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Drunk thread

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I've been trying out this no shampoo thing. When iTouch my hair it feels like petting a dog. Not v.greasy, but gets my hand kind of oily feeling.

i have medium/longish hair and tried the no shampoo thing once and that's what happened to me! shampooing like once/twice a week makes me look like a greek god tho


erotic butter maelstrom
Ugh kinda over hip hop / pint night. Used to be fun now it's like why am I even here. Gonna crush a couple more then close out the night on the beach.


Neo Member
GAF I hope this is the right thread for drunk posts, double checked the OP but it was mac and cheese open faced sandwich (deelicious) and bat blood bowl (not so deelicious). Hope I don't get banned because I love you all (especially SalsaShark, you are an awesome combo of shark plus tomato plus onion plus cilantro, a true apex predator of the nachocean) but I just wanted to say that I accidentally had too much Costco premixed margarita (good value) because I thought that my constitution was 18 but I only rolled 10 (LOL x 10000! = 56 solve for LOL).

I'm only a junior member so any slip up is dangerous but if this is my last post I want you all to live long and prosper and enjoy good games and I don't know the hand symbol for that should be but I made a space between my middle and ring finger and I'm worried now that my hand will stay like this forever.


erotic butter maelstrom
The beach @ night is amazing atm. My leg muscles are ridiculous from all that biking. It's trippin me out atm. Def didn't skip leg day. My winter goal should be to make the upper bod match that shit.


erotic butter maelstrom
In this very spot I held her. We listened to the waves slowly crashing against the pier and observed the crystalline gaze of the summer stars at night. But it was nothing.


erotic butter maelstrom
Check out m soundcloud my last two pl are powerful and Firedance comes out this wknd. So good✌️. Drunk, fuck everything.


you can spend as many minutes as you want to parse a statement.. or you could just come talk in TC. i'm half dead. i've been half dead.


Nose how to spell and rede to
I got a DUI :( I wrecked my car in a 1-car accident, thank god.

I know, I'm a piece of shit, it's stupid as fuck, I deserve to be punched in the face, probably multiple times, please make fun of me all that you want, I'm just so glad that I didn't hurt anyone, I fucking suck, I know I deserve it, I am a loser and a failure and I suck. But does anybody have any experience with this? It's my first time, no priors of anything except minor traffic tickets on my record.

Well I've had some simple possession charges that have been dropped after I completed their bullshit classes, but I figure those are gone and don't really count, and it's in a state that I've never been arrested in before, so I figure that will be a plus (lol like there are any plusses to this situation)

Any advice would be appreciated, feel free to PM me. Sorry to bum out the drunk thread but I wasn't sure where else to go. I'm freaking the fuck out and hoping I don't go to jail (of course I already spent the night in jail when I was arrested, but I digress), I'll pay whatever and do whatever alcohol classes or rehab they want, I just don't want to go to jail.

It was in GA and they say that a standard punishment (with no legal intervention, and I'm getting a lawyer) would be 24 hours in jail, I could do that, but still I would rather not go to jail and at least go to some kind of treatment if I have to because apparently I have a problem.

Please be as mean to me as you want, but also realize that I'm recognizing that I have a long term problem and I want to get it fixed, so I'm open to whatever rehab they might prescribe or anything.

Is there any kind of active recovering addicts thread that I should post this in instead? If so then I'm sorry to bum out your good times :p Drink a beer for me because I'm done unfortunately

Edit: PS the car is totaled I think just FYI, not like egregiously, but it was already old and had a number of dings I hadn't fixed, and an airbag deployed and the front bumper fell off and there's huge scratches and dents all down the sides, so it definitely won't be worth fixing. I live with my mom (yes, feel free to make fun of that as well) so I can share her car when I need to. Oh and I'm unemployed. And trying to look into graduate school.


erotic butter maelstrom
Sometimes you fuck up and just gotta lay low for awhile. Without any priors you shouldn't expect jail time, or at least any serious time. Probs just a year of probation, community service and some time at AA meetings or counseling. The most important thing is to take show remorse to the judge, but also take full responsibility for your actions. They hate excuses. If you have a problem and actually want to fix it, then this kind of experience can def help you out since you're basically forced to get clean for awhile.

