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Drunk thread

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erotic butter maelstrom
Deleted that one from my phone. Poured another. Today is about moving forward. 👉Kicking it off by getting drunk in the morning. 🚶


finally recovered from last nights Halloween shenanigans and ready to take on the day/evening/night.

got a burrito and plenty fluids back in my system, a nap and just took a steaming hot 20 minute shower.

ready fro that extra hour of drinking tonight.


erotic butter maelstrom
Fuck passed out after my morning beers and woke up at 330PM. Jesus Christ. 👼 Is this what rock bottom looks like?
Fuck passed out after my morning beers and woke up at 330PM. Jesus Christ. 👼 Is this what rock bottom looks like?

I dunno bruh I think this is what rock bottoms looks like


Its cool its a saturday!


Halloween was great. I was a pumpkin. They had a band at the bar, but they added a $10 cover charge. IDGAF.

I ran a whole bunch of errands today. Feels good to get stuff done. I might give up having fun and just get stuff done all the time. Do you ever play vidjagames all day and feel bad? That won't happen anymore.


Cruise was sweet, apart from drunk guy pummeling his gf right in front of us.. :( there is always some asshole on the boats that just can't behave.

Got into it, held the guy for security, and had a good evening still though.. :)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
my life got animalistic over the last 24 hours i am glad that its all over now

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
As I type this it sounds like I'm making this up, but I literally danced in front of a marching band going down the street last night. It was just one of those perfect moments, we were leaving the gallery and out of nowhere a marching band goes by and we just get right in front and start jamming to it all the way down the block until we ducked into a bar.

It was perfection. I need to hang out in Petaluma more often.


well i dont feel so bad drinking ashit ton and staying up late rereading parasyte now that daylight savings has made it 1:00am instead of 2:00am lol


yeah i'm still up because of that "extra" hour

vodka sodas and herb and been bumping that new korallreven and cfcf night bus 3 so hard


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
laying in bed an the corporate synergy is breathtaking

J. Bravo

yeah i am glad dst happened now i don't regret staying up until 2am aka 1am the night before my first day on the job. quiktrip here i come, better watch out


erotic butter maelstrom
Epic Peggle sesh + Spotify cool guy mx 😎 atm. Gonna go out later fersher, maxx chillin and maybe a nice walk in the mean time. Maybe today will be an okay day afterall.

outfit status: dope as heck

Def gonna take some time 2 put together a cute outfit 2day. 💄

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Wow. I don't even know what just happened.

Let me drink a beer and try to process this..

So like two weeks a group of girls came into the store I work at. One of them invited me to (her friend that we'll call Alice's) Gallery opening on the 31st. On it, she (we'll call her Josie) wrote her phone number.

That night I texted Josie and we had a really fun text conversation that got pretty racy at times. Two days later we went out for one drink and once we got back to her place she immediately took off her shirt and we hooked up. It was as casual as could be.

We talked and texted through the internet for the next two days and then we hung out again. I told her up front that evening we should keep it platonic and just watch TV and talk and stuff since thats more what I was feeling. I was quickly realizing that while Josie is an incredible individual with a lot to offer she wasn't what I was looking for. Well, that night she is all over me. And I played my part. I'm not trying to blame her, I could have stopped it but I didn't. We hooked up again. So that was the first mistake.

I was a bit distant with Josie over the next few days trying to subtly hint that I was kinda cooling on her. But we ended up going out that weekend. So this is about a week after she initially gave me her number. It was an amazing night. We got burritos, went to the bookstore, went to the bar and had a long talk about where our boundaries are. I articulated that I'm just working on my own identity and can't have anyone else really be a part of it right now. This is an important nuance for me because I really do care for Josie.. she was just very eager to have me be a part of her identity I felt. I just got the vibe her that she was WAYY infatuated with me which I can't really deal with right now.

