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Drunk thread

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gettin drunk, will play dargon age and be okay with being alone and probably do some dmt

i wish my fucking bitcoins werent in limbo, i wanna buy dem drugs


also the person i got lsd from never talks to me anymore for some reason and all my other friends do weed

i could probably get oxy or heroin or something around here but im not down with that

Trying to set up quite the medicine cabinet? lmao

actually yeah, it's fun "hrm what do i want today?"


While prepping the table I noticed what I thought was two bottles of champagne were actually sparkling cider. I was then told "we are having a non-alcoholic Thanksgiving."

What the FUCK

After we finished dinner I took a beer to my room.


7 of the 15 ppl that came brought deserts. Now I GOT shit tons if pie everywhere. How much pumpkin and apple and crack pie and gluten free macaroons can 2 ppl eat wtttffff

Happy thanksgiving guys. Ha some 2010 wine from the islands goooood shit


there is joy in sucking dick
While prepping the table I noticed what I thought was two bottles of champagne were actually sparkling cider. I was then told "we are having a non-alcoholic Thanksgiving."

What the FUCK

After we finished dinner I took a beer to my room.

I would have said, aloud, THANKSGIVING RUINED

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
the year of remembrance and lead
to each our own and caroline substrate
from the floor up
hope, building our futuresociety
the year of remembrance and lead
to each our own and caroline substrate
from the floor up
hope, building our futuresociety

What I'm seeing doesn't offer me much hope. People are fighting each other over discount TV's as we speak. Income inequality is only growing rather than shrinking as our society advances. Infinite knowledge in the form of the internet is available to anyone willing to seek it but people spend hours arguing over a basic fact that they could not take 2 seconds to google an answer to. The streets of Ferguson are a battlefield where the truth, whatever it may be, is lost.

The pace of progress remains glacial.
What I'm seeing doesn't offer me much hope. People are fighting each other over discount TV's as we speak. Income inequality is only growing rather than shrinking as our society advances. Infinite knowledge in the form of the internet is available to anyone willing to seek it but people spend hours arguing over a basic fact that they could not take 2 seconds to google an answer to. The streets of Ferguson are a battlefield where the truth, whatever it may be, is lost.

The pace of progress remains glacial.

on the plus side states where gay marriage is legal is sweeping across the US like wild fire.

about all I got on the positive side

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
drank a bottle of wine at my dads place

drank two of my beers and my roommate gave me one, alternating between straight tequila and a screwdriver rn

ahh yeahh


It's true I'm a nobody but care about your sister Minus.

Went to a friend's place, had a beer talked a bit had a good time. I'm liking my "new" car a lot.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
What I'm seeing doesn't offer me much hope. People are fighting each other over discount TV's as we speak. Income inequality is only growing rather than shrinking as our society advances. Infinite knowledge in the form of the internet is available to anyone willing to seek it but people spend hours arguing over a basic fact that they could not take 2 seconds to google an answer to. The streets of Ferguson are a battlefield where the truth, whatever it may be, is lost.

The pace of progress remains glacial.

Also on the positive side none of it matters.

It matters. We still have to live on this planet. We still have to experience these things.

If we don't have #FUTURESOCIETY in our hearts and minds we have nothing. Carry #FUTURESOCIETY in your hearts and act accordingly.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Exclusively hello and machine learning in each of us
Take firm your feet in the soil at the wilderness
Your tent and headset and others

Mutual experience and agreed truth

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Basically I'm looking for a hawkeye because I'm also hawkeye and hawkeye has hawkeye to lean on but I have no hawkeye so I need a hawkeye basically. Maybe this hawkeye is the one maybe she isn't. Only time will tell. 🎯

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
C'mon Lucky.
*rolls dice*

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I wonder how many of you guys realize how fortunate you really are. I wonder if I myself realize it sometimes.
This post is still bothering me. I do realize how lucky I am. At least I think I do. I think about it all the time, especially when doing work for #FUTURESOCIETY. It's heartbreaking how much it doesn't make me feel anything. I didn't ask to be placed here. I just am and will be. I recognize where and I am in relation to others and It's meaningless. I'm kind to others and that's all that matters.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I literally had the perfect day.

Selfie w/ da girls
Selfie w/ dat Dane 😎
This is my family.

Went to the beach with my Besties and we made lots of wicked slowmotion videos of us jumping off some sanddunes. Then we decided on dinner.. and I called a new friend and she came out with us! It was good having our second date be a double date with the kid too. I'm really feeling good about this. Its a hard thing to describe and Dane says it best. "this is the one area of life where it doesn't pay to look forward.

I put a copy of Saga volume in my bag and forgot to give it to her. :[

J. Bravo

Man I smoked with this kid from work who seemed cool. But he is so fake. He talked about fucking girls so much and had so many weird opinions about girls having sex with guys other than him that I think he might be gay, a virgin, a serial killer or some combination of all the.

Definitely not smoking with him again. And he actually got out of my car and shut the door without saying goodbye before he realized what be did. Then when he tried to say bye, he went for a shake while I tried to do that thing bros do.

Basically he didn't seem like a guy who I had just smoked with.


erotic butter maelstrom
I haven't smoked in like three months. Took a vow to abstain until if/when I find a new day job. Mostly cause potential p-tests but also as a form of negative reinforcement. But also also I know in my current situation it would jist give me anxiety.

At the barn for a bit but only on my second beer here. I been going off the deep end lately and gotta pace myself better before I make my sitch even worse somehow. I don't remember leaving last time and the waitress just told me I was one of the last out and basicly ping ponged between tables on my way out. P dArk stuff tbh. I just think I need something in life to anchor me down and I don't have that rn which leads to the nothing to lose mentality and v careless behavior.


erotic butter maelstrom
Sadboy blue eyes over here. Made it home. Pouring a drank of this growler of power porter. Gonna play some LBP with tunes beamed into my dome and D.M. by my side.
that's pretty much why I don't do bars

it has nothing to do with being scared to go solo

Good to see you blame I thought you was sober now tho


erotic butter maelstrom
That Star Wars trailer! 👀
It actually looks really neat. No doubt they're def exploiting star wars music and sfx and imagery to the max, but I'm excited now.

Maybe sometimes in a way blame. I'd rather drink with good people over lonely solo p much anytime but atst around certain crowds I'd rather just be alone. I'm not really a part of the herd, just a straggler. Right now I'm drinking alone because there's no one to be with aside from my cats. Blame you should get littlebigplanet.


erotic butter maelstrom
It's like as I've gotten older I'm basically so used to being on my own that I'm conditioned to it. It's my default state of being. But at the same time for some reason I'm also feeling more in need of being around people. Don't really wanna be like this forever. It's just hard to find people like me. Maybe this is the way it's meant to be.

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