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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Bread said:
to be honest it's my least favorite of the Sam Adams seasonals :/

I'm a Winter Lager man.

I'm a Winter Lager woman as well :). Can't wait for it to come back.

Had a very enjoyable night. Met my friend's very attractive roommates, and one of them seemed pretty interested. No scoring ensued but I wouldn't say nothing happened either. Not even the slightest bit hungover.

What a glorious day!


mediocrity at its best
big ander said:
How depressed does the normal person get while drunk/after drinking? Booze only makes me feel good for maybe an hour and then everything turns into a shithole and I hate everyone I talk to and want to drink until I black out.

Booze makes me feel great 'till the next morning. Also, I still need drunk friend PM's. Fuck yeah!


big ander said:
How depressed does the normal person get while drunk/after drinking? Booze only makes me feel good for maybe an hour and then everything turns into a shithole and I hate everyone I talk to and want to drink until I black out.

This is pretty much why alcoholism exists.

Some people's moods react differently than others.
leadbelly said:
I suppose. I was just thinking that a huge fucking moose staggering around like a lunatic just makes it that little bit more normal.

I think of "normal" as more of a cultural thing, relative and whatnot.

Maybe natural is more what you mean?

I'd say almost the same thing anyway, lol ... If it's happening in nature, it's natural. I wouldn't call people making and drinking alcohol "unnatural" any sooner than I would call people wearing clothes and reading books "unnatural." Culture itself is pretty "unnatural" in that context.

So basically getting drunk is unnatural, but only so far as culture itself is unnatural. Likewise, getting drunk is normal but only insofar as your culture is accepting of it.

Or something.


I think of "normal" as more of a cultural thing, relative and whatnot.

Maybe natural is more what you mean?

I'd say almost the same thing anyway, lol ... If it's happening in nature, it's natural. I wouldn't call people making and drinking alcohol "unnatural" any sooner than I would call people wearing clothes and reading books "unnatural." Culture itself is pretty "unnatural" in that context.

So basically getting drunk is unnatural, but only so far as culture itself is unnatural. Likewise, getting drunk is normal but only insofar as your culture is accepting of it.

Or something.

Yeah natural. Normal in nature is what I meant.


So we were having this birthday "party" by fire with music, alcohol and stuff.
It was okay, until the time when I don't remember anything.
Glad my friends stopped me from getting into fight.
When I get piss drunk I blackout, don't remember anything and am a different person alltogether.

I love physical activites, and most of the days I am just doing nothing, but when I was drunk I was running jumping vaulting falling(which I would love to do), psyching people with the weird "I am going to kill you" face and much more.

When I am in this state I am not me, or I am me - the way I want to be, but so uncotrollable that it's dangerous.

Yeah. Anyone else that blackouts when drunk as hell that doesn't remember anything, but was doing crazy shit all over the place?

I can't be the only one who becomes Hulk when piss drunk.


How can u guys be drunk on a tuesday morning.

While i'm sitting here in work. miserable...

ikkemenx said:
Hahaha I thought you were black for the longest time. No idea why.

Look at him! He's obviously green.


drinking now but 3/4 of a bottle of wine and two ciders will probably not get me drunk

gotta get more jim beam tomorrow i think
Shameless pull from Reddit, but this seems like a good place to post this:

Carry on


cooljeanius said:
It's a Tuesday night... why is this thread being used at this time of week...

check this out man. some people drink on all different nights of the week. not just friday or saturday. some people have jobs that schedule them differently than others, so for example some people might have wednesday and thursday off instead of saturday and sunday. it's crazy i know
Cold beer. Gulp by gulp. Thinking of hitting some tequila but I have to be sneaky since I'm at grandpa's. Don't want them to fully realize I'm kind of an alchi.


Coconut Rum. A girlfriend left it at my house a few days ago. I never, ever drink.. reminds me of the hobos I have to deal with at work in the ER. But I'm down and in the mood for some numbness, so here I am.

Just woke up about two hours ago, and I'm already petty toasted.
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