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Drunk thread

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
We just hosted a wine mixer/lecture by this guy who hand makes hyper pigmented oil paint and now I'm really tired because at 6 which is when we're closing down suddenly all these dressed up fancy people start wandering in. It was cool but holy christ I leave the house at 9:15 and now its at 8:25. Their little two hour funzies turn into my 11 hour work day.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I think it just means IDK but the potential that it has true meaning has been giving me anxiety.


snuggs, can you make like a soothing soft rock mix? It's outside of your realm, but it'd be a challenge for you, and I'd appreciate it.


erotic butter maelstrom
Just wait for that acid aura track. Only gets better after that. A mix to celebrate life. The wind in your hair. Fields of green surrounding your periphery. Life thriving. Gliding through light and love. Alive and free. 🙌

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Tomorrow morning the traveller will welcome us with open arms!! :)


erotic butter maelstrom
I should get a juicer so I can just live off of pureed vegetables and fruit all summer. 🍌🌽 Basically trying to regain my shit and focus on climbing out of this hole I fell into. First initiatives would be to lock down this second job and to get back into shape. Don't really care about being healthy I just don't want to get fat.

BTW there's a serious lack of appliance-based emoji. Wanted a blender for this post, but no luck. Where's the laundry machine, or the dish washer, or the fridge? Even a toaster would be nice. So frustrating.


erotic butter maelstrom
Sent a join request. I will understand if my application is denied but it would be nice if you let me in. 😔

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Oh yeah. I'll accept all the invites tonight when I get home from work. Halo2 joined as well I think. We need to think of a good mission statement. Or just have it be a link to a jpeg.

Halo 2

I just put tomatoes in a smoothie. ��

I eat tomatoes like apples. Straight up.
Made the first crucial step in Operation Unfuck my life. Just got a second job at this brewery/pizza joint. ���� I'll start out making pies. Nothing glamorous but it's a chill spot and I have several friends workin there. I'm excited for the new experience since I've only worked at my current place for the past six plus years, plus it's gonna be way more life giving than dismal office work.

With the xtra money I can start my next step of funding the busted car and finding a proper place to live. Being busy will do me good and along the way gonna focus on getting back into shape. �� First check is gonna buy me a new bike. ��✨

Gotta put in work but it feels good finally seeing some light thru the dark. Ready to start a new chapter of my life. ��

Sorry for the long post, just had to share. Biked out a bit and watched the stars w/ a couple beers.
Hell yeah, take control


erotic butter maelstrom
Made the first crucial step in Operation Unfuck my life. Just got a second job at this brewery/pizza joint. 🍕🍻 I'll start out making pies. Nothing glamorous but it's a chill spot and I have several friends workin there. I'm excited for the new experience since I've only worked at my current place for the past six plus years, plus it's gonna be way more life giving than dismal office work.

With the xtra money I can start my next step of funding the busted car and finding a proper place to live. Been dependant on other people and it sucks. Being busy will do me good and along the way gonna focus on getting back into shape. 💪 First check is gonna buy me a new bike. 🚲✨

Gotta put in work but it feels good finally seeing some light thru the dark. Ready to start a new chapter of my life. 📖

I'll also have to make some relationship decisions but still processing all that atm.

Sorry for the long post, just had to share. Biked out a bit and watched the stars w/ a couple beers.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Its gonna be good, snuggs. real good. Ultra diff, but good. Slinging pies is hecka sick. But the restaurant environment can be very stressful. I only worked in a restaurant for just about a year but there is a lot of action in spots like that. You wont be bored. Or at least thats how I remember it.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah I'm okay with some tension. Anything but boredom is good. I worked at a rest. like seven years ago but I really liked the rush when it got crazy. 🏃 I sit all day at my current job and I miss that exhausted but satisfied feeling after a busy nite.

Against my better jugement stopped by hip hop/dollar pint night on the way home. It's nuts here. Oh well better than having a nitecap by myself.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm drinking a six pack of pilsner at the data terminal. Not bummed. Just too tired to do anything but exist. Gonna finish up Wild Palms tonight.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Hey Acrid.
The new guy we just hired to work the warehouse is playing a sold out reggae show at lagunitas on tuesday.. isnt that insane? To me thats like *super* impressive. He said they're expecting 400 people. [can they even fit that many there?] He invited everyone but I've gotta work.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm sure now more than ever I will never love anything more than video games.


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh man.. Met this girl. She's beautiful and wants to see me again only problemis I'm technically in a relationship. She's so sexy I have no choice. 21, Asian and beautiful. W/ amazing curves. ;fuck.


seattle has been fun but it's had its meh moments. the pains of a drunk thread regular stuck in a house of teetotalers

it'll get better. it always does


Oh man.. Met this girl. She's beautiful and wants to see me again only problemis I'm technically in a relationship. She's so sexy I have no choice. 21, Asian and beautiful. W/ amazing curves. ;fuck.

add a breakup to operation unfuck your life. you make your gf sound cold ⛄️

ask her how she spells her name so you can add it as a contact S M O O T H B O Y S

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I am legit oldschool 2011 style wasted right now.


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh man, I am a fucking scumbag. Lol. She wants to see me again really bad and I feel the same. She's sending me texts with such cute emoji.

Keeo digging that hole deeper. Oh man.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
just call her biscuit and carry on

I just replayed a part of bioshock like 4 times because of save weirdness where mr cohen calls a character biscuit. never heard that before.


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh man she's trying to set up a date for tomorrow. Fuck. I want to so bad but shit. I'm so dumb what am I getting myself into. What a mess.
all I'm saying is I met a hot girl and she's all into me I hate to say no but if she's expecting effort on my part then forget it.

this is the summer of no effort I'll be be damned if I let that slide.


go on the date. break up with your girlfriend after.

☑️unfuck life

meeting up with steve tomorrow. gonna finally put in some work
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