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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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You're putting too much pressure on yourself Atramental. Stop setting goals to hook up with a lady. It's counterproductive and completely self-sabotaging.

Girls know when you're trying too hard, especially when you make a goal for yourself to hook up with one. Forget about fucking a girl and just go out and enjoy life. You're obviously not enjoying anything right now because you're doing too much.

Don't mind me, tonight I'm just all over the place emotionally.

I need some sleep. night drunk thread.


Guys, I can't hook up to save my own life. I'm so fucked... (metaphorically speaking)

The current top ten posters might want to PM me your mailing addresses.

Is there an easy way to find out who the top posters are, or do you have to go through every single page? There is no way I'm in the top ten, I'm just curious.

As for the hooking up, how often do you go to the bar? It might not make a great memory, but a drunken hookup couldn't be too hard if you just wanted to get it over with.
Is there an easy way to find out who the top posters are, or do you have to go through every single page? There is no way I'm in the top ten, I'm just curious.

As for the hooking up, how often do you go to the bar? It might not make a great memory, but a drunken hookup couldn't be too hard if you just wanted to get it over with.

It takes confidence even in an alcohol-soaked environment. Believe me.


Is there an easy way to find out who the top posters are, or do you have to go through every single page? There is no way I'm in the top ten, I'm just curious.

As for the hooking up, how often do you go to the bar? It might not make a great memory, but a drunken hookup couldn't be too hard if you just wanted to get it over with.

I forget how, but there's an official GAF way to figure out top 10 posters of a thread.

Fuck it. I give up.

Just damn.


Fuck everything.
bro, real talk time. you sound like my friend. he psyches himself out of it, finds every reason to not go out and put himself out there, and kind of has given up. don't be that guy bro.
It's like I've hit a wall.

I've just been on this "fake" emotional high and as soon as I started my fall semester that all went to shit.

edit: I guess it was only of matter of time before my mind was like "BS. You're not really that gung-ho. Stop fooling yourself."

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Gehgh, what a weird day. I got made fun of at a coffee shop by a coffee-babe for ordering the "larger latte." I wasn't sure if they actually called it large or not and they didn't list the OZ so I could only see that was 75 cents more so I ordered the larger one, made perfect sense to me.

Then I find myself at work completely tuned-in to my friend-crush's every mannerism because she was obviously HURTIN' I'm not sure what was going on but holy shit she was bumming me out just being around her. She was like haphazardly throwing stuff around and her writing was incredibly sloppy and then I go outside and her car is basically parked diagonally between two spaces. And shes usually super professional and perfectionist so I have NO idea what was going on but holy fucking shit I've never seen someone so outwardly sick/mad whatever. It was like she was having a heroin withdrawl. At one point though she tossed me her safety glasses to wear and the only thing I could think was "hehe, these have touched her boobs" because she had them clipped on her shirt collar.

So then around 9pm she just disappears and I assume just went home. So this other guy comes in to finish up and I don't really talk to him too much but he has this weird rash and he kept talking about it.

So yeah, I'm pretty much not wanting to be around another human ever again. Today was a bad trip.

also, did i mention im rereading jurassic park for the first time since I was but a simple teen?

im in heaven. curlin up in a blanket and going to drink makers and continue the journey


erotic butter maelstrom
Still fucking faded. I had to drive around before work to find my bike, thankfully it was in the last place I could remember parking it. No idea what happened after I went to the second bar last night, shit.


I've been thinking. You have to say Beetlejuice's name three times to summon him; can you do the same thing for Batman and pizza?


erotic butter maelstrom
Man, not knowing what the fuck happened gives me anxiety. Who knows what the fuck I did, hopefully nothing too bad..I think pot smoking on top of heavy drinking is what obscures my memory so bad. But at least I did meet my base goal of making it home and getting to work and not losing my phone or bike. I'm always worried that one of these nights I'm gonna get really drunk and chuck my phone into a river. It's pretty much inevitable but I paid a lot of money for the phone so it's really gonna bum me out when it happens.


erotic butter maelstrom
Now I probably can't drink today. Which will make for a weird friday. I might go see that Lawless movie since Nick Cave is involved in some manner, Proposition was the shit. Normally I don't go to movies unless I have a female to bring but I probably won't be able to wrangle one up on such short notice. Need affection, it's been way to long. I'm dying.


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh no, I was wondering where Blame Space has been and it turns out he got banned again. That sucks. I wonder if it's for good this time. Damn.

Doesn't look like he did anything bad but he was in a thread with the mod that has been out to get him. I guess the lesson here is to watch out for mods that are out to get you.

What am I doing with my life.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Once all the fun gaffers are gone the forum will be full of people taking everything to seriously.

Hope the next wave of JR's has some old legends.
Even though I'm back down to 170 lbs I need to hop back onto the p90x wagon.

Not exercising really fucks with my emotions.

Probably should've laid off the booze last night as well.
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