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Drunk thread

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I've got tons of shit going on right now. If all I needed to do was work and go to school it'd be fine, but I gotta deal with all these overlapping social obligations. 🌚📆😵

I might go 2 Bonnaroo this summer too. I was there in 2011, it was v fun. We smoked opium. Only time I've ever done that, it was amazing.


erotic butter maelstrom
Stwo and Yahtzel are dope. Wish we had concerts like that here.

I need 2 stay in more. If I don't get this job, gonna start smoking weed again and just listen to music and play pc games and lift my weights. If I start lifting and doing pull-ups on the reg my physical body could be p insane by summer. Need 2 stay focused on growth but it's just so hard when the void just keeps growing every day and there's no hope whatsoever.


Man i just realized that gettin frink aint a hood idea cause i get si fukn depressd bout mt ex that i still lov but she already got mew bf & livs with gim lol only lik 2 n half month ago she broke up with me lolb


erotic butter maelstrom
I don't want anything to do with any girl I've cared for in the past. Every single one was a failure. Even the happy memories become painful in retrospect, lol. Just me and DM. 🐈


Fuck her. Not literally. Fuck someone else to get over her. Literally

Dude tbh i ben goin g 2 niteclubs with 2 cut asian girls i met after my ex brok up wit hme & i fuck 1 of tem & i ddnt feel better ar all man. Sex with someon eyou love is soooop much diff than with someone u dont luv


Literally cried in fron of both those girls tonight @ shrrender club @ encore cause they knw my sithuation u & they try helpp me git iver her but nothin works i got 0 self wortth lol last 2 1/2w months i quit my kob, moved dout my condo & lost everyrhing dude & my ex with somone else & fuckin HAtES me now

We were gonna get maaarried man, MARRIEd. She & her parents aand her sis were waiting for me to propose'n!!!b her sister told me that yesterdayy her parents dont even know she lives wit her new bf now haaha


Literally cried in fron of both those girls tonight @ shrrender club @ encore cause they knw my sithuation u & they try helpp me git iver her but nothin works i got 0 self wortth lol last 2 1/2w months i quit my kob, moved dout my condo & lost everyrhing dude & my ex with somone else & fuckin HAtES me now

We were gonna get maaarried man, MARRIEd. She & her parents aand her sis were waiting for me to propose'n!!!b her sister told me that yesterdayy her parents dont even know she lives wit her new bf now haaha

nevr catch feels. they only make it worse


Literally cried in fron of both those girls tonight @ shrrender club @ encore cause they knw my sithuation u & they try helpp me git iver her but nothin works i got 0 self wortth lol last 2 1/2w months i quit my kob, moved dout my condo & lost everyrhing dude & my ex with somone else & fuckin HAtES me now

We were gonna get maaarried man, MARRIEd. She & her parents aand her sis were waiting for me to propose'n!!!b her sister told me that yesterdayy her parents dont even know she lives wit her new bf now haaha

Hang in there man.


whoa...just looked at the calendar and daylight savings time is only a few weeks away.

almost through the annual darkness and misery that is Jan/Feb.


that's basically the dream.

can't decide if I'm gonna get good beer or a nice bottle of liquor tomorrow for my 1st night back in drunkland in 26 days.

probably should go w/ beer to keep myself somewhat in check.....


erotic butter maelstrom
My dream atm is to get high and lose myself in the digiverse. I need a little vacation from p much all aspects of my current existence.

I got high for the first time in months a couple nights ago, was worried I'd get super anxious, but instead I felt a sense of clarity and peace that I haven't had in a very long time. It was so nice. 🙏 Too bad I have no decent hook ups anymore, because that's the type of shit I need in my life atm. 😞


Yeah...I bought a big bag of weed the other day.......haven't smoked in over month. interested in seeing how I handle it because I was going through a phase where I couldn't really handle smoking some good green w/out having a few drinks in me first because my anxiety would just get out of control otherwise.

Gonna smoke a little tonight and hopefully the time off from it/booze along w/ me having been just hella healthy in general will allow me to re-enter the chill zone while baked again.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah weed has a few downsides for me like the cost, the occasional anxiety and mostly just enjoying life less when I don't have it, but overall it has more benefits than downsides from me. More than anything it just brightens my aura. I'm more engaging with people, I enjoy everything more, I think clearer, make better decisions, I can actually sleep like a normal person...that shit's pretty much like medicine for me. It certainly wouldn't fix the huge problems I have in my life but the relief would definitely aid me in that struggle. It's not like booze which mostly just fuels the downward spiral.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Just about to clock out. 🙌
Walked in the door this morning after my three day weekend and was greeted with "muahahaha boy are we glad to see you." It was a busy day.


