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Drunk thread

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
dang bro gonna crush up 30mg of melatonin into valerian root tea and watch Star Trek after work while sucking on my vaporizer



fuck a friend forced me to drink mora than usualin the usual "saturday night" pòace in venice, in the end it was just us 4 guys, not so fun in the end.

and 45 minutes of walking to get back home are killer ://


Friday wasn't too bad not drinking...struggling today though.

gonna throw on another horror flick and eat some sherbet or something.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The best thing about that stupid getting high thread is there used to be a legitimate marijuana thread ran by.. I think karma kramer? It was a good thread with a tasteful OP but had to be deleted because of some conflict with google adsense.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sure what to get for DINNSIES.
Kinda want a burg to be honest. 😳 But a good burg is far away. 😧 I had a 'witch yesterday as well as some soop. Theres so much and I don't know what I want.


The best thing about that stupid getting high thread is there used to be a legitimate marijuana thread ran by.. I think karma kramer? It was a good thread with a tasteful OP but had to be deleted because of some conflict with google adsense.

That was a good one. Are you talking about the guy with the Kermit the frog animated GIF avatar? I think he lives in Europe or something. Europeans don't know anything about weed. When I was down in Bolivia this summer I hung out with some British people and they were trying to tell me about the British skunk. All they know about is meat pies and shit.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Naw that's mmarsu

Went with takeout falafel for dinnsies


Drunk Gaf I've come to you for a serious question.

My current job is not fulfilling but it pays wells. I am in a point in my life where I need to decide if I want to stay at my current job or start looking for new job.

I am moving out at the end of October so I need to decide if i want to stay at my current non-fulfilling job for a year or two and buy a house, or just stay at my parents house and search for a new job.

Please help! I've been drinking all day trying to see if my drunk mind can come to a solid decision where my sober mind could not.


friends bailed and it was my last weekend before im gone for a month


I have 3 1lt beers tho I think i'll microwave some popcorn at 2am


Hello drunkGAF. Got 3 40oz ready to go some mary j and the movies Alien and Aliens ready to go. (Never seen them and want some backstory before starting Alien Isolation). Les Do Dis.


erotic butter maelstrom
The bar was p lame. Saw this one ultimate babe who is way cuter than all the rest but her man got her locked down. All I axe from future bae is that she understands that me and DM are bound by destiny. We stick together till the end.

We're a package deal. 🚶🐈



There's more booze on the other table and this girl hot as fuck (Latinas let's go!) wants to go somewhere else. What say you GAF? I'm going for it!
Edit: Apparently my phone is a bitch so I'll just fix the link when I get to my PC later today since the chicks want to dance all night long.


Last night was weird. Randomly ended up at a bar where opera was going on and an ex-coworker of my buddy was coincidently there. Mixed my drinks way too much and ended up burping out puke like an amateur on the walk home. 🍻 then 🍸 then 🍻 then 🍹 etc. never works out well no matter how much time passes. Fuck.
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