my knees felt all wobbly. I need to start swimming but I want to swim at night and don't know where to go. I really want to eat lunch but I just opened up the fridge and saw a six pack of boont and was like hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Did anyone else's muscles just cease for a moment accompanied by an overwhelming sense of anxiety and deja vu about the phrase "critical warning 6?"

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Still reading Jurassic park but I'm also making a chicken tortilla casserole. I drank three beers with lunch and then took a nap and woke up at 6. Now I'm drinking whiskey in the kitchen still feelin silky from a shower. I have not seen a human being all day except for when I went to whole foods.
Those are always the weirdest days when you haven't interacted with any people in the real world.

That just shows me that humans really are social creatures and we need each other to be happy. <3

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Something I don't really talk about much is that I'm like the biggest Halo fan ever. I was like 14 when it came out and OMFG it was the most incredible thing ever. I haven't really liked the sequels, odst and reach are pretty dang cool, but what I've seen of Halo4... It's striking something primal within me. It just feels so right. I only watched about two minutes of the new vidoc and turned it off because it was just too damn awesome. I'm so cautiously optimistic about this, I haven't been following it all, I know enough to know it has a lot of sonic3 aesthetic to it but that's about it.


Are you saying that because your drunk right now? Or are you dead serious, if so think about what your about to do. You don't want to lose a friend in the process. Make sure she likes you the way you do too before going forward with what you just said.
@Jtwo: I'm pretty stoked for Halo 4 as well. More so than I was for Halo 3, ODST, and Reach.

@shadyspace: Wait. You want to propose to her over the phone?
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