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Drunk thread

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might go out tomorrow but I have 4 new big ass pimples on my face and one exactly on the center of my forehead

im 24 why does this happen omg ;_;
Who revs a 4 wheelers engine at 9 am? My amazing neighbor that's who! I'm gonna rat him out to the cops for riding it around the development.

Imagine he got arrested, lost his Job, wife, kids, become a druggie. All because of a 4 wheeler?! Smile across my face.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Before I moved to Berkeley after highschool I was still in town for like 9 months or so. During that time I hung out with a pretty closeknit group of people that were all sorta on their way out of town. Anyway, it was 8 years ago and a period of time I've completely forgotten. There was this one girl that I remember as pretty cool but never really got to know because I moved away like a couple months after hanging around her social circle.

Well today, like almost a decade later she shows up in the art store! And she was with another guy I remember from that group too. I have seen them in the store the last few weeks so they're definitely regulars there.. I just didn't put two and two together that one time we ran in the same crowd. Anyway, I finally was like "did you hang out with this one group of people back.." and she cut off and was like "YES! Me and Rob have been talking about you for like two weeks unsure if you were the right guy." And I said "yeah, to be honest I almost didn't say anything."

Anyway, so now I'm off work and remember I have her number saved to my Google account from wayway way waaaay back.

Well, I tap the number and get a confirmation is an iMessage address... and send a text... and now I have two new friends! We're gonna go out for drinks sometime soon.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Nah, shes been stocking up on prismacolors. I think the last three times I've seen her shes bought almost 70$ worth of prismacolors.. and they're always the same set of colors.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Also today my manager was talking up Ecco the Dolphin on Dreamcast and I was like where the fuck am I working?
love your dry sense of humor. so she doesn't paint, bummer. nothing sexier than a woman with a brush and overpriced acrylic paint. i could never date a basic's chick. f that.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Basics don't sell, its kinda odd actually. Most of the paints people buy actually are expensive legitimate weird paints that will kill you if you touch them. [I'm joking] We just got Golden's new line of watercolors in called QOR, but I don't think anyone has bought them yet. I set up the display last Thursday and today there were still three tubes on each holder.. so nobody has ventured in yet.

We're replacing the simply simmons brushes with a new line of brushes, and our May sale ends tomorrow.

I've been watercoloring a little bit. Mostly experimenting with my Caranda'che crayons and reservoir brush. I think I'm going to buy higher-end paints to do my painting. Watercoloring is probably what I'm most familiar with, though I'm looking to buy an encaustic starter kit.


First time I realize Jtwow is an artist. Props to you man.

As for a women painting, it only gets better if she's wearing some expensive lace number with some silk thigh highs.
Yea props to j2. A fellow artist. I dabble with acrylics. hate goldens or basics. Student grade paints just aren't for me. I'd love to try out some watercolor sometime.
I like my women like my paint, heavy bodied.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Aw/ Thanks guys.

Its actually funny you mention that. A typical question most customers ask is "are you an artist?"
Which IS a really off putting question. The answer is yes, but it always feels like that yes needs a self-deprecating qualifier. Or else that person might come away thinking you have some talent. Its a very strange existential thing to get asked at least ten times a day by random people if you're an artist. What does it even mean?!


My gf always describes an artist as a person who expresses themselves. If you can make money doing so, that's just an added perk for her.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I like the term artful better. Artist is kind of a nasty sounding sharp word anyway.
My gf always describes an artist as a person who expresses themselves. If you can make money doing so, that's just an added perk for her.
technically anything is art. taking a shit is an art. the fact i type like a 7 yr old is an art. art is everything, except selfies. that's just horseshit(which is an art if you bottle it).

ipa's are supposed to taste like shit. be careful they are strong, i shit my pantaloons one time in oregon because of them.


Opened a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black. Going between having it neat and with ice. Kinda working both ways so far.

Told my sis to bring me back a Smoked Meat sandwich, some slaw, a pickle, a simple french fry, and a black cherry soda. Yummy.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Drinking a pink bottle of White Zinfandel bought from the convenience store.

Just fucking tired of beer. Maybe next weekend.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
hope you popped the cork by pushing it into the bottle. very classy wine.

I uncorked it with a fine metal corkscrew, hand cloth, and white glove. I gave the cork a whiff to take in the aroma before carefully pouring the right amount into my verre, studying the complex taste with all my senses. Intoxicating. A treat of the bourgeois.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
whats the destination? whos driving? whats the ratio?
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