But anyway, so that night after having been at the bar and having what I felt was an amazing conversation where I was essentially setting up an emotional boundary between us we go back to my place and hook up again. Again, it was a mistake and the next morning I was conflicted about it. I kinda didn't even want it.. but it was just one of those things where it was easier to see the evening through to its expected conclusion rather than rock the boat. And hey, sex. Again, mistake number two.

So after that date she went away for the weekend and we didn't see eachother for a few days.

The next time we hang out her friend Alice is there. It was serendipitous because me and Josie were supposed to hang out the night before but had postponed so she could hang out with Alice who had just got some bad news about her education career. But it turns out that then Alice bailed on Josie and they didn't do anyting that night.. so the next night when Josie and I are supposed to hang out Alice (who had to drive from a different city) was there. Which was fine with me. I had figured it was a blessing because I was trying to steer Josie and I's friendship out of the romance-zone. Well, turns out Alice is amazing. I was just so.. infatuated with her.. and the two of them pulled the "lets make out in front of him schtick" BIG TIME. To the point where Josie was griding me against my groin while making out with Alice. This, coupled with Alice giving me a few compliments and glances that made me think the attraction was mutual.

I didn't really think anything of it because she lives a few cities away and I genuinely wasn't really expecting to see her again. It was more that it put into stark, stark relief how much I didn't want Josie.

So a few days later its Halloween. The big gallery opening. I had set the plan that I'd go home at 8:30 since I had to work the next day. Josie and I have a talk about how I really need things to be platonic and I feel like I'm going to hurt her. She makes some comment about how shes surprised she didn't cry and felt like she was being broken up with. But it was at least the 4th talk we had about giving me space and just being friends. Afterwards I took Josie to Scandia around noon and we had one helluva time. It was a blast and really drove home how awesome she is. So its about 5pm and instead of going home, I agreed to go to the show (which I had not wanted to go to) because we were gonna get there at 7 and hang out for a few hours. Which I thought would put me home at 10.

But of course, group dynamics being group dynamics (there were about 5 others making the trip to the show and lots of them were running late) we don't get there until 9. It was great, I was frustrated with what had happened and how much time we wasted just sitting around while college girls got upset about not finding Molly, but once we got there I shrugged it off and had a blast. And Alice was there. I was picking up on the same vibe I had got from a few days before.

Anyway, after the gallery and a marching band later we end up at a bar just the three of us and all dance together as a group. Typical 2 girls 1 guy dancing dynamic. It was really fun and awesome and Alice had no boundary issues dancing with me.

So then we make it back to Josie's apt and about 8 people are there hanging out and getting drunk. We're kinda all just drawing and stuff but at some point Josie and Alice and I decide to go to my house. Effectively ditching everyone at Josie's apt. I had told Alice that we shouldn't but they actually did insist. Me, being drunk, realizing the short few hours I have before work, and very curious about what might happen didn't take much convincing to head back with them. And hey, I really needed to go home because I had to work at 8 in the morning. Mistake number three.

So we get there and its immediately kind of awkward. I was drunk and kinda needed to go to bed. The girls were quickly kind of standoffish and just don't have the same energy as they did all the way up to this point. I emerge from the bathroom and say "who wants to open a bottle of wine and take a shower" 49% jokingly.. mostly because of how much I need to go to work the next day. Not because I wasn't down. The comment is played off by the usual joky nature of those types of comments, plus it was about the 3,000th joke I had told that night. (I am full of jokes.)

I then go upstairs to grab my vaporizer because we were planning to make a fire. And Josie corners me and says "if you try to have a threesome with me and my friend I'm never talking to you again" which I then used as an oppurtunity to explicitly tell her I'm just not into her and that I'm interested in Alice. Period. I felt terrible and cried afterwards. I knew she was gonna get her feelings hurt but I did all I could do. Dating is messy and thats what happens. People don't like to believe that, or they think they're ready for it but 9 times out of 10 they're wrong.

Well they basically just leave after that.

