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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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I want to play the shit out of that gameboy.

lol. when I lost my virgnity I busted a nut so fast I told the girl the condom had ripped and I was afraid. but yup, stll awesome

It was also the girls first time for me and she kept saying "slower slower" because it hurt and as I was semi drunk at the time I lost concentration when starting to think about "wow I am actually having sex", when she finally seemed to be alright and ready, I was done.


No....You pretend to watch a show, cuddle with her, and lead into it. You can do it. Believe in the me who believes in you!

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Dayum gurl, that's some sex drive you've got there.
It's a blessing and a curse

Or maybe she just likes punching babies. It could be entirely tangential.
A little from column A. A little from column B :p
Now atra, gurl advice. Watch TV with her. Slowly work your way over to her. Put your arm around her or on her lap. Start rubbing her leg or shoulder. If you think she's keen move in and kiss her neck. You should be able to do the rest. I believe in you


shooting blanks
I want to play the shit out of that gameboy.

It was also the girls first time for me and she kept saying "slower slower" because it hurt and as I was semi drunk at the time I lost concentration when starting to think about "wow I am actually having sex", when she finally seemed to be alright and ready, I was done.

Nice. I banged some girl that had been with everyone. I think she was older by a couple of years iirc
I just don't want to read your suicide note tomorrow if you grab her tit and she slaps you.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Remember what got you here and that you can do it again with whoever you want, whenever you want.


erotic butter maelstrom
Last time I fucked with you I ended up banned on a TLDR charge.

Not your fault but something tells me it all comes down from me fucking with you.

I will not fight.

I will not fight.

I will not fight.

You won't fight because you're unworthy. I tower above you like a god. I'm exponentially superior to you in every aspect of your existence.

EDIT - Looking up the difference between wolfs and jackals: http://www.differencebetween.net/science/nature/difference-between-wolf-and-jackal/

I have like four different girls on the hook right now and I don't know which one to pursue. Normally wouldn't be an issue but guess I'm looking for gf material right now 'cause it's been a minute.
One of them is real punky with purple hair and easy to wrangle in cuz she has no friends, one is a bit chubby but real smart, one is beautiful with big hair and skinny but super naive and only 18, the last is a real hippie anti-america chick which kinda pisses me off and has a boyfriend but she's the hottest


