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Drunk thread

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I moved on from the curiosity and am just rolling w. it.
i like vid better than dave. dave and david is a scumbag name.
sorry are. dave and david are a scumbag name. wish my parents named me peanut.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
We've got a rogue poster here. (R.P) Callin' people full of shit, goon, etc... We better get Acrid on the phone to come clean up this mess.

Someone call Wool too, he'll know what to do.
I'm gonna sit this one out, seen to many R.P.As in my life. (rogue poster aftermath) plus I got that kid to deal with now.
anyone call me andy and imma fly to thier house and shit on their front door. as in asscheeks wrapped around the knob, high pressure shit gumming up the keyhole like a mix of every playdoh color being shoved through a hair mold


anyone call me andy and imma fly to thier house and shit on their front door. as in asscheeks wrapped around the knob, high pressure shit gumming up the keyhole like a mix of every playdoh color being shoved through a hair mold

wb mac

lol @ multiple sclerosis trying to silverback


I guess that was a little too involved for you to digest properly. Of course you had to go to silverback=racist.


What do you guys think about Contact? I'm watching it right now after watching Cosmos last episode. Dude did the same soundtrack for both.

El just got a compass from the priest guy.I like elo's virtue so much I'm gonna call elo, el from now on.
Googled. " i may be in love "
my result.

i'll give it to her, i like her floor and flops.


They're hosting an e3 sony conference near here at a theatre. I sort of want to go, but I don't really give a shit about e3.

zero will you come to sunset? we can bail and get trashed at buffalo wild wings

I know it man. Nothing's right

I want to be positive and believe that the negative thing will end some day but I then I feel like lenny.
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