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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Gold Member
Atramental said:
I guess I used the word wrong.

I wish I was cool...
Don't worry... I think you're cool.
You totally survived your parents preventing you from posting on GAF. And yet, here you are... Like a rebel! No name change, no avatar change from a devil...

Took a little bit to find your past posts. I rescind my snark.
RiccochetJ said:
So did you not defy your parents? Where are you going to college atm?
I wasn't purposely trying to get into trouble with BJU and my parents. It all kinda just... happened.

And I'm at USC Upstate right now.


Gold Member
Atramental said:
I wasn't purposely trying to get into trouble with BJU and my parents. It all kinda just... happened.

And I'm at USC Upstate right now.
So you defied your parents... Am I correct?


well guys i fucked my foot up playing basketball tonight. this calls for medicinal..stuff.

edit: @ ^^ he went to BJ u. which if you go to a religious uni (i did) your parents expect certain standards to be upheld. such as believing in God.


People get drunk on Tuesday nights? Monday, I've heard of. But man, if I were to drink on a Tuesday night I may as well say goodbye to my entire week. Would take me a whole day to shake the hangover, and another to get on my stride. By that time, it'd be Thursday, and Friday would be just around the corner, so I would slack off, then get drunk Friday night.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I salute you, Drunken Tuesday GAF.


Wayy drunk right now guys. Dont go into the disney surpriise thread. You will cry then post it on FB then chicks will come over bacause your sensitive... THANKS GAF!
So, for tonight we have a little event to attend. We decided a friend and I to do a little "before". We have at the moment : 1 bottle of Pastis, 1 bottle of Chartreuse, 1 bottle of Jagermeister, 1 bottle of Bailey, 1 bottle of Khalua, 1 bottle of Cointreau, 1 of rhum, 2 of vodka and one of a horrible, horrible wine.


I'll post back in...5-6 hours.


Mordeccai said:
People get drunk on Tuesday nights? Monday, I've heard of. But man, if I were to drink on a Tuesday night I may as well say goodbye to my entire week. Would take me a whole day to shake the hangover, and another to get on my stride. By that time, it'd be Thursday, and Friday would be just around the corner, so I would slack off, then get drunk Friday night.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I salute you, Drunken Tuesday GAF.

days of the week are so arbitrary..


My three weeks are different from everyone else's three weeks, so that explains my presence in this thread.

Tuesday Night Drunk Thread.
Not drunk but at a pizzeria surrounded by several drunk people.

This girl just asked what a breadstick was and there may be a fight.

I'll keep ya posted.


erotic butter maelstrom
Kerub said:
Probably walked.

For some reason I love walking when I'm drunk!

Have you ever rode a bike while you're drunk? It's pretty awesome and when you crash it doesn't even hurt.
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