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Drunk thread

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ha, my ego makes that seem like a compliment.
Of course I have a good eye for decor.


Especially good, I mean it could work in that retro looking way. In that case you'd have to embrace it totally and just go with it 100%.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Thats only if you display your plates with glass cabinets, which I guess most people wealthy enough to be debating aesthetics about fiestaware would already have. I am within 20 feet of enough fiestaware merchandise to kill a man.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I had so much fun hanging out with my friend's daughter today. We went to Target to buy her some clothes and it was fine but once we walked out my dude forgot to buy Febreze. So I got to stand out in front of target with just her in front of foot traffic comparable to Times Square. It was great.

Outside the target here there are these big red orbs about 3 feet tall stuck in the concrete. Well I convinced her if we pushed hard enough we could move, so we spent like 15 minutes trying to move this big metal piece of corporate decor while dozens of people passed us. She was trying so hard. It was hilarious. I was hamming it up big time and she was pushing as hard as she could and I kept saying "its moving!!! its moving!!!!!"

Then she got tired and wanted to sit on it so I picked up and placed her there, and she looks over at some other kids playing on the ball thing adjacent to us and says "hey, those kids cant do that." it was fuckin' hilarious.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member

This really needs a "this is neogaf" caption.

Also we should all strive for this. Manny, THIS should be the OP.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ok, we're updating the OP! Everyone make your contribution. All within reason will be added. Think hard.

The tenants of this thread are

  • always be soundclouding (jtwo)
  • emoji (I added to the list, tbh snugs was the first person i ever saw use emoji on gaf)
  • gutwrenching honesty (snuggler)
  • getting drunk doesn't make me happy any more. i guess that's a good thing. it just makes me realize how horrible my life is. (blamespace)
  • even the simplest thing can shift a shitty mood (arab)
  • #deepthoughts tonight (freenudemacusers)
  • is your shoulder nice and wet? [brianjones]
  • ... ??? (your quote here!!!!)

Its fun! We're all contributing!

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I just started playing dark souls and got stopped thrice in a row.. I think I need to be more drunk? I've only had three beers and my nerves are getting to me.
k fine bro

^sorry, I know that was a harsh response. But I have no tolerance for the word simp!😖 no personal offense was meant.


Post the updated list.
Been editing Into my post
yo brohas, is there a GAF chatroom anywhere that has regular visitors? I felt like this would be the best thread to ask. I'm bored and feeling chatty

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Blame's makes mine redundant.
Often people aren't honest about what makes them happy so not necessarily. But I'm just gonna pull quotes at random from people so whatever.

I was rockin these silver knights assless chaps like a honeybee at the applesauce pagent last night and today apparently I forgot how to walk. This is some bullshit. The best thing about this part is the enemies make a legit sounding kung fu movie cymbal crash when you slice and dice them.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I don't have a camera on my pc and there isn't an ios app for tiny chat.
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