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Drunk thread

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
DJ WOOL make the ladies scream post a skiing playlist

J. Bravo

So bored. Out of weed, and the only alcohol I have is month old budlites that have been in my backpack in my car for two weeks. Maybe I'll just go to bed.




Gold 5S looks great because it had the white stripe at the top and bottom. It stops the phone from looking too tacky. The two tone approach helps stop the champagne color from being too overpowering.


The iPhone 6 on the other hand, it's completely gold, and that's just a bit too much for me I think. If it still had the completely white parts at the top and bottom I'd jump on it.


people are crazy


erotic butter maelstrom
I can see how the 5S is aesthetically superior. Mine is the prettiest phone I've ever seen in it's crystal clear case tbh.


erotic butter maelstrom
Just put on a pair of blu jeans for the first time in ages. Was getting cat fur on m other pants had to switch. They used to b a lil tight now they hang off me. #healthyliving #wastingaway #everythinginlifeisfleeinglikeloveandhateandpleasureandpainandtimeandlifeitself


erotic butter maelstrom
P drunk kissing cats. DM is fucking nuts he wants to destroy everything. Fox and Bugs stept up for a decent snug sesh, tho. Smooches.


I just got an invitation to play Bubble Witch 2 Saga on Facebook by a real QT. Is this considered first or second base?


erotic butter maelstrom
Haha, so that one person (previously on drunk thread...) texted me out of nowhere 2nite. Saying she was really sorry about everything and that she hoped I didn't hate her. First correspondence we've had since all that business came to a sudden stop. I responded with a diplomatic "shit happens, life goes on" then deleted the convo so I wouldn't be tempted to respond further after a few drinks, but still I was left wondering why she would decide to contact me after all this time, tho I did have a suspicion.

Turns out our mutual friend, whom I first met her thru, who she unprovoked told me she wasn't interested in, but ended up dropping me for, dumped her. Ran into him 2nite as I do most sundays. My suspicions were the truth. Dude told me he never cared about her and just wanted to get laid. He's a cool guy but I would never recommend any woman to subject herself to him in that way so the result is no surprise. The spiteful part of me was just waiting for thar to happen, but tbh I'm not proud of that. It's ugly but just being honest.

I do feel a little bad for her, but fuck if I'm gonna engage in that shit again. No way. She had her chance. NEways just venting, peace out

J. Bravo

Yeah, for sure. TBH I'm a little lonely and at some point I felt things for this one, but I still have some standards and self-respect. Not about to be someone's fallback.

that's how i'm feeling about this chick. we were never official but we were basically a couple without the sex. we did everything together and both admitted we had feelings for each other. then one night she said that we were never gonna hook up because "it would change things" and she liked what we had. also that she "would hurt me in the long run". so, i bailed from that "friendship" so I could lose my feelings for her. ignored a few texts to go out for drinks, ignored a few late night calls, etc.

saw her at work today and said hi, but nothing else. she left (apparently she got fired), and not 5 minutes later i had a text. "what the hell is your problem?" basically she was butthurt I didn't talk to her like i used to. not gonna lie i wanted to. i'm pretty much over her though, just was watching the chiefs game haha.

but yeah i think we're mostly back to normal, although i still won't be going out for drinks with her since I have no money. and i don't really like doing that since everyone thinks we're together, as nice as it is to be seen with a beautiful woman like her.


erotic butter maelstrom
I've had a couple like a relationship but not relationships over the past year or so. D was honestly my favorite person ever, and her now husband is and was kind of a dick. She was one of the best friends I've ever had. Almost same for W but we were never that close. Regardless, everyone thought we were a couple even back when we were hanging w my last ex who we knew each other thru.

J. Bravo

yep people we were friends with knew better, but randoms assumed we were together. but it should have been obvious we werent. i don't think we ever touched each other, and i can only remember like 2 times we even hugged. w/e.

hopefully tomorrow i wake up and my name is changed :)


style fox = midnights = bam bam

No, bam bam balkova is a cold vien alt IIRC. mIdNITeS was/is the alter ego of evilore when he drinks too much to make his normal responsible posts.

Do you guys think Neil Diamond and Tom Jones are good buddies? I bet they used to play B.Volleyball ontheR.

Illitid Dude have you tried that whipped cream with alcohol in it yet? That was a big deal my freshmen year of college. We also liked to smoke out of GBs. 2009 was ratchetest time of my life.
Illitid Dude have you tried that whipped cream with alcohol in it yet? That was a big deal my freshmen year of college. We also liked to smoke out of GBs. 2009 was ratchetest time of my life.

Whaaaaaat? Alcoholic whip cream? You gotta link me to that.

I can't drink for 10 days though. Back on antibiotics for my throat. Riiiiip.


just got back home from my cousin's big ridiculous wedding weekend

I did some quality family bonding by smoking weed with several cousins and uncles so that was cool

also got to drive an uncles gallardo..... that was probably the most badass 30 minutes of my life.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Dang the great adventure of life crushed all my kale chips to kale powder.


my smoothie was green today and I asked the lady why. she said they put algae in it. I almost barfed right in the tip jar.


my posting here has been less frequent than i would like. still drinking alot.

last week i went to mac demarco/dr. dog show in philly. was supposed to meet with the friend of a friend who also recently moved to philly but she just ignores me. kinda sucks because i have no friends here that enjoy going to music shows and i was hoping that we could at least enjoy music together. i'm not gonna put in the effort to be friends with someone who can't even type two letters about how they really feel.

de'struggle is real.


i had a really terrible smoothie at the airport flying home today

and a really terrible salad too

not enough time between flights to drink at the dang bar either today...even though I hate flying i always kinda enjoy drinking extremely overpriced drinks in the terminal and people watching. I saved a bunch of money though so thats cool.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Dang my v.close friend's birthday is today and I was gonna go meet them for the big family dinner but work ran late + I was too depressed anyway. Got her an excellent gift from work though.

Its actually great having my new vaporizor. Its like an iPod you can suck on.
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