So, I try to contact Alice to see whats up between us. Its important to note here that on Halloween night we had talked at three different times about hanging out on my Birthday because I'm going to be her neck of the woods for a movie premiere. So I tried to contact her! First through instagram, of which hers was seemingly pretty inactive. So the next thing I did was typer [herinstagramname.com] into my address bar. And the first thing that pops up is a Work In Progress gallery website with nothing but her phone number and email address. So I texted her. [Mistake number 5?]

I said "I got your number off your portolio site, was wondering if you were still down to hang out next week. If not, thats fine too."


I get a voicemail from Alice. Her clearly and obviously reading a prewritten script. Threatening to have her friend beat me up and calling me a vicious predator for tracknig her down. She calls me manipulative, said I lied to Josie and am a small piece of shit. She calles me a pussy for texting her.

So I call her. [mistake number 6]

And she pickes up the phone and won't even let me get a word in. She was obviously drunk, wasn't even conversing more just saying that I'm just like every guy in the world and that I'm a predator and that I'm maliciuos and evil and that I made her feel disgusting and that I was fucking with her friends head and that theres I reason I have no friends and etc.. just pure fucking ranting. She says the only reason she even was nice to me was because of her friend and that she would never give me the time of day. So I say "Your interest had ulterior motives and mine was genuine and I'm the asshole?" and "I think you're taking a lot of your past experiences out on me." To which she just didn't respond.

Then after being yelled at some more I say that I don't deserve this and she just starts repeating that back "Ohhhh... you don't deserve this? YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS? pooor baby" And I say she's being incredibly condescending and am greeted with the same restating of my statements.. and then she hangs up on me.

So I'm sitting here just in complete shock. I did nothing but follow my emotional compass and tell each person the explicit emotional truth about what I was experiencing. She threatened to have me beat up, called me a predatory liar and just all around worthless person. Theres a part of me thats worried she'll come into work and try to fuck with me.

I don't even know what to say. I feel like this post has been as objective as possible.
I think what happened is Alice just doesn't want to screw her friendship with Josie up and is thorougly rebuffing me to keep a clear concience. I don't feel like I did anything wrong. I can't force myself to like someone on a deep, deep level. I tried to steer my relatonship with Josie onto a more platonic with some benefits path but it didn't happen.

And now I'm sitting here worrying some gang of people are going to try to interfere with my life.

Be careful out there.


"Whoa." Neo, The Matrix

Okay, in all seriousness. Damn man, that sucks. I'd say just keep it cool. I don't think that girl is going to fuck with you or try and fuck up your life, either your life-life or professional life. Like you inferred, I think whatever she was saying involved a lot of what was going on with her friend. I wouldn't have contacted her before putting things to sleep with her friend first, despite however you felt. People say shit when they're drunk and the inhibitions come down and you're super friendly unless you're an asshole drunk. There's this couple that "hates" my guts, because whenever I'm drunk I always say we gotta hang out when we're sober and I'll like have them over for dinner, and cook up this amazing feast, blah blah. It's like 3-4 months/years and I still haven't had them over and they only live 30min away from me by subway.

Anyway, stay frosty. People always give me shit for being excessively "cold" in these sort of situations so I might not offer the best advice, but I always feel that if you're upfront with people like you were with Josie, you also need to give them time to process what you said. Men and women alike. When you're infatuated you do mad stupid bridge burning shit. I dunno, feels like I just wrote out a bunch of common sense shit, but don't be too paranoid about this shit, you're 🆒 just lay low for a while and forget about them

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Worst part about it is one of my Mindisc players is at Josie's house. 💽
Not even joking, even in a time of crisis my mind is on the Minidiscs.


powerful story telling J.

yeah mistakes were made....you probably shouldn't have dropped the hammer on Josie like that when you did, but yeah alcohol...sometimes things are said etc. Alice sounds kinda crazy tbh and you likely avoided a potentially crappier future situation.

stay strapped 🔫


erotic butter maelstrom
Damn, that's nuts. 🌰

This whole human interaction thing can get messy fast when real feelings are involved. TBH sounds like she was being super protective of her friend more than anything. Girls that are close are like that. Sucks she got hurt but it's better you're honest now and instead of letting her believe in a lie and get hurt even worse down the road.


