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Drunk thread

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I've never really put my chugging skills to the test.

I did a couple times against my old roommate who was a master chugger even though he wasn't much of a drinker

I stupidly challenged him to chugging contest out of these steins that could hold i think like 3 beers

I got murdered and then immediately threw up when I finished because about an hour before this contest I ate like a lot of pizza and everything from my stomach was just straight backing up right to my esophagus


Explain to me what an up Quark is please.

Fuck it, opened another bottle of wine.

A quark is the tiniest part of things that we know (not to the level of strings of energy, though). We don't know if it gets any smaller or not (pure or compound). Think of it as the tiniest thing you can break down matter to. There are 'up' and 'down' quarks. Both of those form neutrons and other parts of an atom.
That's the most I know without googling the rest.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So I have a reserved seat ticket for imax interstellar on my birthday [nov 5th see my profile for amazon donation suggestions]I'm gonna take the bus to San Francisco and just kinda hang out and see the movie. Only bought one ticket so even if I change my mind later I can't invite anyone.

Also gonna go to Britex fabrics to buy some new materials. I definitely always get depressed on my birthday. This will be my 27th year. I hope I am a proper teenager by the time I'm 30.


By the way, I recently learned that the 'don't mix drinks' ethos is a myth. It's all about amount over time. Different types of drinks have different alcohol concentration, of course. So keep that in mind. So it is the amount over time and not purely the mixing.


don't sweat it snugs...for me specific times of the year get to me more than my b-day in terms of the whole "oh shiiiiit i'm getting old" moments.

going to movies alone rules too 👊

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Its more like "ohhh shit I don't have any friends"

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Things were like, really fucked up for me this time last year. I can't believe how different thigns are this night. It was all me too. I just finally made some plays that worked out.

If currently you're hoping just keep hoping and more importantly find strength in yourself. If your personal narrative ever begins to creep into "because she/he did ____" territory just take a deep breath and realize that its not true and they dont exist. the only thing that truly exists is yourself, and all those strangers and externalities are ephemeral and meaningless. look someone in the eye until they look away. look into everyones eyes until they look away. they arent there. its just you as a sphere in an empty reality. make no attempt at common experiences. they are or arent. just look forward and focus on the singular goal of happiness. build your world.


Duuuudes; do you know we come from star stuff?!
There are literally atoms in your body as old as the universe!

I fucking love science and space!

I was plastered once with my gf and sister at the natural history museum in NYC and we were in the anthropological section. Just thinking about the life our early ancestor may have had. Totally blown away.

it's just another day man



i wanna smoke weed pretty bad tonight too but i'm down to shake and wanna keep that in the reserve just in case I can't get a new bag tomorrow so I won't be raging tomorrow....


also it's been nearly 3 years since I quit cigs but my good friend who quit around the same time started back up again the other week and my cig smoking dreams I've ramped up big time again. I've woken up at least 3 times this past week just convinced I had smoked cigs the night before and started up again.

nice. i would have also accepted this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7Ae31yMfSc


just me and my ceramic fox tonight







That's a good one.

By the way Minus, I incorporated myself and made an LLC like you said. Where did you say that conference was for the military contracts? I got the newspaper today but it doesn't mention it. I'm even saving up to rent a suit for the day.

Some of my favorite spoken word jazz. I listen to this with morning coffee about twice a week : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoHmVEvGMaw

http://www.idexuae.ae and get in "touch" with Rosoboronexport.

That song is amazing.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Eating broccoli at work I should not have drank last night

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
For real though I'm scarfing hella quickly so I can meditate/zen-out on this couch for a bit before I go back to it.


True story:

A friend told me he was going to Hawaii and I said sure. 10 hours later I called him and said "where are you?". He said, 'home. Where are you?'. I said "Hawaii!".
Turns out he didn't mean immediately going to Hawaii.

In context I was drunk and high as shit. Still had fun in paradise (returning back within a few days and missing his scheduled by a mile).


J. Bravo

pretty sure i'm about to be fired for being sick yesterday and not working. also i was an hour late on wednesday but got everything done. think i'll be applying for a few jobs just to hold me over until i'm done with school. boss texted me "you're not needed for tomorrow's shift and we need to meet on monday."


erotic butter maelstrom
pretty sure i'm about to be fired for being sick yesterday and not working. also i was an hour late on wednesday but got everything done. think i'll be applying for a few jobs just to hold me over until i'm done with school. boss texted me "you're not needed for tomorrow's shift and we need to meet on monday."
Yeah, don't even bother going back.

J. Bravo

he won't be there until a few hours after i get there on monday, so on the off chance i may get to keep my job and not have to search for another one, i'm going in on time lol. i've got a couple places i can go that will hire me due to references from this current job. so i will hopefully be fine. it's just kind of annoying if i get fired. i like this job and the free gym membership.


yo how come high life is like a million times better out of bottles than cans?

usually the opposite is true of cheap piss beer.

defies science


yo how come high life is like a million times better out of bottles than cans?

usually the opposite is true of cheap piss beer.

defies science

It's definitely better in bottles, but I had a thing for those huge 32oz High Life cans summer 2013. Those are great.


Just finished a 6 pack of Sam Adams IPA. I like IPA, but I also like the bang for buck on alcoholic content. Gonna go drunkenly ride my bike to grab a 40 of Mickey's to keep this buzz going.


It's definitely better in bottles, but I had a thing for those huge 32oz High Life cans summer 2013. Those are great.

yeah I've gone through 32oz can phases

a few summers ago I was all about the 32oz tecates...put those bitches in the freezer and get them damn near freezing and it was heaven drinking on the back patio on a hot ass day.
I think, before I die, just once I'd like to hear Beethoven's 5th played in concert. Something about that piece just terrifies the soul; it brings you back down; centers you.
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