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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Repost from dumb friend loss thread:

This kid I know mooches like hell for drinks, and I was an idiot and gave him 3 shots of my 151 last night. Again, he is a mooch, so do you guys think retroactively asking for like $3-5 next time I see him would be fair? He never pays anyone back.


CoffeeJanitor said:
Repost from dumb friend loss thread:

This kid I know mooches like hell for drinks, and I was an idiot and gave him 3 shots of my 151 last night. Again, he is a mooch, so do you guys think retroactively asking for like $3-5 next time I see him would be fair? He never pays anyone back.

CoffeeJanitor last night said:
What up Gaf im fuckin drubk. 3 151 shots and 2 vodka shots i am feeling good. Bettwr than timedawg at least


(retroactively asking for shot money is a bitch move)
CoffeeJanitor said:
Repost from dumb friend loss thread:

This kid I know mooches like hell for drinks, and I was an idiot and gave him 3 shots of my 151 last night. Again, he is a mooch, so do you guys think retroactively asking for like $3-5 next time I see him would be fair? He never pays anyone back.

You can't ask for money for beverages that you supply someone, good sir. Especially after the fact.

Just avoid him next time.


Professional Schmuck
Polishing off a sixer of oatmeal stout tonight. I have to admit being a bit farther in my cups than I thought I'd be. :)

Taking music suggestions to fit this mood.


Drinking Jameson at home because fuck homework and i'd rather play marvel instead. Yeha. Just had a rage quit too. MORTONS BITCHES.
Copernicus said:

(retroactively asking for shot money is a bitch move)
I emptied over half of my 151 bottle at the party I was at last night giving out shots to the hosts, had to hide it before it was empty

K I won't ask him for the money....He is just so good at mooching though. He did the same thing last week at another party to my friend and his 151.

PantherLotus said:
Polishing off a sixer of oatmeal stout tonight. I have to admit being a bit farther in my cups than I thought I'd be. :)

Taking music suggestions to fit this mood.

Not sure if thats what you want to listen to but i listen to that when i just want to chiiiiiill

That current divorce thread that's going on right now has really put me in bad mood and I usually don't get too emotionally invested in those things...

If that ever happened to me I would raise soooo much hell.


Whats up scum of GAF

12 jello shots, five beers, multiple hookah sessions and some hits from the pumpkin bong

The inebriation, it burns!



FUck man I've had so much food today but I still crave a motherfucking cheeseburger and like wtf i want it so bad but i'm sorta full right now wtf augh


Dartastic said:
FUck man I've had so much food today but I still crave a motherfucking cheeseburger and like wtf i want it so bad but i'm sorta full right now wtf augh
Cheeseburgers are fucking amazing.


Acid08 said:
Cheeseburgers are fucking amazing.
duhhhh and the new wendy's ones are good because they're way better and the awesome still somehow transfers over to the jr cheeseburger deluxe. I think it's the pickles. BUT I WANT ONE. BUT I'M FULL. AND HOME WITH JAMESON AND MY CAT. Wendy's should be like, a block away instead of a ten minute drive.

P.S. My cat rules. So much.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Jello vodka shots are a pain in the ass, I'm surrounded by them but i have no spoons
!, Don't want to handle the Jello with my hands as i don't wanna get a sticky gaming mouse...

FML, Time to ram my tongue in the bastards


I still have my hangover.

This was the weirdest halloween ever. I went as the Sparta guy. I never had so many girls grope my butt and penis in so many hours. I did NOT get laid as I was too drunk to possibly hit on anything much less stand up by the end and my bros had to help me get home to pass out on the dorm sofa since they couldn't find my room keys.

Still the best party in months!
Darn it drunk-gaf. GAF always says to be confident when talking to girls and stuff, so I was confident talking to a girl Saturday night, and it turned out she was the girlfriend of one of the hosts, so now I'm not invited to any more parties at the hosts' apartment.
cooljeanius said:
Darn it drunk-gaf. GAF always says to be confident when talking to girls and stuff, so I was confident talking to a girl Saturday night, and it turned out she was the girlfriend of one of the hosts, so now I'm not invited to any more parties at the hosts' apartment.
Oh bro... what did you actually say to her?
Atramental said:
Oh bro... what did you actually say to her?
I forget... this gay guy was coming up to me and asking me if I was straight or gay, and I said that I was straight and trying to hook up with this girl. I also remember introducing myself as "E Money" which is what a different group of friends calls me. Beyond that I forget.
Euphoria (BAC = 0.03 to 0.12%)
Overall improvement in mood and possible euphoria
Increased self-confidence
Increased sociability
Shortened attention span
Flushed appearance
Impaired judgment
Impaired fine muscle coordination

Lethargy (BAC = 0.09 to 0.25%)
Impaired memory and comprehension
Delayed reactions
Ataxia; balance difficulty; unbalanced walk
Blurred vision; other senses may be impaired