The make out session sounds like a plan to get you to think of her as more sexualized.

Threesome dynamics can be weird if it's not something that's agreed upon before hand. Not some spur of the moment porno scenario.

If you told her that many times you weren't intereted, well that's on her.

Hope you get your minidsc back.


the girl I'm hanging with now divulged to me like a lotta pretty personal details about her relationship with her ex whom she had to get a retraining order against because he was stalking her and making her fear for her own safety. like she won't hang out in certain areas of town still because she's afraid that he's going to be around. I keep thinking I'm going to get run up on now and stabbed or something when we're out and about now.


erotic butter maelstrom
Not 2 change subject but about 2 to atart my cold walk to the drug barn. Scarved and bundled up.🚶 Feeling a lil bit already just off my 16oz pre-beer probably due to a lack of food in me but it's like I gotta force myself to eat lately. Only have one full meal a day and I can never finish it. I'll eat a only bit more thru out the day just so I don't get weak. Maybe I'll cram a slice of bread before I go.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks guys. Just talked to my coworker-besties (one of whom is my boss) about it and they set me straight a little bit. I feel less awful and she said from what i sent her (a verbatim copy of my gaf post) that it sounds like I was kind of manipulated even though obviously I could have handled it better.

I floated my anxiety about them causing trouble at the store and she was like "heh, if that happens I'd be delighted to crack some heads" (not verbatim but that was the tone.

Not 2 change subject but about 2 to atart my cold walk to the drug barn. Scarved and bundled up.�� Feeling a lil bit already just off my 16oz pre-beer probably due to a lack of food in me but it's like I gotta force myself to eat lately. Only have one full meal a day and I can never finish it. I'll eat a only bit more thru out the day just so I don't get weak. Maybe I'll cram a slice of bread before I go.
Your habits are getting eerily similar to mine during 2011/12


Only big mistake I'd say there was is in the second half, being super frank with drunks and then hunting down the number afterwards.

The summation of all of that I gathered is I don't want to hang out with those people.

You should hang out with me instead. I won't even try to sleep with you.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I know man, I've been trying to make the time. I have this week off essentially. I work tomorrow but I'm off Tuesday-Friday to celebrate MY BIRTHDAY.

The number thing was such an epic fuckup.. I just don't have a facebook account. It was so simple to ctrlc/ctrlv and then oops theres her imessage number.. but I can see how that is a clear and obvious boundary. Granted, at the time I was still holding memories of planning to hang out so it seemed appropriate.


After hockey and two tall blue moon and I am wrecked. My tolerance is ask over the place. Sometimes I can drink and sometimes a sip gets me toasted.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Is honesty even worth it I keep coming back to it out of some moral perception but what does it even accomplish there is no universal truth I'm proud to be broadcasting from my personal universe but it's not yours this isn't even fucking real I can perceive all pasts even those I imagined and they feel the same as this where even are why and why is this is

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
That guy is in a confessional booth.

bless my father void, for i have sinned

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
its too much darkness for me

I'm more into being a daywalker than a nightcrawler these days

Oh my god I know. I got home at 5 and it was dark by the time I got done with my pilgrimage to WF.


yeah I love Fall so much but the SAD always unfortunately seems to set in immediately post October.

January to like late March is the worst for me tho...


erotic butter maelstrom
Can't remember how last night ended which is fucking w me bad. Made it home and everything, but still. Last thing I remember was going back and forth between rival tables w my old friends who showed up and my new "friends" inc that one girl and she kept talking about starting shit w my friend W cause she broke her guy friend's heart and shit. She should never attempt that in my presence tbh. Anyways I just know I prob acted a fool in the final blacked out hours of the night, esp with that girl around, but I guess nothing matters so fuck it.

I grabbed the last left over beer and fucking DM just knocked it over and spilled the whole thing. 😩
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