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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Gold Member
headed to the store for beers right now. luckily it's just across the street. Sorry if i'm gone for like an hour at some point cause i'm making a pizza.

Unacceptable. A pizza? You can't post in here until you have that tiny tiny voice in your head that says, 'No cooking dumbass. You will burn the house down.'


good credit (by proxy)
Drinkin' Vodka-cran



Bloodborne is shit
It's a natural diuretic. My girlfriend drinks it when she's got her period. What, do you got your period?



Bloodborne is shit
My girlfriend is calling me downstairs!

This could be it guys, my big chance.

If we go all the way I'll tell you what it feels like!



erotic butter maelstrom
I'm still sober enough (for now) for videogames so I'm playing some Rayman Origins right now. Once I'm too drunk for games I'll find some good shit. Just wish I wasn't out of weed :(. Nothing better than capping off a night of boozing with some good ganja.


Professional Schmuck
changed my mind and watched blade runner.

1. There were a few parts that remind me that the 80s were an extremely dark time; like that one scene in Scrooged where he sees his future super-rich self. Also, the 80s were fucking WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIRD.

2. I'm supposed to love that film, but I don't.



Bloodborne is shit
I actually think you got the gist of it.

That movie for me 100% vibe, nothing else.

Similar to Apocalypse Now.

Film gaf will rape me, I'm sure.
A few hundred more words to go on this memo, and then I might crush some beers to celebrate. I need a friend to get married so I can have an excuse to get sloppy for a weekend.


good credit (by proxy)
Hi drunk thread. No girls danced with me at the party I went to today. I guess that's what I get for doing No Shave November...

You wait for a girl to come up to you and it's never gonna happen unless you cause a scene the moment you show up, breh.


good credit (by proxy)
I'd tap girls on the shoulder and be like "hey you want to dance"

Uhhhhhh, no dude. You just go up and start dancing with them, with a (genuine, not forced) smile on your face so you don't look intimidating. If you are genuinely having a great fucking time, girls will dance with you. If you are not having a great time, it's probably not a good idea to try to dance with girls on that particular outing.

If you tap girls on the shoulder and ask to dance, you are probably coming off like a creep(I mean, you could pull this shit off if you were the sauvest motherfucker alive, but that goes with anything). If you try to dance with a girl and she's not having any of it, who cares, theres a bunch of other girls in the place that might want to. If there are no/few other girls in the place, go to a different party.
Damn I think I pissed off two people because i just drunk texted them but i dont give a fuck get off your high horse bitches if your mad because you got a text at 2 in the morning then shit
Im drunk for an extended celebration.

I got a new job doing what I do now, which I love, making 12k more a year. It doesnt seem like much but for where Im living, I will be able to start saving for my own place, which will have its own arcade room with an X-Men full cabinet.

I also graduate next month with my bachelors degree.

Im in a great mood because I can afford to help out my mom who is in constant pain due to arthritis.

My last day is Wednesday and cant wait to leave my stress inducing job. Ive been at the company for 10 years but have wanted to move on for a while.

I cant wait!


good credit (by proxy)
Im drunk for an extended celebration.

I got a new job doing what I do now, which I love, making 12k more a year. It doesnt seem like much but for where Im living, I will be able to start saving for my own place, which will have its own arcade room with an X-Men full cabinet.

I also graduate next month with my bachelors degree.

Im in a great mood because I can afford to help out my mom who is in constant pain due to arthritis.

My last day is Wednesday and cant wait to leave my stress inducing job. Ive been at the company for 10 years but have wanted to move on for a while.

I cant wait!

Yeah dude! Good job!!!

My gf talked about what she wanted to have in a house. I laughed in my head at her, since she will have no say in what I get. Arcade room stays, I need at least the X-men, Simpsons, and TMNT cabinets.


good credit (by proxy)

My gf talked about what she wanted to have in a house. I laughed in my head at her, since she will have no say in what I get. Arcade room stays, I need at least the X-men, Simpsons, and TMNT cabinets.

You should get a MAME cabinet, bro. Then you'll have room for a pool table or other cool shit.


