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Drunk thread

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erotic butter maelstrom
new donny utah is sick as fuck

keep having to yell at my cats. this one (DM my fave) keeps wanting to tear up the carpet but maybe he's trying to uncover some dark secrets below?? I dunno. The other rolls around on the floor like he's on x and spazzes out when I try to pet him. It's an interesting experience living with a squad of cats. TBH they're my main squad / best friends atm.


erotic butter maelstrom
I live with four cats right now. I'm closer ikju (cat stepped on keyboard) with cats more than people lately. It's kinda funny / kinda fucked up how I find myself being more influenced by my cats than people these days. I've actually picked up cat traits. But that's probably why they all love me so much.


erotic butter maelstrom
from this day forward I will have 2 ask every girl if she's allergic 2 cats because if she is she will die in my lair. sorry but I'm a catmancer.

theme of the new mix is heavenly ascension and it's absolutely beautiful


lmao I have a friend who can't sit on the couch I contributed to the apartment because my cats used to sit on it

damn I've been there though. where you know a cat better than the people you know best


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I live with four cats right now. I'm closer ikju (cat stepped on keyboard) with cats more than people lately. It's kinda funny / kinda fucked up how I find myself being more influenced by my cats than people these days. I've actually picked up cat traits. But that's probably why they all love me so much.



erotic butter maelstrom
I knew his mom...she was this skinny black cat and was only six months old when she got knocked up with him and his litter. his alleged father was this one-eyed Maine coon alley cat who prowled the streets at that time. It would def make sense for that to be his origins. He's got the sick stripes and mane of fluffyness of a coon but the litheness and chillness of a black cat. But His mom's owner went to prison but last I heard most if not all of those cats had gone missing. Probably hit by cars or eaten by coyotes. P sad. DM might be the sole survivor. Crazy how on a whim I chose him and now he's been given this life .
I'm now drunk because my brother Skype'd me to tell me about his ex-wife who just dumped him again, I wish I had my initial advice of "Move the fuck on" from our previous Skype conversation recorded so I wouldn't have to go through 2 hours of whiny "Why did this happen" shite. I expect this to happen again in 3-4 months when she wants something else from the dumb, sad twat. Anyway bonus, I'm now pissed as a fart.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Gonna listen to it while I play BB THIS MORNING
I have an insane story to tell about last nights hunt


erotic butter maelstrom
The new emoji display has made me notice so many that have never been used. 🍄🐨🐬🗾🍠🎏🎽🎷🛀🏿🎿🎬🎰🎢🎯🚚🚡🛂🏪🇮🇳👛👢🔖📮📓📔📒📕📗📘📙📚📎📐✒️🚸💮🚼🔯🔳

So many binders...

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm about to vape some phoenix tears. @_@

I would normally never do this out of fear of gumming up my vape, but I need to clean it anwyway today so I figure I'm gonna CBD crazy before this epic jog. I'll be on a cloud.

I still have a bit of the Sativa Phoenix tears from the small batch they made last year, and that is 54% THC. @.@ That stuff is scary.


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Whoa. I usually only take phoenix oil orally, but smoking it like that was really strong. I didn't feel any muscle fatigue at the beginning of my jog before I got up to speed. I also ran harder than I normall would. It was a really good experience.

J. Bravo

I have this stuff called AK-47. I have to be careful smoking it because it is some good shit. I get reallly fucking high when I hit it.
So I saw Grace Hartzel, my quasi-celebrity crush tonight at a concert (Sunflower Bean). She's a model who's well known enough if you're in to fashion and not really known anywhere else. I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't really figure out how to go about it, and now I'm just running it through my head over and over beating my self up for not talking to her. She was literally directly in front of me too, dancing with a friend, brushing against me. She smelled like roses. Fuck my life.

J. Bravo

So I saw Grace Hartzel, my quasi-celebrity crush tonight at a concert (Sunflower Bean). She's a model who's well known enough if you're in to fashion and not really known anywhere else. I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't really figure out how to go about it, and now I'm just running it through my head over and over beating my self up for not talking to her. She was literally directly in front of me too, dancing with a friend, brushing against me. She smelled like roses. Fuck my life.

you probably should have just said hi, you look familiar. then conclude you don't know each other actually, and should get to know her. or something. idk man weren't you drunk? should have been pretty ez to talk to her haha.

oh well let it go amigo. i'm sure there will be other opportunities in NY

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Just got back from spending the day in Tomales with my girlfriend. I want to live out there some day. It was so good.

Stopped by and got some Lagunitas Pilsner on my lonesome drive home. Now I'm just gonna zone out in the forest.

I knew a lot was going to change this year.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This is the best day. Thanks to others. Listening to Halo of Light and reflecting upon lots and lots. Sitting on my desk just getting the beer inside. the drunk can't come soon enough. Did a slight bit of painting with this weird watercolor pigment marker I bought to try out. Just sorta not sure about a lot. I'm glad about a lot but that sense of glad throws the darkness into relief. Light brings disparity to a life of grey.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
cute dog!!

Man I need to buy Dark Souls2 but I've been wanting to reformat my PC so I want to wait until after I do that. Also Bloodborne/Dark Souls still.

2 beers down 4 to go.


cute dog!!

Man I need to buy Dark Souls2 but I've been wanting to reformat my PC so I want to wait until after I do that. Also Bloodborne/Dark Souls still.

2 beers down 4 to go.

DS2 is pretty average in my experience. I've only gotten to the Lost Bastille, but like... I haven't died once. Shit is too easy.

also Lucian says ty


erotic butter maelstrom
At the barn. Been drinkin since like 8 but slowly. I'm alright but feeling a little aggression. I might be too far gone after this second pitcher but if somehow not might get a couple to go.


erotic butter maelstrom
Drunk but managed to discover castle cainhurst tho I might be underleveled.

Anyways 2nite I vow to start being a goodboy. No more frequent barn visits. No more smoking cigarettes. Need to be on my best behavior if I'm ever gonna make it.
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