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Drunk thread

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b is doing pretty good right now with that shit lol

theres no heroes or heroines left, time to retreat to the woods and draw anime characters on leaves farewell dgaf 😘


erotic butter maelstrom
Enjoying the car bomb & lager special atm then off to karoeke night. I was conflicted about going out, it hasn't been the same lately, but fuck it no work at all tonorrow.


I had a pretty wild weekend. It was great. Now I'm chillin and listening to that Asian music/trap shit Snugs made and sippin some bourbon. Might watch some JoJo or Zeta Gundam. Life is good.


everyone and everything

nothing left to the imagination

its a horrible night to have a curse of being a cis white male lololol


kate upton


J. Bravo

Some nights I am overcome with depression and crippling self esteem issues. I don't know why. Just feels like nothing is going right. Or I'm not good enough. I fucking hate it. I'm not posting here looking for sympathy, I'll be over it in a few days at the most. Probably tomorrow morning.

Then again, it's nights like these I make the most meaningful changes to my lifestyle.

I'm gonna smoke and watch the rain.


erotic butter maelstrom
I feel you dawg. 🐶 That struggle is all too real for me sometimes.

Probs gonna crush one more then head home for some drunken games and tunes.


Shit sucks. At least my bouts of disappointment and inadequacy are getting shorter and shorter as time goes on. 😂

Manny, nooo!


erotic butter maelstrom
Watching how the city lights bleed over the darkness of the water at night. It's p chill. I'm a lone soul but I accept it. Wasn't meant to see this existence thru shared eyes, this shit is for mine eyes only. Peace thru acceptance. ✌️

J. Bravo

fuck work. i fucking hate my job. i work at 8am. 8-4. fuck that noise. i'm gonna be so worthless tomorrow it's not even funny. on the plus side, alcohol, weed, and always sunny made me feel better. that show is hilarious.


Sigh. I'm out of town right now and laying on a girl's bed I just picked up but I can't do anything because she's too drunk. My conscious is too strong, and I'm pretty buzzed too. -_-


ergh I drank/did other stuff so much this weekend.

Today is one of those days where my nose and just whole brain just doesn't feel properly attached to my face, needless to say, GF very unhappy with my antics this weekend and went to stay with her parents :\

I am just waiting for 5pm so I can duck out the door and just go get some sleep.


saw this 50 something year old guy pulling out of his driveway on a motorcycle blasting some terrible bryan adams song while on my run this morning.

the whole visual made me kinda lol because it was just so perfectly viagara/prescription heart medication/antacid commercial.

then I kinda stepped back and was thinking man who am I to laugh at this dude, this guy is just living man. i'll probably never be as content in my life as this old guy cruising around on his bike blasting bryan adams.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
There's a mailman in my city who drives a Honda Goldwing motorcycle and blasts YES hella loud. I've seen him around in his postal uniform just cruisin.

I secretly have always thought I could be content being a mailman.
fuck work. i fucking hate my job. i work at 8am. 8-4. fuck that noise. i'm gonna be so worthless tomorrow it's not even funny. on the plus side, alcohol, weed, and always sunny made me feel better. that show is hilarious.

LOL. what do you do for a living to hate it that much? Most people would like an 8-4. On the other hand who works on a holiday?


got the best smile from a pretty girl at the coffee shop.

now i'm home and just made some eggs and a bloody mary.

feelin p blessed right now 🙏👼


erotic butter maelstrom
Bless you 2 the max limit of blessings.

Must have crashed hard when I got home ln. Remember riding my bike home at like 3AM then just darkness. Gonna waste most of the day just laxing but I guess it's rare I have a whole day dedicated to that. Still might have an epic bike sesh tho. Labor day/loner day. 🚶


There's a mailman in my city who drives a Honda Goldwing motorcycle and blasts YES hella loud. I've seen him around in his postal uniform just cruisin.

I secretly have always thought I could be content being a mailman.

I applied to work at the post office but they never got back to me. Every job I've ever had I always really enjoy trying to perfect my routine and do the most efficient work possible. A routine job like that would be perfect.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The internet is like really crazy right now.


erotic butter maelstrom
Sometimes I think they should just turn off the internet. I'd miss SC🎶 and DT🍻 but it would probs be for the best.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Back to work. Gonna pop a 34mg CBD pill before I ride my bike home.

J. Bravo

Central Bile Duct?

Sometimes I see people wearing these kinds of half shirts at school and stuff. IDevenK what to think. What is the age cutoff for having a bare midriff?

idk but she's pretty hot. i dont think that kind of stuff is allowed in hs even these days.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member

Yeah I had a girl come into the store yesterday essentially wearing a bra. It was cut like a sports bra but made out of fire red lace and also it was strapless. Total burning man outfit with the beatlejuice pants etc.


is the only reason tashbrooke not banned is cuz he's sort of humorous in a depressing sad sort of britney spears but actual human being and real way

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I wish we could make threads inside this thread.


erotic butter maelstrom
This one Active Child daytrotter sesh is angelic, pure beauty. If this resevoir wasn't dried up there would be tears.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Dang @ U postin mixclouds TOO soundcloud. That is some AAA socialmediaing. 👏


erotic butter maelstrom
Okay, so where I Iive there are these open bodies of water. I like to go out there to reflect on shit. But tonight I followed out on this pier extending far out over the water. The end is surrounded by big rocks and the sign says stay off the rocks but I climbed over and went over there anyways. Twas peaceful out there. Dranked and smoked for a moment.

But out on the rocks I could see a lot in their shapes. It was intense. But most of all in one I saw a face in stone. A bearded man in aguish. It was so clear I tried to take a pic but it was to dark for my phone. The gaze of this stone haunted me. I look back at it for the dozenth time, but it's gaze changed. Instead of looming right at me it looked at the dark waters. The fucking face in the stone changed,I shit you not. I jumped back on the pier, got on my bike and rode away fast.

It's probably the booze or me loosing my mind but that was too real. Fuck.

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