Professional Schmuck
the soundtrack was ok, i guess. extremely 80s. it's kinda what i remember as a kid and then combining it with the dark parts of the matrix, the lady in red, and none of the really cool stuff.

btw, darryl hannah was a surprise.
Uhhhhhh, no dude. You just go up and start dancing with them, with a (genuine, not forced) smile on your face so you don't look intimidating. If you are genuinely having a great fucking time, girls will dance with you. If you are not having a great time, it's probably not a good idea to try to dance with girls on that particular outing.

If you tap girls on the shoulder and ask to dance, you are probably coming off like a creep(I mean, you could pull this shit off if you were the sauvest motherfucker alive, but that goes with anything). If you try to dance with a girl and she's not having any of it, who cares, theres a bunch of other girls in the place that might want to. If there are no/few other girls in the place, go to a different party.

Listen to this man. "You want to dance," comes off as not being confident. Certainly, don't grab the girls and start grinding like a mad man on them; and of course some will pretend that a guy dancing with them without asking is an affront to their honor, but hell, that's usually one girl out of 5.

Also you definitely need to be able to have a good time without dancing with a girl. Feel the music, enjoy your drinks and just take in the vibe. It boosts your confidence, and it makes it look less like that weird concoction of a proposal and a request to simple feel up on someone that is "do you want to dance?"


Professional Schmuck
Right. It follows my two favorite rules:

1. If you have to ask, you already know the answer; and
2. Better to ask for forgiveness than for permission.


Bloodborne is shit
Also you definitely need to be able to have a good time without dancing with a girl.

There's been some incredibly accurate advice dispensed in this thread. Which is what sucks about full blown GAF, cause you'll get duders saying shit like "no, you need to look her in the eyes like a confident tiger alpha and then you'll know" garbage.

Anyways, I quoted this passage because while the women should remain somewhere in your mind, they should never be paramount or a target.

Enjoy the party! Drink and dance!

When you're having fun they'll come naturally.


good credit (by proxy)
Also, dancing is not any sort of contract. It doesn't mean the girl likes you, it doesn't mean she wants to hang out with you when she's not dancing, it doesn't mean anything other than you're having fun and she's having fun. If you want anything to go anywhere beyond dancing than you better either talk to her and make her laugh, or if the music is too loud (as in a loud club) find another way to communicate. This takes an understanding of sometimes subtle cues.

If you've ever danced awesomely with a woman you weren't attracted to, and had her cling on to you the rest of the night, you know exactly where I'm coming from.

But basically, if you just go out and be social and have as much fun as possible, with everyone at the party, you don't really need to really think about any of this.


I'm so fucked right now. Just got home. Some girl harry potter cloated freaked me out. Almost fucked up because the current boyfriend of an ex came over with some [people . Trapped in laungry room.
There's been some incredibly accurate advice dispensed in this thread. Which is what sucks about full blown GAF, cause you'll get duders saying shit like "no, you need to look her in the eyes like a confident tiger alpha and then you'll know" garbage.

That or "we have an obvious beta male here." I still don't understand where people are pulling all of that shit.

Right. It follows my two favorite rules:

1. If you have to ask, you already know the answer; and
2. Better to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

Haha. Pretty much always true for both rules.


Hellooooo Drunk Thread! I really need to time my drinking better... I'm quite drunk tonight and all I did was hang out with some friends and watched movies and what not. The other night we went to a huge house party and I wasn't drunk enough (nor did I intend to get drunk enough) to really enjoy it =/.


Bloodborne is shit
I'd be more worried about your ex girlfriend, Harry Potter, who's still in the laungry room.


She cloated freaked you out.


For some reasons the last hour the bar / club is ful
Of cliche rock music, bon jovi, journey, etc always finishing off the night, cant even dance to that shit, fuck, how disspappointing It always is.


Bloodborne is shit
Cliche white music.

Someday we'll be recognized as a race.

Your grandchildren will be ashamed of that post.

edit: I caught you ya sneaky little fuck! Why didn't I quote?!
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