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Drunk thread

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Drunk thread is my GAF-Hop. I learn about new chill music all of the time. Thank you based drunk thread, JTwo, and of course Snuggler.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
OMG is this out now? Been pretty psyched to hear it.
IDK, I think its been out for a while?I didn't know that "hope building A" we've all been repeating on soundcloud was off an album at all until I cruised the website.

It was a free purchase/download when I got it so I bought a Software tshirt with their logo and its fresh as all hell. Wore it yesterday and faking my veneer that hides the depression away was a little bit easier.

omg see look it sounds so pretty


i can't handle sugary alcoholic beverages anymore. the hangovers are way worse. i've been on a 3 day bender and i finally made it home. been pooping like crazy


erotic butter maelstrom
I don't think the new EP is officially out but yeah big suiceyear fan over here. Had a shift beer plus one, already feelin a mild buzz but I need to get out a bit 2nite.


erotic butter maelstrom
Man. One more and I'm done. Found this dude searching soggy ashtray for cigs so I gave him a few. Just can't 🐻 to see a grown man stoop that low. Maybe I'm a kind person, I dunno. It's weird how life can be stagnant for long then just suddenly change. I've made a lot of friends and now I'm in love with an awesom woman so overall shit is kinda dope atm. Still plenty to work on but I feel inspired and alive. 🙌


erotic butter maelstrom

I've fucked up plenty but my heart aches with love for my bae aka moon of my life and despite my deep flaws I've managed to not only survive this long, but thrive. If I can make it, almost anyone can. It's all about having that strength, the resilience to survive any storm, no matter how terrible. Even in the darkest of days that light still illuminates from inside. 🎃 The soul still burns. 🔥


erotic butter maelstrom
This new soundcloud mix I might publish tommorrow is literally the most powerful playlist in the history of the platform or even just the internet in general. Basically the soundtrack to the story of life. From awakening to departure. Almost got me in tears everytime I listen.


aka Mannny
This new soundcloud mix I might publish tommorrow is literally the most powerful playlist in the history of the platform or even just the internet in general. Basically the soundtrack to the story of life. From awakening to departure. Almost got me in tears everytime I listen.
This girl got you inspired on some Van Gogh type shit.


aka Mannny
Typical simp ass manny thinking a girl is the answer to everything.
Typical Midnights being so into his hipster shtick that he thinks getting his dick wet is soooo uncool. Don't you have some mansion poster to go critique or something? Or maybe you should go complain about school, some girl who really doesn't give a shit about you while you think she does, or life in general (oh woe is you).
Typical Midnights being so into his hipster shtick that he thinks getting his dick wet is soooo uncool. Don't you have some mansion poster to go critique or something? Or maybe you should go complain about school, some girl who really doesn't give a shit about you while you think she does, or life in general (oh woe is you).

Typical lol manny getting all upset over nothing. Is this post supposed to be insulting some version of me you imagined up in your fantasy land?

aka just manny being manny.
so is mine actually. he was admitted a few days ago, then fell into a coma. i actually had to rush back from san diego early this morning because it looked like he was going to pass but he ended up stabilizing.
Death is a hard thing to watch happen. Like you're walking into the middle of a mutiny. My grandfather died of a freak battle with a lung infection. He was breathing through the air mask in thick gasps. I left the hospital, not wanting to see him that way anymore, and an hour later I got a text - a text - from my father saying he'd died.

Things are fucked sometimes..
Great effort fails the trustees, Long life escapes the stillborn, Love misses the target, Smoke leaves my lungs and I have to be at work in four hours.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
My job puts me in a weird position, socially. Its a very safe environment; a complete walled garden of acceptance and open arms for the entire art community. But I am the only guy who works there and I constantly am witness to quite a bit of generalizations about men/guys in general. I've definitely heard one of the women say that men just plain don't work as hard because we're constantly distracted by women. Perhaps the most popular phrase is "guys are just like that" in response to weird customer anecdotes other coworkers relate.

It doesn't really bother me. For the most part its in one ear and out the other. But there is a lot of cattiness and gossip as well. Which makes me absurdly uncomfortable. My manager -who is the only one truly in charge after the owner- is the worst one too! Its constant negativity from her about anyone. She only has bad things to say about people. I don't really know how to navigate it. There is this one particular women that works there who IS awful. And DOES make you hate her. But I don't need to constantly be talking about every little faux pas this women commits.. its never ending. Her bullshit is never ending and my managers gossipy digressions are never ending.