I've never got a DUI but I've known plenty of people who have and it's not the end of the world. The only people who get really fucked up over it are the multiple offenders. I got busted once for booze crimes when I was 19 and honestly for the first few months it was kinda nice to wake up (in the morning, wow) and feel good every day.


erotic butter maelstrom

I've been brewing this pl from quite some time. I whip up most of them in a couple hours but with this one I took my time. It's basically perf for Autumn, waited for the seasons 2 change before I finished. 🚶🍁 Basically like cosmic jazz-fused beats, glitchy but organic sounding atst. Max-level vibes. 👌

❋♨❋ FIREDANCE by †lord snuggles†

Thank you for your participation btw.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Got a 89 on statistics test yesterday and was expecting a 70-something so not going to class today at all. Drinking muh burr.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member




I'm tired af from working and drinking and staying up late this week. Got the night off and laxing sounds really nice but atst I really wanna bike and splorest too and this might be the last week or two of splorable weather. So conflicted.

❗ DRUNK THREAD DECIDES SNUGGLESES FATE: http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=5424480ee4b09149347e0eed ❗



I think Cold Vein might have gotten one of those permanent bans. Good riddance, the less whiny Seattle posts we get the better. We should all forget he existed AFAP.


i saw the sun for approximately 1 hr total today i feel like a corpse. wish i could drink but my throat hurts and id probably pass out


rip coldkelvin. he was banned as he lived. entering the dark continent without the protection of khaki shorts and a pith helmet 👼

laughing black

on a scale of one to docpan how for real are you

are you horse

are you finalfantasydog II: 🇺🇸 edition
rip coldkelvin. he was banned as he lived. entering the dark continent without the protection of khaki shorts and a pith helmet 👼

laughing black

on a scale of one to docpan how for real are you

are you horse

are you finalfantasydog II: 🇺🇸 edition

I yam what I yam.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
rip coldkelvin. he was banned as he lived. entering the dark continent without the protection of khaki shorts and a pith helmet 👼

laughing black

on a scale of one to docpan how for real are you

are you horse

are you finalfantasydog II: 🇺🇸 edition
Team Captain gives a rousing speech


erotic butter maelstrom
So I lost my job today. I'm p fucking scared and angry with myself, but I totally saw it coming. I just totally stopped caring and let things go to shit. TBH life has been really hard lately, and it's almost funny that something as monumental as this would happen now, and on top of everything else.

The thing is...as soon as I realized it was happening, I felt fear, anxiety and anger, but above all else I felt a sense of relief. I would never again have to step foot into 'the dungeon' again, or be condescended to by my awful boss, or have to do another goddamn CRJ report. That job was soul-suckingly miserable and I only stayed because I was scared to lose such steady work. My reckless lifestyle and overall idiocy contributed to my downfall, but the truth is I just didn't care anymore. I was at a dead end, I was done.

I'm terrified but atst I feel more hopeful about my future than I did this morning. That place was such a drag on my life and happiness. I wish I had gone out on my own accord, but let's BH, I had been there for 6.5 years and unhappy for most. This had to happen. Obv I need to find something new ASAP but between my p/t night job and a month+ in vacation pay I'm owed I will have a short but long overdue peroid of time away from the grind. Pray 4 me. 🙏
So I lost my job today. I'm p fucking scared and angry with myself, but I totally saw it coming. I just totally stopped caring and let things go to shit. TBH life has been really hard lately, and it's almost funny that something as monumental as this would happen now, and on top of everything else.

The thing is...as soon as I realized it was happening, I felt fear, anxiety and anger, but above all else I felt a sense of relief. I would never again have to step foot into 'the dungeon' again, or be condescended to by my awful boss, or have to do another goddamn CRJ report. That job was soul-suckingly miserable and I only stayed because I was scared to lose such steady work. My reckless lifestyle and overall idiocy contributed to my downfall, but the truth is I just didn't care anymore. I was at a dead end, I was done.

I'm terrified but atst I feel more hopeful about my future than I did this morning. That place was such a drag on my life and happiness. Obv I need to find something new ASAP but between my p/t night job and a month+ in vacation pay I'm owed I will have a short but long overdue peroid of time away from the grind. Pray 4 me. 🙏

Can't. It's a cold world.

Got Bootstraps?
damn hang in there snug

i know that feeling well .. my last office job had me up in rehab twice.. was doing my heaviest drinking during those dark days

me u and mannie gotta kick start some shit


take that time to relax a bit but don't get too comfortable with unemployment if you can help it.. one of my biggest regrets
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