I'm just gonna copy paste a chatlog because I'm sick of reiterating it now

9:48 PM - LeDerpina: 1. older guy sitting next to me made a scene in class about me using my laptop, in a class where he never said anything that I couldn't use my laptop
9:48 PM - LeDerpina: 2. got my security deposit back and there was a shitton of money removed that I have to dispute
9:48 PM - xx: it's college why are people bitching about computer use?
9:49 PM - LeDerpina: like, he was sitting 2 inches away from me
9:49 PM - LeDerpina: and he interrupts the teacher to tell me
9:49 PM - LeDerpina: to shut it off
9:49 PM - LeDerpina: what
9:49 PM - LeDerpina: you can't fucking elbow me or something and tell me it's bothering you
9:49 PM - LeDerpina: you have to interrupt the entire fucking class to do so?
9:49 PM - LeDerpina: what
9:49 PM - xx: yeah that's pretty dumb
9:49 PM - LeDerpina: another thing that pissed me off
9:49 PM - LeDerpina: we took a quiz
9:50 PM - LeDerpina: and ive sat next to him before right
9:50 PM - LeDerpina: and i was like, you know the last two questions were the same answer, right?
9:50 PM - LeDerpina: and he goes, ohh i think i got them reversed
9:50 PM - LeDerpina: and he takes the note sheet out
9:50 PM - LeDerpina: and i explain nicely why it was that way
9:50 PM - LeDerpina: and he takes this patronizing tone with me going
9:51 PM - LeDerpina: i cant remember atm i knew 10 minutes ago
9:51 PM - LeDerpina: anyways it was something like "well i didn't do that"
9:51 PM - LeDerpina: as if i was trying to make him feel bad he didn't know when i was just being friendly and trying to help him out
9:51 PM - LeDerpina: ugh
9:51 PM - LeDerpina: not sitting next to that fucker again if he's going to be that way
9:51 PM - xx: something to learn is
9:51 PM - LeDerpina: he's 40+, he should have some more tact
9:52 PM - xx: be nice but don't go out of your way to help others
9:52 PM - xx: cause people are terrible
9:52 PM - xx: in general
9:52 PM - xx: and you have to learn to be selfish
9:52 PM - xx: I'm too generous and it's fucked me over too many times
9:52 PM - LeDerpina: you know i think it was more like
9:53 PM - LeDerpina: ive been relaxed in some of the classes because i already know the material
9:53 PM - LeDerpina: and it's a bunch of people a little older than me clearly having a hard time with some aspects
9:53 PM - LeDerpina: and im just half paying attention most of the time
9:53 PM - xx: yep jealousy
9:53 PM - LeDerpina: i dont brag about my grades or show them off or anything, i barely talk in class
9:53 PM - LeDerpina: but the teachers keep fucking going
9:53 PM - LeDerpina: Ohhh they didn't teach this in COLLEGE XYZ?
(i was in another college before this one)
9:53 PM - LeDerpina: and COLLEGE XYZ this and that
9:54 PM - LeDerpina: and im just like ughhh why
9:54 PM - xx: that's why you don't tell too much about yourself
9:54 PM - xx: it's retarded but people are nasty monsters
9:54 PM - LeDerpina: I bet the guy thought I was trying to make him feel bad for not knowing the answer
9:54 PM - LeDerpina: yet im very careful to not be a braggart
9:55 PM - xx: whatever
9:55 PM - LeDerpina: i turn my words over before i speak whenever im in that class because i purposefully don't want to make them mad or something
9:55 PM - xx: those people are failures and you are not
9:55 PM - xx: you do your own thing
9:55 PM - xx: and if they need help they can ask you for it
9:55 PM - xx: or ask the teacher
9:56 PM - xx: you are the mature one
9:56 PM - LeDerpina: The teacher never said anything about not using the laptop, and im on my laptop because i was half listenign and i was fucking bored out of my mind. if he called on me i would have been able to spit out the answer
9:56 PM - LeDerpina: I think he was annoyed at the typing but that was like the only time i had my laptop open
9:56 PM - LeDerpina: afterwards the room was dead silent
9:57 PM - LeDerpina: and the teacher was like o_O and went back to what he was saying
9:57 PM - LeDerpina: didn't repremand me or anything
9:57 PM - LeDerpina: i was like "what? oh sorry. I didn't know i was bothering you"
9:57 PM - LeDerpina: and as we were leaving i appologized to him and he's like "yeah it was shaking my focus"
9:57 PM - xx: small class?
9:58 PM - xx: use your phone next then
9:58 PM - LeDerpina: and I go "you know, you could have just said something to me *nudges arm* going "yo that bugs me, can you shut it off?" instead"
9:58 PM - LeDerpina: and he just shrugs
9:58 PM - LeDerpina: i just got up and left without a word
9:58 PM - LeDerpina: fff
9:58 PM - LeDerpina: fucking assholes
9:58 PM - LeDerpina: and no
9:58 PM - LeDerpina: there's like 30 people in the class
9:59 PM - xx: use your phone/don't sit next to asshole
9:59 PM - LeDerpina: oh and then you remember how i went to the ER
9:59 PM - xx: oh?
9:59 PM - LeDerpina: i just now got the bills for it, 3 months later
10:00 PM - LeDerpina: and overall for everything it's like 1500
10:00 PM - LeDerpina: I don't have that kind of money
10:00 PM - xx: ugh...
10:00 PM - LeDerpina: it would have been nice had they fucking slipped me the bill then, when i could have thrown it at my insurance
10:00 PM - xx: you don't have insurance?
10:00 PM - LeDerpina: not anymore
10:00 PM - xxt: you should still be under your parents
10:00 PM - LeDerpina: ran out end of august
10:00 PM - LeDerpina: my parents don't have insurance
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