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Drunk thread

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I have vaped like 5 pax loads and its only noon. 🔥😑🔥


Damn I need some weed. When are scientist gonna be able to code weed into a series of 1s and 0s so I can get high through the internet?

Since it's Easter I guess I'll crack a bottle of wine and drink some of the blood of christ. ⛪️🍷😈
started having withdrawal from coke, immediately got rid of what i had and deleted my dealers number. not about to become a coke addict. next couple days aren't gonna be fun tho.


Probably a good idea.

Coke would be like the greatest drug of all time if not for the price, the awful, awful comedowns, and 99% of the people who do it.
My drunk ass actually bought Bloodborne last night. Surprisingly got a good price for the steelbook. I don't regret it at all.

My friends are playing Zelda monopoly and I'm having a fight with my girlfriend because of the gaming related stuff we are doing tonight. Shit's annoying.


christ what a rough weekend. drank so much. barely got any sleep because deaf people can be fucking loud, a two year old screaming, two dogs barking, and my gfs snoring. despite starting every morning off drinking and being the only man there, i only managed to slip up once but that was because one of the eight chicks that were over was looking over my shoulder while i was calling a friend of mine a cunt in a text message. 50 shades of gray was the most boring piece of shit ever. i feel asleep after 30 or so minutes


I wish I was made of money so I could buy one of those ps4 thingies.

But it's like, 60% of one of my bi-weekly paychecks <_<


erotic butter maelstrom
It's the year 2048. You walk the streets of Tokyo, drenched from rain and bathed in neon lights. You walk alone, hooded in black and mysterious, but you're being followed. Not just followed, but hunted. This journey will only end with your demise. You run until it's time 2 ready your katana for that final stand...
that snugg mix


J. Bravo

just beat father g and cleric beast in 1 try today. finally can move on. father g was easy once i realized
what the music box was for

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I've basically got father g down. I've been fighting him with my cane even though I do have them other weapons unlocked. Not using molotovs either, just man to woman. It's awesome. Linnet just watched me get him down to about 20 percent health.


erotic butter maelstrom
I've basically got father g down. I've been fighting him with my cane even though I do have them other weapons unlocked. Not using molotovs either, just man to woman. It's awesome. Linnet just watched me get him down to about 20 percent health.

Yeah once he goes into beast mode u can take away most of his health with a super attack after countering. Pulling that off pleased me greatly.

i wanna make another mixtape. any comments to improve on the ones ive done so far?

This is just my style I guess but all the best mixes I've made had a really strong / focused / memorable theme to them. Creating a soundscape that takes you on a journey.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
lol somehow I never fought the cleric beast
Just took him out on my first attempt
There was supposed to be a birthday party today, but it was called off. We are now celebrating without the birthday child. I'm now even worse in Demon's Souls.

I also got a message from an old Xbox live friend on Facebook, who asked me if I bought Bloodborne recently on amazon. What a weird coincidence that I apparently bought the game from him.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
lol I just saw interstellar in the movie theater


Dont know if im drunk or just 4/3's tipsy
Things i hate about my life right now
  • I'm watching bobs burgers right now and the voice actors are starting to blend
  • i lost $220 today
  • i thought that casinos were a place i would make money at
  • i feel like im not as smart as i think i am because of that
  • i am drinking miller high life
  • girl i have a lot of history confronted me yesterday about my intentinos
  • i lief
  • also, while i was at a bar with her yesterday she saw her ex and started acting weird. she then, after ten minutes of acting weird, went to talk to him
  • she left me by myself for the longest 10 minutes of my life.
  • two years ago i fucked her and never called her or texted her after.
  • she brought this up when i was dropping her off
  • i told her the truth
  • i was embarressed for not satissfying her sexually
  • she acknowledged that fact and accused me of just using her to get my orgasm and not worrying about her
  • she said there was no passion to that sex and that she was sad that i didnt call or text her
  • she says we would have tried again
  • but!!!!! i am leavin soon, she knows this, so she asks me if im just trying to get some sex before i leave, because that would be fucked up, so I tell her that no.
  • i tell her the truth: at first i was just checking her out since i hadnt seen her in a bit, but we had such a good time that i dont even know anymore and ithink i really like her.
  • but the fact still stands that in a month i will be in chicago at boot camp. and after that i will be away for a minimum four years. so obviously i shouldnt start a relationship a month before. So, im thinking of just telling her the truth tomorrow:
    "Hey, honestly the other day when you told me all that you caught me off guard, so i didnt know what to say. The truth is, i did just want to fuck before i left. Honestly, you understand that im leaving soon, so i thought we were on the same page, but yea, hanging out with you has been so fun and i guess i regret not contiuning this last year, cus now we only have a month to hang out. but, whats the point, long distance never works, and ive been single for the last year! why did you disturb my solitude! I do just want to fuck, but damn. i kinda like you now. we have so much more in common than i rememeber."
okay... pbviosuly im not gonna say all that , ui guess im just venting. but damn.
single life is so much easier.
i swear, this girl is what i want in a girl.
and ive known her so long
and im leaving
but we have history
not the first time she leaves me for another guy
not the first time i try to use her
i think were just too similar.
shes worried about herself and so am i

i dont care if anyone doesnt reply to this. so yea.. just venting.

