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Drunk thread

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J. Bravo

Stupid bitch that told me to never txt her again just texted me and said "you are so complicated, qwark."

what the fuck. And actually it was Thurs morning at 537 so she could have been drunk still, but I think she had work or class at 6. I just didn't get it because I blocked her number lmao.

but yeah, what the hell.


Man, I just had some cute cashier totally make my afternoon. I mean, I've been having a pretty shitty afternoon so you can imagine how something that minor would perk me up.

Anyway, I'm buyin' a bubbly water, a mango and a dozen eggs which rings up to exactly 7.77. She's all: "Nice!" And I said, "Yeah, I do NOT want to round up. I wanna keep it." Then she said: "I was just about to ask." with a very pleasant eye-smile. Then I said, "the change is a palindrome as well.. oh wait no its not." And she says "You got greedy with your numbers!" And I'm like "Yeah, I just had to have that extra pattern."

And then I left with my goods.

editors note: "rounding up" is when you round up your total to the nearest even dollar and donate it to charity.

Cute Cashiers are such a weakness of mine
My life as i know it is over. Lately I've been getting hives that itch like hell on both my forarms. My allergist and derm both agree I'm allergic to alcohol... hjow the fuck is that possible. I'm ironically drinking away the pain and watching my arms grow redder and redder with each vodka shot. tomorrow shall be hell and iw ill have to run to the store for hydrocortisone for what little relief it can give :=\


My life as i know it is over. Lately I've been getting hives that itch like hell on both my forarms. My allergist and derm both agree I'm allergic to alcohol... hjow the fuck is that possible. I'm ironically drinking away the pain and watching my arms grow redder and redder with each vodka shot. tomorrow shall be hell and iw ill have to run to the store for hydrocortisone for what little relief it can give :=\

Very sorry to hear that dude.


My life as i know it is over. Lately I've been getting hives that itch like hell on both my forarms. My allergist and derm both agree I'm allergic to alcohol... hjow the fuck is that possible. I'm ironically drinking away the pain and watching my arms grow redder and redder with each vodka shot. tomorrow shall be hell and iw ill have to run to the store for hydrocortisone for what little relief it can give :=\

oh man

that sucks

nothing to be done? you sure?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think you should drink if you had a doctor diagnose you as being allergic to alcohol. Tell him quitting like this has given you severe anxiety and get some ativan or something if you can't handle the truth. But that seems really really bad bordering on overtly concerning that you're drinking and watching your rash get even worse before your very eyes.
oh man

that sucks

nothing to be done? you sure?

I only really drink 2 things since I'm poor, Grocery store vodka and 4 lokos. The vodka seems to give me a much worse reation which leads me to think its wheat allergy since thats a main ingredient in vodka. I'mm stick to shitty four lokos for a few weeks and see how it is. I'm drnk at fuck right now and so burning and itching from this ezcema it caueses i almost wanna take this box cutter and skin my arms =\

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I just got a thing to potentially make my vines into .gifs.


My life as i know it is over. Lately I've been getting hives that itch like hell on both my forarms. My allergist and derm both agree I'm allergic to alcohol... hjow the fuck is that possible. I'm ironically drinking away the pain and watching my arms grow redder and redder with each vodka shot. tomorrow shall be hell and iw ill have to run to the store for hydrocortisone for what little relief it can give :=\

stop drinking bro

start getting high instead


I only really drink 2 things since I'm poor, Grocery store vodka and 4 lokos. The vodka seems to give me a much worse reation which leads me to think its wheat allergy since thats a main ingredient in vodka. I'mm stick to shitty four lokos for a few weeks and see how it is. I'm drnk at fuck right now and so burning and itching from this ezcema it caueses i almost wanna take this box cutter and skin my arms =\

Try Potato based vodka.


man quit drinking

fuck and i was coming here to bitch about how meerly ok sam adams gingerbread brew beer or whatever is
i like super dark, high abv manbeers but lately they just kinda make me feel full. been enjoying wine a bit more, but haven't really explored it much.

more fragrances samples in the mailbox woohoo!


i dont think snitches can use the coupon arab

just kidding yea its half off everything i just ordered the whole store for like ten bucks

the coupon is on their site fyi


queens of the stone age just confirmed a date here in september, niiiice

seeing vampire weekend in a couple days even tho I havent heard shit of this supposedly great new album


queens of the stone age just confirmed a date here in september, niiiice

seeing vampire weekends in a couple days even tho I havent heard shit of this supposedly great new album

it's pretty good. favorite tracks are diane young, step, hannah hunt, and fingerback. album as a whole is pretty strong and their live show is energetic from my experience (saw em at acl last fall)


acridbro yeah i was engaged to turkish girl, ended it cause i got bored

i need to stop talking to her though, she is married, i got a gf, and whenever we get together stupid shit happens

Cute Cashiers are such a weakness of mine

staff members in general are a weakness to me

My life as i know it is over. Lately I've been getting hives that itch like hell on both my forarms. My allergist and derm both agree I'm allergic to alcohol... hjow the fuck is that possible. I'm ironically drinking away the pain and watching my arms grow redder and redder with each vodka shot. tomorrow shall be hell and iw ill have to run to the store for hydrocortisone for what little relief it can give :=\

my buddy is supposedly allergic to whiskey but he still drinks it all the time, it seems his body eventually adapted to it....haha

as a joke we used to carry mini bottles of jack around just in case we needed to fight him cause the mofo could beat up all of us

i think ive only seen him react to whiskey twice throughout the year


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I can't stop drinking, I'm stuck living in Ohio atm. This place is the worst =\
All the chicks here are so fat.

