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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Twenty push-ups this morning, that was half my goal
Tonight I'll be doin' pull-ups
On the toilet bowl
And somewhere there's somebody a-throwin up


Yeah, vodka is easily the worst liquor. I always have a bad night when I drink vodka. It ends on puking, harsh words, and loss of motor control.


brianjones said:
vodka sneaks up on u

like all of sudden youre just shitfaced

it is pretty nasty straight.. too.. alcoholy?

Apt description. I blank stare at anyone who swigs out of the handle or takes shots of that shit. My stomach flips when ever I see it.


Copernicus said:
You're all crazy.

Vodka is awesome (assuming you're not drinking vodka sold in a plastic bottle)

College kid.



Alternatively, seeing as this is drunk thread, you're all too bitch-made to enjoy quality alcohol properly and need some mixers and sweets in your beverages to party hard.

I'm buying a bottle of vodka this week, to drink, for spite.


Copernicus said:
Alternatively, seeing as this is drunk thread, you're all too bitch-made to enjoy quality alcohol properly and need some mixers and sweets in your beverages to party hard.

I'm buying a bottle of vodka this week, to drink, for spite.

why you gotta be a dick?
Copernicus said:
You're all crazy.

Vodka is awesome (assuming you're not drinking vodka sold in a plastic bottle)

I'm Russian and a former bartender. Stop wasting your money. I wouldn't go so far as to suggest Five O' Clock or other bottom-shelf stuff, but stuff like Popov and Smirnov are perfectly wonderful vodkas. Most people can't tell Grey Goose or whatever-has-the-coolest-bottle from Popov and such anyway.


Neo Member
Just finished off the last of my JW Green label. Wishing I had more money for another bottle of blue label. Any other blended scotch drinkers in here?


Hey hey in this thread to stop posting dumb stuff in twitter after lots of drinks. Free booze at film premiere for crazty asian film festival. Hell Driver. Look it upl. A dude drives a car made of zombies with bloody stumps where his feet should be. I wish I was taking something that would alloow me to make that p.

But yeah free booze at afterparty. I'm have no self control.


thursday thursday, etc

edit: wow i'm not even drunk (yet), but that was such a shitty typo that i had to leave it. thirsty thursday*


Bloodborne is shit
Told myself I was going to stop drinking on work nights, and did for awhile.

Heres to broken promises!
you ever stop drinking for a little bit and then drink your normal amounts and it kicks your ass

i did that last night

i feel super hungover but normally i would be fine

gonna weather this with a SIXER
jsnh7076 said:
Just finished off the last of my JW Green label. Wishing I had more money for another bottle of blue label. Any other blended scotch drinkers in here?

I actually just bought a bottle JW Green last week. I was very impressed! It's much better than many more expensive single malts. Will definitely buy again. How is it compared to Gold Label?
That's the only other Johnnie Walker I'd consider buying because absolutely everything I have heard says that the Blue barely holds up to the Green and Gold.
Hey drunk thread.

Save a spot for me because in a couple of weeks I might be getting smashed drunk in order to drown out some emotional pain...


Mordeccai said:
Yeah, vodka is easily the worst liquor. I always have a bad night when I drink vodka. It ends on puking, harsh words, and loss of motor control.

Same here, but only the 1st symptom.

Has anyone else read that there is no such thing as a premium Vodka, it's all marketing isn't it? I mean, Vodka by definition is not to have any distinct taste or odor. Is it worth it to spend the dough on the likes of Grey Goose, Belvedere etc.


Bloodborne is shit
VPhys said:
Same here, but only the 1st symptom.

Has anyone else read that there is no such thing as a premium Vodka, it's all marketing isn't it? I mean, Vodka by definition is not to have any distinct taste or odor. Is it worth it to spend the dough on the likes of Grey Goose, Belvedere etc.

I've heard that the only thing that separates premium vodka from the plastic jugs is filtration, but even then, I've seen video of vodka connoisseurs successfully picking out the good stuff in a double blind.

As for not tampering with the vodka and comparing the cheap shit to the good stuff, absolutely there is a difference. Like night and day.


i've heard that you can filter cheap vodka and make it more drinkable, but i've never tried since i'm not really a fan of it

as much as i like booze i have trouble with hard alcohols, gin being the only exception



Not just A girl. THE girl.

I thought I'd deleted them all but one of them just smacked me in the face when I was cleaning my iphone.

Welp, now I feel like shit again and hope to get alcohol poisoning. Jack Daniels should do it, yes?
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