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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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big ander

I feel like I can drunkenly type better than anyone else. So...suck it I guess?
Tonight I learned there is a perfect amount of rum to ingest.


Finally got around to trying some Knob Creek. It was pretty good. Some of the sips made my whole mouth tingle. Switched to Vodka with Mountain Dew Voltage. Yes, that is good.


So I got drunk tonightf and watched this movie called Rubber....

It was awesomely hilarious. Watch it GAF.!Its about a tire, who jaust fucks shit up for no reason.

Seriously. Watch it!
^ I've seen it. It's okay. Highly-praised, you're not alone, but I had trouble finishing it.

About to finish my sixth (and final) Sam Adams Octoberfest. Not my favorite (I prefer Winter Lager) but a decent brew indeed.

big ander

Mordeccai said:
So I got drunk tonightf and watched this movie called Rubber....

It was awesomely hilarious. Watch it GAF.!Its about a tire, who jaust fucks shit up for no reason.

Seriously. Watch it!
Actually feel like it might be better sober. That's how I watched it. It's a fun movie with an interesting concept, but it felt like the director couldn't fully figure out what he wanted to say about the nature of Hollywood and voyeurism so instead he just said several half-intelligent things.
Girl was hot.

big ander

coldvein said:
you guys should check out trollhunter on netflix.
I really want to but I hate watching movies I haven't seen before while drunk, so I'm just rewatching The Thing. bought the Blu a month ago but never opened it
The practical effects in this are still so fucking amazing


First time im happy in a ling time, been fucked by unemployment, but a girl way too fuking above mt level showed interest in me. And now im drunk, great!!!!!!!!!!
coldvein said:
you guys should check out trollhunter on netflix.
Trollhunter is awesome. And yeah I agree with that guy that you should only watch movies you've seen before when drunk. The only exception I make are for super stinkers like Piranha 3d and Dolphin Tale etc.


Watch Da Birdie said:
Just went to the bar and gave a girl a lapdance for her 21st.

Yay? :0

If you're a guy, that's the first time I've EVER heard of a girl asking a random guy to dance for her.


Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
jaxword said:
If you're a guy, that's the first time I've EVER heard of a girl asking a random guy to dance for her.


Yeah, I'm a guy.

She was alright, but to be honest I was really into her friend. Tried to play along to get the other girl, but ultimately scored zip.


SteveWinwood said:
Trollhunter is awesome. And yeah I agree with that guy that you should only watch movies you've seen before when drunk. The only exception I make are for super stinkers like Piranha 3d and Dolphin Tale etc.

piranha 3d is a CLASSIC. seriously. when i get a 3D TV (in fifty years) that'll be the first movie i watch on it.

big ander

blame space said:
I'm not going to listen to the whole song I'm only going to respond with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeZ9HhHU86o
SteveWinwood said:
Trollhunter is awesome. And yeah I agree with that guy that you should only watch movies you've seen before when drunk. The only exception I make are for super stinkers like Piranha 3d and Dolphin Tale etc.
I'm glad you agree with me but how can Dolphin Tale be a stinker when it's narrated by GOD??!?!??!?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Drunk right now. I fucking hate it when people ignore my texts. It'ds not like I text them incessantly. I don't believe I'm needy or anything like that. Just give me the time of day and say "naw bro, too tired to hang out with you". Fuck.


Everything is tsundere to me
Goddamnit Best Friend, Conditioning me to not get effected by alcohol anymore.

Goddamnit all the pretty girls, not outnumbering the guys at the warehouse party.

Goddamnit Warehouse Party, having all this fucking pot and cocaine in the air and me not feeling a damned thing from it! >:|

Oh well, it was an experience... hopefully I don't smell like almighty shit in the morning... fucking lesbians...
doomed1 said:
Goddamnit Best Friend, Conditioning me to not get effected by alcohol anymore.

Goddamnit all the pretty girls, not outnumbering the guys at the warehouse party.

Goddamnit Warehouse Party, having all this fucking pot and cocaine in the air and me not feeling a damned thing from it! >:|

Oh well, it was an experience... hopefully I don't smell like almighty shit in the morning... fucking lesbians...
quoted for posterity.

and hello drunk-gaf.


he's Virgin Tight™
Got drunk for the third in a row. That's probably my hang out limit I think. By the third day my resistance is obviously much lower.

I swear to god I am pissing ethanol this morning.


You know that feeling you get when you realize you just drank an entire bottle of wine while working on your Kinesiology and Hematology homework? And then you post on GAF and wonder why it hasn't hit you yet?

I'm totally fucked for my first day of shadwoing this semester. I need a gallon of water right now.


Mully said:
You know that feeling you get when you realize you just drank an entire bottle of wine while working on your Kinesiology and Hematology homework? And then you post on GAF and wonder why it hasn't hit you yet?

I'm totally fucked for my first day of shadwoing this semester. I need a gallon of water right now.

replace kinesiology and hematology with information technology in finance and i'm right with you. i've been on a real wine kick lately
balddemon said:
At least i this post confirms that my "i'm getting made fun of" detector is working.

My buddy said it's one of the greatest movies of all time. True?
Great movie, yes. Greatest of all time? For some people. Not for most I suspect.


speculawyer said:
Great movie, yes. Greatest of all time? For some people. Not for most I suspect.

Saw it in a film class a year ago. I liked the story, but it just fell apart for me after the whole lets break everything scene.

Edit: Jesus, I turn into JBaird when I get drunk. I'm going to ly dow.

Edit, Edit: Huge ad just came on my screen about Terra-Nova. Anyone going to waatch that tonight?
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