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Drunk thread

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drinking a beer, might go out with a couple buds to "celebrate" my bday yesterday

not sure cause tomorrow's venezuela's birthday and it's almost 12. I should call and let her know im in the comfort of my home being peaceful and faithful

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
You can do so much with it. You can smoke it, eat it, dissolve it in gapeseed alcohol and use it as a tincture, dissolve it into agave nectar and put it in your tea, and don't forget topical application.. just rub it on your temple. Like the breeze. mmmm I'm going to put it in butter and have a slice of toasted sourdough.

I squeezed out a dose the size of a rice grain and I feel incredible right now. I am so focused. I'm trying to start a task management system to be more productive and tears of the phoenix is going to be key to my success. I am going to be flying high at all times for all occasions.

The instructions for it are pretty interesting. It bills itself as "the whole plant, just not the cellulose."


here's a picture of werner herzog surrounded by cosplayers


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Has anyone here seen Sailer Moon? Its on Hulu and I'm thinking about it.


You serous? I'm a big fan of ikuhara but id rather reserve my judgement until I confirm your sincerity (watch Utena instead)


erotic butter maelstrom
Finally done working. Started at 9AM EST. Really wanna do something but I got nothing and it's late. Maybe a walk to the beach w/ beers I dunno. 🚶🌃


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Had a crazy liquor, weed, gear and youtube videos party with my brother and one of his friends last night. Was going pretty good till we watched that video where the kid gets attacked by the dog and the cat saves him. Brothers friend just hit the ground hard, was super weird.

Went back to more funny stuff after that.

J. Bravo

I lift and smoke when I got nothing to do. Like tonight. Tomorrow though I work 10-2, then going away party, then free food/drinks at the pizza bar. Should be a good day.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Dammit I wanted to go out at 9:30 but one friend cancel so another friend wanted to go in his stead. It's 11pm and I'm still waiting for 'im.


erotic butter maelstrom
This bar sucks. Only come here when I don't wanna go to my go to place but when I'm here it's like why? Hid two deuces in the bushes, gonna drink them out on the beach under stars.


erotic butter maelstrom
This one girl was like but where's my purse and shit?? My phone is in there ! and the other was like, in your hand. She looked down and said oh. Good scene out here.

Found my supply drop in the bushes. 🌿


erotic butter maelstrom
I try not to think about pooping that much. Drinking 2 deuces on the beach. Hooded in black so the 🐽 won't peep me out here. I'm in harmony w/ the darkness.

No stars just murky, clouded skies. But these skies say as much as the the glistening stars that sometimes lite the sky at night.


uhhh if you were a tru2life alcoholic dead beat dad with a yacht your shits would always be soft and catastrophic after days of vicious constipation

i would recomend more cardio and veggies


erotic butter maelstrom
I tried to use the plastic baggie holding my beer as a seat over the rain soaked sand but b4 I could sit down the wind blew it into the lake. Tried to grab but it escaped my grasp. Now it floats out into the darkness peacefully like some zen creature that's actually a piece of garbage. Wow possible metaphor of it's creator.


erotic butter maelstrom
There's this new position at work, might go for it. My underling encouraged it. Shit would be supes stressful and I would have to clean up my act but I would be making more cm (cash money) than at both jobs atm. A super real job.
My odds aren't great but I have a chance and should take a chance. Basix would be running the hotel.


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm just now realizing I can basically take that shit if I put all efforts into it. I know zactly what to say. I'm quiet but as a listener I've learned the true power of words and reading some1 and presenting the versh of myself they want to see. The final question is if I'm an untapped massive potential or a master manipulator. Hard to say.
I find that when I'm drunk
like right this second
I have to fight myself off the OT threads to keep me from posting. The shit I would joke about in some of thease things would, I worry, get me banned in minutes. Thanks drunk thread for keeping my account alive and well
I find that when I'm drunk
like right this second
I have to fight myself off the OT threads to keep me from posting. The shit I would joke about in some of thease things would, I worry, get me banned in minutes. Thanks drunk thread for keeping my account alive and well

Bo Knows GAF enough not to do the wrong things.

J. Bravo

There's this new position at work, might go for it. My underling encouraged it. Shit would be supes stressful and I would have to clean up my act but I would be making more cm (cash money) than at both jobs atm. A super real job.
My odds aren't great but I have a chance and should take a chance. Basix would be running the hotel.

good luck man. think about not working 12 hour days and not worrying about money as much

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I find that when I'm drunk
like right this second
I have to fight myself off the OT threads to keep me from posting. The shit I would joke about in some of thease things would, I worry, get me banned in minutes. Thanks drunk thread for keeping my account alive and well

TBH I wonder how I have thread posting privileges still. I keep check now.


went on a hazy, hungover 6 mile run this morning somehow

felt good tho

now it's time to lay on the rug, drink booze and watch european football and exploited teenage/young adult american football!



Nose how to spell and rede to
Holy shit I found the hiccup cure!

Take a deep breath, slowly, and then let it out, at the same rate of your inhale. Try it a few times until you get it down.

Tell me those hiccups aren't gone by then!

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
OlliOlli is cool. I have it on Steam and I think the Steam version is kinda not great. But I heard the PS versions were fabulous.

Its a really fun game.
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