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Drunk thread

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I should not have been able to understand that post, but I understood it perfectly. 🚶
Drinking Corona and there is about 3 pounds of pulled and fried pork on the counter. Not sure what to do with it.

How do you make the pulled pork? BBQ sauce mixed in?


good credit (by proxy)
Why aren't all these rich people just giving out millions to REAL fuckboys who will blow ALL of the money in a hailstorm of bad but artistic decisions???????

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ok no, but from here. This is the start. This is our life. Ths is our house and the word for our town escapes me.

materials shpped on trucks, themselves shipped on boats assembled in dry docks built from the earth your eyes and jaw are my vanishing point a billion interlocing loves working unknowingly towards the sum of all influence

our love merged from a bond, blossomed from that first touch dacing around one another through time intertwining,
a nexus

the many different versions of us. to have to hold. we dissipate and grow.

a boy with messy hair and blue eyes is walking down a street next to a flower with almond sin, small ankles, straight hair and big teeth.

i dont care about time. ill wait right here. i wont move a muscle and time can flow right past me. im stron. i can handle it. watch me. ill be like a large boulder in a stream waiting for you. the sun will rise and fall and one day my brail will wake up beforey my body and know youre there. it will feel your bodys warmth and as my body wakes up slowly enabling its sense, ill hear you and smell you and notice your feet buried in my mine, and ill know it worked. ill know we can continue down the stream as one. the warmth inside your shirt, ill taste your hair in my moth and feel hot the mattress is beneach us. ill notice these things about us before i wake up.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
How do you make the pulled pork? BBQ sauce mixed in?

simmer pork shoulder in veggie broth with sriracha, cracked pepper, salt, and other spices + jalepenos for like 5 hours

pull it

fry it in canola oil while sprinking chile powder on

eat like a god

so i guess i made carnitas, as a matter of fact.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Why aren't all these rich people just giving out millions to REAL fuckboys who will blow ALL of the money in a hailstorm of bad but artistic decisions???????

Dude. Just watch really expensive pop music videos from 20 years ago.


We are the only creatures on earth that use tools to make tools. Some call it progress, I call it building the road to our own destruction.

People come and go full of their own significance and we are expected to love only one of them. All of a sudden it's finished and life carries on without us but we aren't around anymore to care. But we expect those we leave behind to care. Life is nothing but expectation and then death, the only certainty. Civilisations pass in the blink of an eye causing many to wonder what happened and what they can learn from mistakes of the past. Stories are told and handed down generation to generation, sometimes lost in translation. Names change, places change and all we can expect is a happy outcome.

Introspection is revelation. Sometimes you are only left with yourself and that may not always be the best company.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
ive come to realize we are all spacemen exploring the cosmos
im a spaceman i wake each day and interact with numerous universes thats what a spaceman does theres a shift in your existence a tangible and true shift in the way you experience life and its when you learn to look people in the eye. its when you see an object that may or not be a person and your body reacts by drawing your eyes to its eyes. theres no flight or fright. its just pure confrontation. you realize how big you are in the world at this point.


erotic butter maelstrom
We think of 🌍 as being this thing isolated but surrounded by the cosmos but rly we are only a part of the cosmos. Twirling in harmony w/ The creator of existence, our one true and infinite God. 🙌

My soundcloud game been weak now that I don't have access to a PC but I have a few pl's that I'm working on. One is the first official yung snug party pl. been working on it long time but keep revising cuz it needs to be as radical as possible. Then theres a 2spooky mix for halloween that's super demonic and creepy. Then lastly another tribute to our God the cosmos that's rly powerful. Just wait. ⌛️

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
What about the metal that turns into a skyscraper when its gets a drop of water on it?


Would people enjoy it more if they realise the machine had taken over? I think for some among us they would.

Dehydrated buildings is so future-tech. We'd spread among the stars like a conquering army, assimilating cultures. Think of the wealth of knowledge thats out there just ripe for the taking.

Also yay snuggs for more pl's.


erotic butter maelstrom
Just gave my boy J2 an exclusive peep of meow mix 2015 it's fuckin flames I promise, just need a few more tracks b4 it's ready.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I had to sign an NDA but I'm sure Snugglers new list won't dissapoint. He is editor-in-chief of the thread afterall.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Better call the laundromat 'cause your shits gon B sweaty


erotic butter maelstrom
The one mjr ingrient tb added my final mix is girl pwr. 👸 it's gonna be sick, got some shit lined up.

My cats love me. Tbh DM is my favorite. Spirit bond between us. Anyone wanna play some Gardens and Graveyards? The Sunflower is my fave. Get the most points on my team by healing. Best game atm.

J. Bravo

How bad was it?

well i don't have a car anymore. that sucks. we're gonna try and get a couple hundred bucks for the scrap.

mostly pissed cuz i was planning on getting lit tonight but oh well.

i'm just glad that charlie married the waitress in real life.


J2 is a total babe. I read twitter but tweeting isn't rly my thing. Never found a groove w/ it.

I feels ya. At least I know you got a twitch thru there.

I wish I used twitter when that male pornstar showed me his at Denny's. Missed a world of possibilities.


New to this thread. May not post again, may not remember posting this tbh...

Just saying I think I'd hang out out with Jtwo irl and it'd be fun. I have no idea who he/she is, no details, just basing that off of the last page and who I know I am. Interesting topic. Maybe I'll remember to revisit.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
We'll play Des-tony tonight ok today a well
I kept meaning to sign in but I just drank and drank.


had a bad reaction to an antibiotic I was taking for an ear infection last night

broke out in a fever, chills, body aches, itchy as fuck and some sick bloodshot red eyes.

don't know why this happened because I've taken this shit before with no issues.

I want to die at work this morning...thank god my office shuts down and everyone gets to leave at noon on Fridays.


had a bad reaction to an antibiotic I was taking for an ear infection last night

broke out in a fever, chills, body aches, itchy as fuck and some sick bloodshot red eyes.

don't know why this happened because I've taken this shit before with no issues.

I want to die at work this morning...thank god my office shuts down and everyone gets to leave at noon on Fridays.


no one quot him


she's fine.....doesn't work at that hospital. she actually does have mutual friends with one of the nurses who got it because they both did their nursing programs at TCU.

also being a nurse anesthetist means she mostly works scheduled surgeries anyways.

now if I only could get her to hook me up with some sweet powerful narcotics like fentanyl or something.....


she's fine.....doesn't work at that hospital. she actually does have mutual friends with one of the nurses who got it because they both did their nursing programs at TCU.

also being a nurse anesthetist means she mostly works scheduled surgeries anyways.

now if I only could get her to hook me up with some sweet powerful narcotics like fentanyl or something.....

Can you try to hook her up with my powerful narcotics? ( i put heads to sleep)

I but heads to sleep. (glad to heard you're not gonna ebola from your sister and spread it.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
For real though we gotta do the raid.


Who's gonna fill out the team?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Oh shit, my neoGAF ad just said "COME EXPERIENCE GOD"
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