To make it worse I think my manager has a little crush on me as well. Or at least she did when I first started. She keeps making all these value judgements of me. Like. "Oh, I know your type. Trust me." or "You don't seem like the type of person that ____." And its just like, come on girl, I've known you in a workplace relationship for four months now. I don't even know what my type is so how the fuck could you be so sure?

It just sucks. I'm getting really sick of the social situation at work. Its insular kind of ugly to be honest, I'm not sure I really want to be a part of it. Its one of those things where the job was so crazy when I first started that I just completely jumped in at 110% but now that things have settled down a bit I'm kinda starting to realize that the people there kinda aren't all that great. They're fine. They're people. But they're not really anyone I'd want to make long term friendships with.. they're too negative and let other people affect them too much.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah, people that radiate sourness and passive aggression can kinda suck. Part of the human experience is being annoyed by other people, but as I've gotten older I've learned that in some way or another we're as guilty as the people we shit talk in private. The key to being at peace with the rest of the world is accepting that deep down inside, we're all a bunch of fuckin idiots. And also that gossip and talking smack behind backs is just an unhealthy waste of everyone's time, obv.

I don't really have similar issues at work (maybe due to the nature of my jobs), but I've always been the type to be pretty much just disconnected from all of that. My main problem is being super impatient with people at times but that's a condition developed by the shit I deal with at my day job.

NEways workin, might go biking tonight, but not sure. I also need to do some grown up shit like develop a plan to get a working metal box with wheels again. 🚗💨


j2 I can sorta relate: I was at a job for a number of years when I were I was the only straight (yo privilege yo yo) man in the department. They would talk shit like that to me (about straight guy stuff) and I put my foot down after 2-3 months of people saying snide or obnoxious shit to my face.

My advice to you would be to stay out of the workplace politics completely for your sanity. If someone drags or forces you into a situation with other coworker because of their own beef, confront them about it (sounds like store manager might be a prob?) and if it persists go to the manager. Just stay out of their shit and ignore their petty bs and as a gf of mine used to say "don't let their bullshit stress you out and live in your head after you leave for the day." Oh yeah, and I'd politely ask your manager to stop making those catty observations about you verbally. I don't know you, but it sounds like its getting under your skin a little, also the HR side of me is going that shit could be trouble. Boundaries!

Sucks btw. All jobs have that sort of shit, but sucks after readin how pumped you were at the beginning.


they didn't have flamin hots. i nearly died

j2 you made me buy a software shirt

i've never met family outside my immediate relatives cause they're all in iraq

people suck. 2 weeks until i move to cheese-steak-topia


I forget which one of you guys is the rich one, but I'm gonna try to stock drinks to have a "bar" at home. What are the basics I should have on hand to make like 70% of any drink.

Kinda bored of just swigging from the a bottle a jameson.


erotic butter maelstrom
I don't know, it would be kind of awesome to superman through a windshield but your cute sister would have been upset and we can't have that.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Sucks btw. All jobs have that sort of shit, but sucks after readin how pumped you were at the beginning.

I'm still pumped on it, I'm just getting to actually know everyone for real now. It's a very intimate store. There's only six of us so by design it's a very close working relationship. There's no HR or anything. There the guy that owns the place and everyone else. I just feel like the boundary that separates friends and coworkers is getting muddy. The things that have begun to bother me are all things I'm bothered by because I'm starting to realize I don't want to be friends. I'm not really interested in doing the "make observations each other and process them together so we our mutual understanding of each other grows" anymore. I maybe kinda was when I was new here and still trying to fit in but now I come to work and on sat/sun when it's just the three of us we don't even do anything! Because were just hanging out.. which is fine to a point.

And I am a lot different than these people. They do say things I would never say and it IS hard to speak up because there's this weird power dynamic and a lot of it just IS ME being really controlling of who I talk to and who inputs what into my life.

I just feel really alienated. I'm gonna go back downstairs and be all warm and cheery and nobody is going to know I negative will. It's fine. We all fake our way through.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
j2 you made me buy a software shirt

yeah!!! i wore mine again today because I was lazy this morning. Good shirt. looks cool.
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