cant believe i lost so much money today, i dont even have a job! it was half of my income tax return that i gambled away


I talked a LOT with an ex today (one before venezuela) about relationships and shit and how she's not happy in the current one but she lives with him and wants to fix things but dont think it'll happen and blabla

then we talked about when we were together

it was so cliche and about to end up with a dangerous "lets get a beer" that it was.. weird


I talked a LOT with an ex today (one before venezuela) about relationships and shit and how she's not happy in the current one but she lives with him and wants to fix things but dont think it'll happen and blabla

then we talked about when we were together

it was so cliche and about to end up with a dangerous "lets get a beer" that it was.. weird
Are you in different countries currently?

Cause, fuck it, go for it, have that beer. She's obviously ready


she kinda pulled back a bit at the end there but it was basically the first real talk in years and it was interesting regardless of where it ends up. I mean whatever she feels she still is on a relationship and I dont want to screw that up. I really care for that girl

that ex lives here, and current one is in venezuela yeah doing who knows what. think im starting to get over it


exes are great and so much easier tho, the history's all there and after a couple years you only remember the good stuff

i've barely been with like 2 new girls since venezuela-gate and I dont like them

tbh my mentality should be completely elsewhere and not thinking about women/relationships at all but im a needy fuck


exes are great and so much easier tho, the history's all there and after a couple years you only remember the good stuff

i've barely been with like 2 new girls since venezuela-gate and I dont like them

tbh my mentality should be completely elsewhere and not thinking about women/relationships at all but im a needy fuck
I am needy too.
Girls are usually called "princesses" when they are needy, so I I guess I'm a prince?

or is it still princess


erotic butter maelstrom
I was cultivating a new soundcloud pl but honestly I was in a dark place 2night and it was so depressing it made me feel kinda ill so not sure if I should push it further.


I normally wouldn't post in the drunik thread since I usually just get high, but all the shots of fireball I took earlier snuck up on me, so i'm here. I don't drink much so idk if i'm drunk or really tipsy, but i'm feeling good so idgaf either way. I'm fully ready to embarass myself across social media, though, since I'm extremely talkative.

exes are great and so much easier tho, the history's all there and after a couple years you only remember the good stuff

i've barely been with like 2 new girls since venezuela-gate and I dont like them

tbh my mentality should be completely elsewhere and not thinking about women/relationships at all but im a needy fuck

I feel you, my man. Exes kinda suck, though. They may act like they only remember the good stuff, but they remember and still hold grudges for the bad shit, too. It'll pop up eventually, at least in my experience.

edit: assurely drunk because I stood up to find a cigarette and all ideas of balance flew out the fucking window. thank god people are sleep because I would definitely embarrass myself right now.

J. Bravo

Really enjoying the time I spend with this girl. We met Friday and have been on two dates I guess. Sunday we smoked and grabbed a drink, and today we had sushi for lunch. We have a lot in common is kind of ridiculously awesome.
We are having a nice a Donkey Kong Country 2 drinking session. And a heated discussion about how my friends don't accept Resident Evil 4 as the masterpiece that it is.


That's ridiculous....RE4 is like the best in the series easily. I think RE5 was the single most disappointed I'd ever been in a game I was anticipating because I loved RE4 so much at the time.

Anyways I'm drinking Miller Lites on Wednesday night for some reason...justifying it because my b-day is tomorrow. So, you know, whatever.


Whiskey, Rum or Coñac/Brandy?

Basically, I can only drink dark liquor because for whatever strange reason clear liquor makes me puke. Alot.

Whiskey is my favorite followed by Coñac. I can tolerate some Rum but dont really like the over powering taste of most of the ones I've had.

Most Whiskey are so smooth and have a taste that make me feel like a real macho man. Coñac make me feel like a gentleman or a rapper depending which brand I drink. Hennessy VSOP being the gentleman feeling and regular Henny being the rapper (NO IT'S NOT RACIST!). Rum makes me feel a little trashy and gives me slight hang overs.

Anyway I love alcohol but don't really get trashed anymore. I have a least one small cup almost every night though to help me relax and sleep right through the night.

P.S. I had something called Jack Punch the other day and it was amazing. I dont like those sweet drinks but that joint had me buzzed and I felt I was on a cloud. It's basically Jack Daniels with passion fruit and maybe something else. Shit was was beyond amazing

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Sippin a lagunitas

Wow the blackness takes an especially sinister form when in a relationship

The playground is cold tonight


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah I was there ln. Bloodboyz is protecting me from the darkness rn at least. Sploring a new area (witch forest) while I mentally prepare for fighting the dog lady again. &#128058;

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I've got work to do in BB. I've got Father G on lock, I think. Also need to grind out 10k souls to open the cathedral. I bought the repeating pistol last session I played. And got my cane to +2 so its Skill scaling is now at B.

Through osmosis I've learned that Father G has a reaction to an item you can find but I've not yet found it. I would appreciate maybe a vague hint? I kinda just want to take him on without it since I've nearly killed him like 7 times now without even molotovs.
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