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Drunk thread

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erotic butter maelstrom
Omg I just beat the first boss!!!! He's actually easy just target on and always stay focused on his back and attack. He turns around slow.


erotic butter maelstrom
I never conquered dark souls, which still haunts me to this day. First time I had it on ps3 and I was too obsessed with my new pc at the time. Then I had it on pc and got further and my pc broke. Lame. But I did conquer the fuck out of demon's souls and played it several times through. Love that game so much.

Anyways I feel like my demon souls spirit has been revived. Between this, mostly this, but this spelunky and Xcom I'm in videogame heaven godbless.


erotic butter maelstrom
Brianjones I see you out there post here or pm me let's work thru this together

We should at least be psn friends by now


erotic butter maelstrom
Anyways now that cleric is done focused on father john misty or whatever his name is. We should team up to beat his final form. 👊
Anyways now that cleric is done focused on father john misty or whatever his name is. We should team up to beat his final form. ��

nice I'm on to him too

finally beat the cleric beast

i was pulling my hair out and then suddenly he wasn't too hard.. i guess i was lucky on all of my dodges

chrome_sitar add me!

taking a break right now watching kitchen nightmares


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah I don't want to stop playing but time to drink down a sleeping pill with my last tallboy of pbr and wind down. It's late. Time to sleep.

Drunk enough for no cold sweat nightmares tonight. 👏🙌


I really need to figure out the gun ➡️ visceral attack thing. I'm spending too much time exploring and end up in areas with real tough enemies or accidental boss fights. I'm also relying too much on molotovs and souls style fighting so I get owned by some of the stronger enemies. I didn't realize how fucking awesome the transformation attack was for staggering nearly everything until late last night.

Also fuck is up with the kirkhammer that's srsly some expert level shit compared to the other stuff. I'm doing a violent past build so it was easy to spec for but I was gettin amasht but those half beast villagers using it. Learning curve like 🆗🆒 I guess. I need beer


erotic butter maelstrom


I don't know nothing about Bloodborn, but Demon's Souls was/is one of the best v games I've ever played.

How much $$ do I have to waste on a PS4

Can you still rent systems like you could rent an SNES at Blockbuster? redbox should do that


do video rental stores even still exist?

maybe you could like buy a used one at a gamestop and just keep taking it back right before the alloted time to return it is up and then get another used one at another gamestop and keep doing that until you beat it!

anyways this game seriously owns...especially after the disappointment (tho I still I enjoyed it) DS2.

got some tall boys and am gonna try to take out the blood starved beasts bitch ass tonight.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Done with work. Got ice cream with my GF. Time to maintain a leisure buzz and get back into BB. Was thinking about it alllll day.


Night off. Done nothing but travel the soundcloud rabbit hole. 🐰 Almost time 2 return 2 BB. Anyways finished one of my sick new mixes I been working on it's v nice imo. sensual mix for the ladies. 😘💃


I'm wanting to start making my own mixes, how do you do this?


Pulling 80 hour weeks. Exhaustttttted.

Going crazy this weekend.

Fancy Resto + as much booze as I can consume, and a club or something plus bottle service.


erotic butter maelstrom
do you use any filters or w/e

is it just like blending the mixes in between the two songs or is it remixing something or other?
Usually don't add anything beside extra fade in/out to certain tracks so the transistion is smoother and normalize the audio so it's all the same volume. Audacity is pretty basic, the effects it can add are all pretty tacky.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm drinking lagunitas Pilsner and was just called a cad

I'm the least caddish fellow here, to be frank I'm quite close to to being described as cricket.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah snugs mixes have always sounded like the gapless audio .5second fade in that iTunes used to offer in 2005ish.

I mean that as a compliment on the state of the world.
Linnet texted me to tell you that white satin was garishly good.


erotic butter maelstrom
Thanks Linnet!! 💆💋

By the way my phone is out of order for like a week. 📵 Just in case you try to text me, don't want to appear unresponsive.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Walk of shame to the liquor store is extra pointedly listless this evening

^cooo ill look into it


Unconfirmed Member
So karaoke + hookah and 60¢ PBRs is my night tonight. See you all at my 9:20 Arabic class tomorrow morning.


erotic butter maelstrom
Decided to make 2nite my last night of drinking probably for the next week. Only have emergency funds left and gotta get some cat food. 🐱🍤

Having a pitcher at the barn then have a few #tallboyz of trash beer back at home.

Feeling a little rare positivity. Guess I'll be having a follow up with this one particular girl who I met last Fall and got a really good vibe from but didn't follow up with due to my downward spiral and thinking it would be wrong of me to drag her into it. Byt I guess she was really hoping to hear from me and has her own personal life struggles. I was still hoping there would be some potential there...kinda kewl to have a second shot. She seems totally unlike the type of girls I've been meeting lately which is great. 👌

Also just ran into the last girl I met but I was drunk at the time and didn't follow up. She's really cute and funny but I think she was going in to a different barn so whatever didn't try to start anything.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
i never read an article and decided i was a transhumanist, i one day found a word to describe me

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
i cant believe how in love i am
i cant believe its recquitted
im on my 5th beer


erotic butter maelstrom
I feel more like the opposite sometimes. A caged animal. I need 2 roam free thru the forest alive and free. But maybe the 2 mentalities both seek the same thing.

Happy for you, my friend. 👏
She seems like a great gal, specially since she likes my mixes. Hopefully my new development could potentially lead down that road.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Its quite strange. It really is one of those things that is impossible to talk about.
Language doesn't exist to describe the why and how.

Its just strange.
Its very hard being in a relationship while experiencing depression though. I feel like this is the first relationship that may not be defined by my depressive pysche. Hard to believe. I can feel it under the surface rippling our crystal clear experience.. but it feels distant. It feels out of touch. Its there. But its old.


erotic butter maelstrom
Me2. But I'm not gonn 😓 it since I'm p much forced to be sober / not binge drink for a week now which will p much be a record. Just gotta focus on bloodborne and tunez and cats in the meantime. 👉🐈👈


broke till next weekend because of bills and loan payments. fuk

at least my lady friend is helping me out a little but i hate asking people for help


Never trust those things on cars that tell you how many miles you have until e. mine said I had 12 miles left...I wanted to get home real quick after making a grocery/liquor run to watch b-ball and said screw it I'll fill up tomorrow. My car died like 3 house before mine while still saying I had 12 miles I could drive... i mean it could have been worse but still. smh.

Anyways....I'm really far in Bloodborne. Will probably beat it this weekend. Still haven't done any Chalice Dungeons tho. Think I'll knock some of those out before I know I'm gonna be at the final boss. Getting close....I can feel it.
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