Do you ever get drunk and go on google maps and look at places? That's what I do.

By the way don't limit yourself to alcohol there's lots of drugs out there. And even beyond drugs there's like...other things to do in life lol

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Just cracked a Sierra Nevada. Spent like 2 hours reading Snow Crash this morning. Its not quite as beautiful feeling as Neuromancer. Like in Neuromancer you want to be in that world from the second you visualize it, its so sexy and romantic. I'm not getting that from Snow Crash yet, but I'm not too far into it. The way it describes virtual reality is incredible though.


The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

Still perfectly captures the first time I saw tokyo from the Highway going into the city at night. What a great novel.


I'm going to do ayahuasca next time I'm in Peru.

well you kinda have to

my brother in law did the whole thing but apparently with a shitty group cause he told there was lots of rules and shitty dancing

like, he was tripping balls and wanted to just chill or whatever but some shaman dude was like "NO! NOW ITS TIME TO DANCE" and stuff like that. resulted in his friend apparently having the worst trip ever


I much rather do what my other brother in law did which is take a shit ton of peyote to a mexican desert and just stay there for days

my sisters married pretty cool dudes


well you kinda have to

my brother in law did the whole thing but apparently with a shitty group cause he told there was lots of rules and shitty dancing

like, he was tripping balls and wanted to just chill or whatever but some shaman dude was like "NO! NOW ITS TIME TO DANCE" and stuff like that. resulted in his friend apparently having the worst trip ever

i would hate to trip in an unfamiliar environment. i doubt that i would lose my mind or anything like that but i'm sure the stress of being uncomfortable would be turrible.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

Still perfectly captures the first time I saw tokyo from the Highway going into the city at night. What a great novel.

Snow Crash is a little too lingo/witticism heavy so far. They describe what that neon kaleidoscope a future society would look like, but it refers to it as "loglo" get it? Like the glow from various corporate logos.. and then there was a reference to "Li'l Crips" brand childrens pajamas. It feels much more dated than Neuromancer.


Snow Crash is a little too lingo/witticism heavy so far. They describe what that neon kaleidoscope a future society would look like, but it refers to it as "loglo" get it? Like the glow from various corporate logos.. and then there was a reference to "Li'l Crips" brand childrens pajamas.

I also think that Snow Crash is too wordy for its own good. I enjoy parts of it intensely and others I have to just skip entirely.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I like this. I like drunk thread book club.


Drink + Cigarette + Book = Relaxing Times

I used to have an office in the same building as VMC Montreal from gaming gaf. Everyone in the building hated the people who worked there lmao. Only because they looked so carefree compared to everyone else.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I just read a good Sci-Fi compilation called "The Future Is Japanese"

I was feeling very broken one night and started running all my search algorithms for content related to the feeling/phrase mono-no-aware, and in my results was a book of short stories that were pretty darn slammin'. This was like over a year ago though.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Drink + Cigarette + Book = Relaxing Times

I used to have an office in the same building as VMC Montreal from gaming gaf. Everyone in the building hated the people who worked there lmao. Only because they looked so carefree compared to everyone else.

Stressful jobs are a double-edged sword. Finishing your work week on a Friday at a stressful job is really one of the good things in life. If your job was easier, you might be happier overall but that Friday afternoon wouldn't have the same euphoric effect.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I got a pp (persona pizza) for dinner. I'm gonna put some lg (legit vegetables) on top before I bake it in po (pizza oven.) Its sad. I'm an sm (sad man.) These days. I mean I know that within tff (this fragile frame) lie the memories of instinctually driven eda (every day adventure.) But I'm just not feelin right now and have become a sr (salty recluse)
all of the vials are kinda meh. goddamnit :(

I'm gonna send you some samples mac.
hopefully they come with an atomizer

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yo son, I just bought a legit white mango that I'm gonna eat right before making sweet love to a beautiful women.

And by make love to a beautifuI women mean play Dark Souls. My Dark Souls character is a girl named coolman+ and she hasn't been laid in 120 hours.


im reading Soon I Will Be Invincible (it's silly fun and I like Grossman's game stuff) and I should really read Snow Crash after that cause I hear too much about it


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Dude thats fucked up, Salsa. I was just about to post Ha, the next book I want to read is soon I will become invincible. I'm honestly serious.

Its the one about the supervillian and hes all ornery because the superhero books the cover of GQ while he toils in obscurity. Thats so weird. The hivemind is real.

Snow crash is free on archive.org. I just downloaded an epub through the browser and it opened right into ibooks. Was like a 2 second job.
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