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Drunk thread

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visit me even if you hate philly
Sure man. You like the hockey? I'll come down for a devils/flyers game. Kinda wanna see some museums as well. Not the art museum. Fuck rocky.

to lllithid. be happy of the times you spent together. i never had a grandfather. well had one, but he died when i was 10. the other died when my father was 12. shit never met my one grandmother either. she also passed before i was born. i have one grandmother. she is amazing i think 93. can't understand what she says(i dont speak polish), but she is such a positive soul.
I've been barely eating lately. IIRC all I had yesterday was a bagel with cheese and some ramen noodles. Really you only need a tiny bit of food to survive.

if you believe in yoga then sunlight is more than enough. it feeds the plants, and it's the plants that feed the animals. go on a sun diet.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I woke up at 3am, smoked a bowl with hash sprinkled on top, watched an entire episode of GI joe, and then went back to sleep to wake up at 8:30 like it was the most normal routine thing ever. Now I'm really really excited to ride my bike to work because its foggy out.
As far as I'm concerned vegetarians and vegans are phony posers. Sun diet is the true way.



I woke up at 3am, smoked a bowl with hash sprinkled on top, watched an entire episode of GI joe, and then went back to sleep to wake up at 8:30 like it was the most normal routine thing ever. Now I'm really really excited to ride my bike to work because its foggy out.

sometimes it's a treat to wake up in the early hours of the morning and bask in nostalgia

i almost teared up a couple times last night. i'm such a fucking pussy but these people have been my friends for so long


Mmm cider braised chkn with potato/squash pancakes

Everytime I fry something with vegetable oil I always burn off hand hair, this time was right on a cut. Can't feel it thou. GG moonshine
the girl i told you i'm done with texted me.

thinking of you, hope you had a great weekend.

who the fuck says that? it's over. get over it rat.

my response was. nothing.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Experienced what I felt was a clear boundary issue today. There is a customer at the store who I'm pretty friendly with. We're on a first name basis and maybe I guess I think shes pretty. Anyway, she came in today and I was genuinely excited to see her. So I shouted across the store "Hey, [Her Name] hows it going?! I like your hair!" since her hair was freshly dyed. Anyway, it was a quick trip. She was just buying a pad of Stonehedge paper. I rang her up and asked her about her project a little bit and she was off on her way. I think she is a really cool and stylish person.

Anyway, so my coworker (technically manager but she doesn't act like it(who I also suspect likes me)) is kinda jokingly snide (which is in the proper spirit) and says "looks like somebody is on cloud9" which I was. It was all fine.

But like an hour later she says to me in this really kinda gross tone "Oh.. your friend... looks like shes on the other side of the fence if you catch me drift.." I looked at her so puzzled. I didn't even know who or what she was referring to at first. Turns out she went and found and then scoured this customer's Facebook page looking for..whatever she was looking for.. and then throws the results of her search back in my face in a definitively shitty manner.

Fuck that. I don't even have a fucking FB account myself which is why it strikes me as even more slimy. It would never even occur to me in a million years to go DOX a fucking customer one of my coworkers maybe seemed slightly interested in and then flaunt which box she checked on the sexuality question. Thats soo.... rotten. The action itself is rotten but the way it was delivered to me just made me sooooo incredibly uncomfortable. I immediately just made this face that says "Are you for real, bro" and walked away and didn't say anything to her the rest of the day.

She just now sent me a text that says "Sorry for overstepping a boundary. :/ Was with the best of intentions."

Which great, she recognized what happened and apologized and thats cool. But I would really love to see what her "good" intentions were.
anyone want 30$? i think i need to buy my love here. first person to pm me with their paypal gets it.

edit. no ones doing it. whatever my loss.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm drinking a beer that is 8.5% alcohol and I haven't eaten since 9:30am.


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
downloading one of d o w n s † a † e's mixtapes #DROWNING
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