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Drunk thread

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yo I just met some dudes it was sick.
So when are we gonna party? Mics required.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member

My guardian is so beautiful. 😍

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Shes the protector of our dying light, Wool. Not an instrument of the darkness.
Fuck, you guys

I've been eating one meal a day and walking regularly mon-thurs (and YOLOmancing Fri-Sun) and I've only lost five lbs in the last two months. Puzzled, I googled caloric values of the brews i've been partaking in.

Holy fuck, apparently booze isn't a freebie item. 250 cals just for the average craft beer I'm drinking, and I usually down a six pack at least three nights a week. That's just for starters, though -- I've been on the white russian train lately too, and JUST ONE OF THEM HAS AROUND 700 CALORIES. I DRINK AT LEAST TWO AND THEN SOME BEERS AND THEN GET DRUNK FOOD AND JESUS CHRIST WHY CAN'T ALCOHOL BE NO CALORIES

Time to scale back to only the weekends, I'm afraid :(

Oh, would you look at the time. Friday already?


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I think I'm gonna go to sleep but I'll try to play in the AM before work.
Fuck, you guys

I've been eating one meal a day and walking regularly mon-thurs (and YOLOmancing Fri-Sun) and I've only lost five lbs in the last two months. Puzzled, I googled caloric values of the brews i've been partaking in.

Holy fuck, apparently booze isn't a freebie item. 250 cals just for the average craft beer I'm drinking, and I usually down a six pack at least three nights a week. That's just for starters, though -- I've been on the white russian train lately too, and JUST ONE OF THEM HAS AROUND 700 CALORIES. I DRINK AT LEAST TWO AND THEN SOME BEERS AND THEN GET DRUNK FOOD AND JESUS CHRIST WHY CAN'T ALCOHOL BE NO CALORIES

Time to scale back to only the weekends, I'm afraid :(

Oh, would you look at the time. Friday already?

I knew guys that would drink frozen EverClear figuring that the calories needed to heat the Everclear up to body temp might be close to the calories from the Everclear.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Im really sorry. I have to get up early for work and I've been kinda feeling Ill all day. I still feel like i haven't really even played much D.stiny yet. It's so incredible. I watched some of the clips I saved in the video editor and was just completely marveling at how haunting and beautiful it is. And the social experience I had this afternoon inside the game was unlike anything I've experienced. It's so soooo cool the way they've designed the networking. It's 85% completely seamless.

I grouped with two randos and we had so much fun just chatting it up and running around. We did a mission and then flew to the tower and dispersed and WENT SHOPPING then regrouped and did the big strike on septus prime. All completely in game with barely a hint you're hopping around to all these different instances and services. It is incredible what they have built. And the story is seriously intriguing. I'm way into all the far out mysticism. This is my dream game. It's everything I've ever wanted.

I haven't even touched on the absolutely untouchable UI design and the incredible deep RPG systems and economy. This is some serious shit.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
And there is the companion app which is seriously great to play with while you're in bed. 😊

I just want to get lost in this.


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh man guess we're gonna keep drinking. Just wanted to go home and listen to rap music and text. lFeeling like I might almost be in ❤️, fuck.


I got a hot tip that The Domino's Pizza Restaurant is selling pizzas and related products for 50% off. I tried to do the order online, but it was too cumbersome. They wanted me to sign off for some other shit to get free deilvery, but if I didn't cancel my free trial for the other shit within 30 days then they'd charge me $80. Then after all the signing up they said it'd take 45 minutes, so I canceled and ate beans on toast.


After that happened, I went to the bar to meet a few buddies and they were all on memory lane talking about some dude who moved away recently. I hate when the conversation turns to a series of stories about things that happened awhile ago. Reminds me of the Bill Brasky SNL skits. Don't you have anything good going on now? It's pathetic.


erotic butter maelstrom
Went 100% honest in a text with her and she was cool about it. So cool it made me even more into her. But She's waiting and thiis ship might sail if I don't act fast. Fuck. Been texting and she's a legit awesome person. Aside from being beautiful.


erotic butter maelstrom
Whew, made it home after at least two hours of trekkin. Dunno but Maybe I told her truth which would explain why she gave me the finger then drove away. That would be convenient tbh. Tomorrow/today I'm gonna bring a rose to my bae. Wanna drop it off with a note all insconpicous..
OK so you know how when you get food poisoning or the flu and you spend a bunch of time throwing up, there is that period when you begin to recover and your hunger comes back but you eye meat with suspicion and any sort of vegetable looks so pure and good and harmless and from-the-earth, you-wont-hurt-me-will-you-brocolli'y?

When I'm hungover (ie fucking now) and I go to a supermarket, I always view Lemon-based products in the same way. It's so fresh and clean and pure and perfect. I just got back with some lemon juice, lemon ice cubes (they're great BTW, for anyone that hasn't had one - especially in G&Ts!), lemon shower gel etc. It's just so sharp and perfect, it stops the dullness of another glass of room temperature water and let's you feel again.

(Currently cooking four sausages, four rasher of back bacon, and I have a giant bit of ciabatta waiting for it all. Tempted by fried eggs too. Oh and I have brie! Omg I'm jealous of future me.)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Taking a personal day from work. I'm feeling really sick and anxiety ridden about some family drama. I didn't really get a chance to rest over my weekend. I shouldn't have gone out on Thursday but was kinda forced to and would have been ran out of my house anyhow so I guess at least I got to go out and see some QTs.

But yeah I went in to work and talked to my manager and even though she and another coworker reiterated like 4 times that it's fine and there's enough people and that I should just rest I still feel super guilty. Towards the end of my last job I would call in sick all the time because I just hated it so much and I still feel residual guilt from that affecting what is a legitimate reason to be at home.

:/ damned if I do damned if I don't. I guess if I would have stayed I could at least joke around and distracted. But my stomach is full of magma. I could barely even keep my falafel down this morning.

On Wednesday I was feeling body push back on all the activity I've been forcing it to do and knew I needed to chill out but just wasn't really able to. Just the stress of all this drama with my sister is really affecting me. I had a hard time focusing on D.stiny this morning even.

Whatevs. I'm in bed. Today was that aquabats show too which I guess I got out of.

Bright side is I can participate in the iron banner event this afternoon.
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