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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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If you don't mind me asking, what happened with your friend with benefits? It sounded like that was going well for you. Also sick of the grind btw.

I hate the Lions. If it wasn't for the Pistons in 2004 sports would be nothing but disappointment for me. It's the one time my team won. Fuck sports.

Never say would you mind me asking in the drunk thread. So we first hooked up in 09 when she was dating my best friend. They broke up shortly after but he never found out. Me and her didn't talk for a while and she got some new bf she dated for a year or so who she now claims is gay. She contacts me out of the blue and we start fucking, it's great, says she loves me during the first time but then the reality sets in.

We're hundreds of miles apart and I'm a dumb kid who doesn't know his dick from a stick in the ground.

New school, new girls and they're coming easy but it's never the same, you know?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Omfg the sunset tonight was amazing. About to go to Safeway and get a pizza and a beer. I haven't drank since Wednesday. :eek:


I need to be permanently banned. Which mod reads this thread? Make sure the reason you put down is that I got banned for trolling Apple.


Cop I really appreciate you being here. It's one sided but most of your posts make me laugh.

That's what I live for.

If there's no lols then what is it all for?

I'm the most altruistic motherfucker you will ever know. In just gave a guy in a wheel chair twenty five bucks becuae I spent twenty three on a bottle of booze.


That's what I live for.

If there's no lols then what is it all for?

I'm the most altruistic motherfucker you will ever know. In just gave a guy in a wheel chair twenty five bucks becuae I spent twenty three on a bottle of booze.

fuck... that just reminded me that i actually gave some random guy 12 bucks last night. jesus christ


have a doctors appointment at 10 tomorrow and don't have to show up til work til noon'ish

calling it a night by hydrating up, smoking a huge bowl and watching blade runner on blu-ray for the 575960860 time


erotic butter maelstrom
I think that's how I'll get permed. I'm pretty good at not getting banned but some day I'll end up at the wrong play at the wrong time while the wrong person is reading. At least I'll be able to look back and say I lived every day like it was my last.

Bluh... about 3 more months left.


erotic butter maelstrom
I thought Eggman was perm'd. How long is he banned?

Anyways, just went for a lakeside bike ride in the pouring raining while listing to some Tycho. Shit was pretty amazing.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Going sober for a while guys wish me luck. Trying to get in prime shape for my mountain biking.


erotic butter maelstrom
Nice. Whatchu drinkin?

About to grab something for myself. I might head out in a bit and try to find some work peeps who are out at the bar tonight for a birthday thing, but they're mostly people I don't talk much with. This chick I want to put it in might be there, though, so it's tempting.


erotic butter maelstrom
Fuck, I arrived late an my work peeps alluded me. Hopping from bar to bar, maybe I'll find them, maybe I won't but I'm finding this way more fun then anchoring down at one bar.


Killing my ear drums listening to Lil Wayne with headphones and a bottle of Jameson in my hand whilst I sit in the dark.

This is what being jtwo must feel like.
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