Confusion (BAC = 0.18 to 0.30%)
Profound confusion
Emotional lability
Impaired senses
Increased ataxia; impaired speech; staggering
Dizziness often associated with nausea ("the spins")
Vomiting (emesis)
Stupor (BAC = 0.25 to 0.40%)
Severe ataxia
Lapses in and out of consciousness
Anterograde amnesia
Vomiting (death may occur due to inhalation of vomit (pulmonary aspiration) while unconscious)
Respiratory depression (potentially life-threatening)
Decreased heart rate
Urinary incontinence

Coma (BAC = 0.35 to 0.50%)
Unconsciousness (coma)
Depressed reflexes (i.e., pupils do not respond appropriately to changes in light)
Marked and life-threatening respiratory depression
Markedly decreased heart rate
Most deaths from alcohol poisoning are caused by dosage levels in this range.


jello shots are lame? you can put grain alcohol in a gelatin coat and go right to town without any burn!

i mean, it's no whiskey, but that's like comparing guava to pineapple
I've had a few high life tall boys tonight. I heard some kids outside and I turned out all the lights because I ate all the snickers. I hate Halloween and I'm afraid of children. They're gonna get me for eating their snickers. Oh god, I hear screams, please make this night end.


This night was not as good as it could have been. I drank a fuckton of vodka but I literally am not drunk. This girl got incredibly shittanked and I had to stay up with her while her friend came to get her, thank god. She was way to gone over to consider messing with her....she told me to feel her tits so I did but nothing else, would've felt rapey. Gotta get up in 5 hrs to catch my flight home, where I can sleep in a bed and not on this hardass floor.
Yesterday after playing Vanquish I went to bed like a good boy at 2 A.M.

I was having my beauty sleep when suddenly at approximatively 3:30 someone rings my apartment at my building's door on 1st floor (which was, in context, the equivalent of being woken up by Pearl's Harbor alarms) and at the same time someone I know was calling me on my cellphone, when I pick up I heard her yelling "COME DOWN QUICKLY HURRY DO IT DO IT DO IT".
Panicked, I quickly went downstairs, thinking of the worst (has somebody been killed ? is she being mugged ? WTF is going on ?), and then I saw 4 friends of mine, passably drunk, grinning, who then took me to someone's apartment for a halloween afterparty shouting "LET'S GO DRINK BUDDY YAAAY".

So I ended up drinking a half bottle of vodka with apple juice in a 1 liter balloon glass at someplace when people were either drinking, puking or plain passed out. And I finally managed to go back home 2h later.

ALCOHOL : Seriously, WTF ?


I either need to eat or throw up. Have yet to decide which is going to happen. All I hope for is it to be my choice.


Touch said:
I either need to eat or throw up. Have yet to decide which is going to happen. All I hope for is it to be my choice.

Drink a LOT Of water, and eat very, very light things like crackers and bread. It'll help soak up the alcohol and get you sober faster without the puking.


blame space said:
i saw this ad in a red scare issue of Time from the sixties

it was truly a different time.

Hey blame space, I got totally drunk at the party this wekend and ended up accidentally headbutting Cleopatra instead of kissing her.

For some reason I thought of you when I was busy apologizing. Well, that's my story, thanks for reading it.


jaxword said:
Drink a LOT Of water, and eat very, very light things like crackers and bread. It'll help soak up the alcohol and get you sober faster without the puking.
Last time I tried bread, it was a terrible experience. I have no crackers. And I just scared the shit out of myself opening a new browser tab.


Touch said:
Last time I tried bread, it was a terrible experience. I have no crackers. And I just scared the shit out of myself opening a new browser tab.

Hmm...anything light and absorbent? Bread and crackers were the obvious choices, but I guess you can try light stuff like rice or other things that digest easily. I supposed potatoes may work, if you have the ability to make some. I knew a guy who swore by potato chips, but he was also a fat dude so take that as a warning.


jaxword said:
Hmm...anything light and absorbent? Bread and crackers were the obvious choices, but I guess you can try light stuff like rice or other things that digest easily. I supposed potatoes may work, if you have the ability to make some. I knew a guy who swore by potato chips, but he was also a fat dude so take that as a warning.
I have peanut butter and various soups. Everything else seems to be gone.
jaxword said:
Hey blame space, I got totally drunk at the party this wekend and ended up accidentally headbutting Cleopatra instead of kissing her.

For some reason I thought of you when I was busy apologizing. Well, that's my story, thanks for reading it.

one time i was making out with this chick and she had one of those dumb piercings on the top of her lip and i got too into it and i think i made her bleed and she had to go to the bathroom.

i mean if i'm gonna make out, i'm going all out. headbutts, making her bleed, it's all fair game.. fuck i'm hungover


blame space said:
one time i was making out with this chick and she had one of those dumb piercings on the top of her lip and i got too into it and i think i made her bleed and she had to go to the bathroom.

i mean if i'm gonna make out, i'm going all out. headbutts, making her bleed, it's all fair game.. fuck i'm hungover

though i think this is post is mostly joking but... being drunk + body piercings + making out/sex = disasters in my experience.
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