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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Gouty said:
So the question is, if I drink a case of Miller Lite and eat a couple of packs of XTREME Air heads, will I shit my pants tomorrow?

edit: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Itunes, how did you know?! It is a very special Christmas!

i am so fucking jealous of those airheads.


Bloodborne is shit
My girl bought me an arrogant bastard shirt which I'm going to stop wearing. It gets old listening to the jokes and then explaining what it is.


Tkawsome said:

Picked up one of these for the night and it's surprisingly smooth. Normally Stone brews are a swift punch to the mouth (in a good way), but this one is pretty great.

Had one of these the other night (at friggin' 6.25 a pint), it's my favorite IPA I've had so far.

pains me to say this but I may have to go back to buying cheap beer exclusively

edit: gouty it really is an unfortunate name for a beer, even if it is really good...felt inappropriate ordering it last night
ATF487 said:
Had one of these the other night (at friggin' 6.25 a pint), it's my favorite IPA I've had so far.

pains me to say this but I may have to go back to buying cheap beer exclusively

It's up there. I'm also a fan of Ranger from New Belgium (Fat Tire).

What's cheap beer though? You're not going Bud/Coors are you?


Tkawsome said:
It's up there. I'm also a fan of Ranger from New Belgium (Fat Tire).

I'll have to try that; I've only had this, the Sam Adams one, a 60min Dogfish Head and a Brooklyn IPA.

and the cheap stuff is just for monetary reasons, I go through stuff quickly and can't keep buying interesting microbews until I get a job again

and cheap = PBR until I find something better for the same price, heh.


Bloodborne is shit
You guys ever mix beers? I found out while living in Buffalo for a year that they mix beers all the time, Labatts and Guinness. I keep thinking I'll stumble on the ultimate combo and continue to mix them and convince myself I'm enjoying what I'm drinking.
Gouty said:
You guys ever mix beers? I found out while living in Buffalo for a year that they mix beers all the time, Labatts and Guinness. I keep thinking I'll stumble on the ultimate combo and continue to mix them and convince myself I'm enjoying what I'm drinking.

Through the night, I love to mix beers. I can get tired of drinking the same beer all night.
Actual mixing though, the only thing I've tried is Black and Tan which was pretty good.


Hawkian said:
I'm saying it actually tastes good!

My biggest concern is having a bad night where I drink too much and milk is involved. I don't want to ruin milk like I've ruined other mixers. :(

Maybe I will try this combo next time I drink.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Rez said:
i don't understand drinking alone

I done it alot last year and had a great time. (Some times i'd even meet up with other lone drinkers and we would drink together into the night)

Blasting your own music, Talking away to people on IM programs, Browsing forums, Watching movies, Smoking a shitload of weed, and just spending they drunkin hours top of the fucking world :)

In the mean time I'm out of weed till tomorrow night so i might use this Sober slot in my lifes schedule to get shitfaced.

well 4 pint cans of stella and 10 hours of lord of the rings online :)

I'm a happy man today.


Made the mistake of grabbing a bottle of super cheap'o, hobo-brand vodka two days ago. My god, that shit DESTROYS your insides!

Group of friends is in-town this weekend. Going out tonight, will get smashed.


Tonight's beverage list:

Beer: Sandels, Beck's, Forst (haven't tried the latter two before)
Other: Mint vodka + cacao, Renault cognac
Red wine: Old Invalid (19.5%)

Tomorrow won't probably be a good day.
does anyone else love that feeling of drinking on an empty stomach where you can feel the alcohol coating your stomach like in those pepto bismol commercials

edit: blame space got banned wtf


brianjones said:
does anyone else love that feeling of drinking on an empty stomach where you can feel the alcohol coating your stomach like in those pepto bismol commercials

edit: blame space got banned wtf

the warmth of whiskey is what drives me a lot of the time.

why does blame always get banned...

Rez said:
i don't understand drinking alone

1) alcoholic beverages can be delicious
2) y'know, depression and shit


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I'm just on Foster's tonight. Have a terrible habit of carrying on until i go to sleep...

Started with watching tv and playing ps3 with the flat, then i come back to my room and the mini-fridge is just too convenient.


Gold Member
Hawkian said:
maker's mark and milk is good.

You fucking cowboy! haha Don't spoil both those wonderful drinks like that! The only way to drink maker's mark is on the rocks (with the official makers mark bourbon balls to make the ice ball).


Im drinking captn n coke. Ill swtch to just captain at some point here. Wife is out at some sort of ladies night. Kids not here either. Oddly this is just making me lonely and sad because I dontt have any friends to capitalize on this time to myself.


I got bud light with the social network build in but i cannot connect it to the wifi. been mixing music and drinking my grandfather passed yesterday


thefit said:
I got bud light with the social network build in but i cannot connect it to the wifi. been mixing music and drinking my grandfather passed yesterday
That sucks. I lost all my grandfathers awhile ago. Cheers to you sir.


Tkawsome said:

Picked up one of these for the night and it's surprisingly smooth. Normally Stone brews are a swift punch to the mouth (in a good way), but this one is pretty great.

*applaudes* glad to see you've come around. i have a 6-pack of this waiting to be drank during tomorrow's champions league game.

if you're ever in socal, cross one thing off your list and go to Stone Brewery in Escondido. It is FANTASTIC.


HalcyonTB12 said:
That sucks. I lost all my grandfathers awhile ago. Cheers to you sir.

Thanks, mostly I feel bad for my pop he is really close to him and seeing him so emotional really hurts, I only wish they would have come stateside for a better diagnosis of his ailment but they don't like leaving the old country. I and my kids would have had a last chance to see him. That's life I suppose. Cheers!
Been drinking Rogue Morimoto Imperial Pilsner. Just posted this gem in the "Who was your first celebrity crush" thread-
narwhalSTAB said:
BigDug13 said:

Growing Pains was one of my favorites growing up. When this hottie appeared to become the nanny, I was blown away at the hotness. Probably just reached the right age at the time too.

I found out years later about the Playboy centerfold.

I also found out years later that Kirk Cameron and his new found Christianity got her fired From the show because he objected to her being in Playboy. Way to show tolerance and forgiveness. I had always wondered why she showed up, Kirk's character kissed her, then a couple episodes later she disappeared.)

But I remember her impact on me when I saw her. Damn!

Edit - Oh yeah! Her name is Julie McCullough.

Just googled her, and realized she was the hot blonde on Growing Pains. I had a huge crush on her in elementary school. She's the girl who appeared in Playboy, so God Squad Captain Kirk Cameron got her thrown off the show. What dumb shit.

Got ceremoniously laughed at-
What gave it away? The words Growing Pains appearing under her feet? :p
Good time for my first post in the drunk thread. :D


Gold Member
chicko1983 said:






just onto my fourth. Awesome.
I would be having this right now if I had any vermouth left. U fortunately I had to cut my night really short and I just got home. Instead I'm drinking Kalua, vodka and amareto mixed with a little llegar mill and a drop of cream.


UltimaKilo said:
I would be having this right now if I had any vermouth left. U fortunately I had to cut my night really short and I just got home. Instead I'm drinking Kalua, vodka and amareto mixed with a little llegar mill and a drop of cream.
I wish I was sophisticated.


I've started drunk texting my old friends who move out state. No response. It is almost 3 in the morning I suppose.
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