Please don't tell my RA I'm drunk

EDIT: Holy fuck I'm a lightweight 4 sips and I'm already feeling it

OOOOOO we've got a Freshmen here! What a nerd!

Huge gathering of coworkers at the bar tonight. Like 3 or 4 of my coworkers have been doing molly while on the job, it's def. a v bad thing. I'm p embarrassed for them. IDevenK
I see some of you are still hanging out in here.... Now if at some point we can make a
"drinkers thread" would be really cool. I only see activity on here during "socially acceptable drinking times"

thurs-sun from 9pmEST-5AMEST. There has to be more high functioning alcoholics on GAF.


got a 12 pack of Sierras and am about to order some Thai.

the time is right..the time is now. it's time to dive head first back in to drunk world �� ��
This is exactly the type of shit im talking about with this fucking thread. There has to be one other piece of shit like me who hangs out on here. I mean im in my prime right now:

12:35PM today: buffalo wild wings, one shot of patron, 3 tall bud lights
2:35PM, back home, 3 shots of fireball mixed with a lot of busch light....
from that point on.... lots of busch light and fireball... this is just the norm for me...

can you guys please grow up and become alcoholics so we can hangout on here before you go out like some tweeny boppers in a club and post some shit no one understands...

that would be super cool of you guys.

lets rename this thread "weekend party thread VS "drunk thread"


resogun sucks. why the fuck do people like this game. i turned on my ps3 in ages, and i have so many fucking great games waiting for me FUUUCK

my feels are over btw. relationship undamaged, friendship salvaged. one problem about close female friends is fucking mood swings. yeah men can be assholes too, but that time of the month jesus fucking christ

palm beer sucks. but im just bitter i got overcharged by $2 for it


Few shots of Turkey and working on some Cigar City Florida Cracker (fantastic beer!) right now - over at a friend's place watching him drag some scrubs through Destiny raids while the roast chicken I'm cooking is filling the place with crazy good food smells.

At least I'm not working.


I got a PS4 the other day cause I wanna have Bloodborne next month since i'm a soulsman

idk what games I'm supposed to get for this thing that are currently out right now

what are the drunk thread PS4 classixxs?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This thread and what happens inside it is actually incredibly important to me.
I see some of you are still hanging out in here.... Now if at some point we can make a
"drinkers thread" would be really cool. I only see activity on here during "socially acceptable drinking times"

thurs-sun from 9pmEST-5AMEST. There has to be more high functioning alcoholics on GAF.

High functioning alcoholic/addict right here bruh. No better feeling in the world than being constantly drunk at work.


I got a PS4 the other day cause I wanna have Bloodborne next month since i'm a soulsman

idk what games I'm supposed to get for this thing that are currently out right now

what are the drunk thread PS4 classixxs?

Destiny. But seriously, Infamous First Light was pretty awesome. Dragon Age Inquisiton was alright. Plants vs Zombies was pretty cool but I got it free. I don't remember what else I've been playing. Most of the free games recently besides Infamous have been total shit or I already played a shit ton on the PC (Transistor, The Swapper, etc.)


holy fuck what's the ps3 and huge ass game installs i just wanna download drakkenguard 3 and jojo all star battle and its taking like an hour to delete all my old installs from like 2008-10


erotic butter maelstrom
I hate drink early because I love drinking late. Speaking of drinking late, out of work and getting started. Going 2 the barn if I have any money left.

Anyways good to see we all escaped the feelings zone. 🏃💨💕 We're making some progress here working it out as a team.
I got a PS4 the other day cause I wanna have Bloodborne next month since i'm a soulsman

idk what games I'm supposed to get for this thing that are currently out right now

what are the drunk thread PS4 classixxs?
We always have an awesome Hotline Miami drinking game. Can get really intense.

... I should also finish both demon's and dark souls before bloodbourne. Love them both but something always comes up when I seriously want to play them.


I bought a pizza and ate some of it. Left it in the common area and some asshole took a. Bite out of every leftover slice I'm super mad and sad


This is exactly the type of shit im talking about with this fucking thread. There has to be one other piece of shit like me who hangs out on here. I mean im in my prime right now:

12:35PM today: buffalo wild wings, one shot of patron, 3 tall bud lights
2:35PM, back home, 3 shots of fireball mixed with a lot of busch light....
from that point on.... lots of busch light and fireball... this is just the norm for me...

can you guys please grow up and become alcoholics so we can hangout on here before you go out like some tweeny boppers in a club and post some shit no one understands...

that would be super cool of you guys.

lets rename this thread "weekend party thread VS "drunk thread"

i think he's asleep

i made a whiskey-oj that's on the line of 70-30 and it tastes like a tangerine's ballsack

tryna ta see dan deacon with the older lady

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Drinking a saison and waiting for pizza to bake. New pens are good.
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