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Drunk thread

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erotic butter maelstrom
Ugh ended up at the barn again. I just get so bored sometimes. I come out here bc it's not boring but atst it's not that fun either. Who are these people...


erotic butter maelstrom
Out of all the many things that contrib towards unhappiness and self-destructive behavior I think that boredom is the most dangerous by far. At least in my experience. Boredom is a massive void.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
There are so many things happening at once right now but I feel like my mind is moving normally and everything else is going fast.

Stop. Let me explain.

So you know that scene in the newest X Men movie (which I really didn't like but that is besides the point) when Quicksilver is going what to us is perceived as fast but to him is normal, and as such what we would perceive as normal is for him going very slowly?

That, but my mind is Quicksilver and everything else is going super slow.

I feel like I'm looking at everything in individual frames (like, frames in film or animation), while other people are only living within those frames and I'm able to see the borders of those frames. I can see past the 23.98 frames a second and they are living within these constructs.

But at the same time it's super overwhelming and I literally had to segregate myself to a room alone.

This happened to me on shrooms, except it felt like I was Quicksilver. Dunno what the fuck the other people were doing, but I was going supa fast.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah boredom is basically why I drink these days.
Got off work today and was thinking I wasn't gonna hang out with my girlfriend so I could sit and drink alone + do whatever is I do. But she convinced me to come over and drink at her apt. instead.

On beer 4 or 5. I think 5. We're watching rupaul. Idk it's nice to be drinking around other people.

She and her roommate don't drink though so I'm kinda trapped in my head a bit.


erotic butter maelstrom
Dang. Yeah the one girl I'm pursuing isn't a partier at all which is the kind of influence I need tbh but atst it'll require me to reign in my colossally self-destructive tendancies.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Modest mouse fuckin killed that shit, one of the best performances ive ever seen.

offspring was tight too and that crowd got real greasy real quick, it felt very appropriate

Was planin to check out this party but fuck im tired, probably just run out for some grub and play video games till i pass out or something


erotic butter maelstrom
I miss my girlfriends. Oops I kissed another girl but I was so drunk I don't remember anything about her. They didn't even know about her, just the one I left her for who then threw me into the garbage lol. Guess I can't blame her for hating me. If I was her I would hate me too.


erotic butter maelstrom
So I was trying to add an album to my phone and a cat jumped on the keyboard and somehow made itunes select every single fucking artist in my library to upload to my phone and now it's impossible to add anything because like 70gb worth of music is selected. help. fucking cats .

N/M figured it out


Unconfirmed Member
Man...Last night I found out a friend had recently killed himself. His funeral was yesterday. :'(

His mom made copies of his album he released right before he did it and gave me a copy. When I find a place to rip it I want to share it with you GAF. I'm going to a celebration for him today. T_T

On the brightside I hooked up with this girl I know and have wanted to sleep with :[

J. Bravo

Damn that sucks man. Rip jpop's friend.

My acid reflux hit me again this morning at like 640. It was so bad it woke me up and I threw up. It sucked.


erotic butter maelstrom
I dunno I'm out drinking with a co-worker. He's alright we bond sometimes but he kinda acts a fool sometimes, like rants loudly about dumb shit up at the bar. Making the btender listen to shit he is obv doesn't care about.

Not v judgmental here but aside from when I'm in wasted destroy mode I'm somewhat conscious of my image and I don't really like having that shadow cast upon me. But on the other hand, he's buying all the drinks so fuck it.


yeah I'm the same.... I get embarrassed real easily around people I'm hanging w/ if they're the type who get stupidly loud in public and shit when they drink.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah dude I never have legitimate conversations in public let alone complaint ones.

Went to the fabric store earlier and now I'm drinking s trumer, gonna go
Buy more soon and play necrodancer

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Nah, I know that all too well. I've faked my way through a lakes worth of drinks.

Stopped my moms to see her cat that was recently injured. :[

Mom seems ok, didn't really ask any questions. Just gave her the rundown of current events. I'm glad Linnet is my family now.



nostalgia man...

song is eternal but always brings me straight back to being a 13 year old listening to some New Order comp cd I swiped from my older sister and playing it on my garbage Magnavox boom box while playing Soul Calibur on Dreamcast thinking about how much school and going to baseball practice SUCKED.


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, same coat!
Its funny seeing all your midwest cats have long fur while my california cats are all short.


erotic butter maelstrom
Ughhhh got insanely wasted ln. Woke up in bed fully clothed even wearing my jacket. 2day is my day off and I'm sposed 2 go biking and shit but now I'm just laying here like ughhjj

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Got through last night and only drank 4 beers.
Woke up and there was no coffee though 😪
I have no idea what this green thing was, the only thing they said is that it was full of Vodka.

So yeah, vodka it was, that green thing though? No idea.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
OMG I Just made the cutest Vaporizor case.

On beer #3.



Damn I really need to finally get a Pax.

Like I'm trying to save up dough to get a legit desktop gaming rig by the Fall but at the same time I'm long overdue for getting a good vape...buying one would only set me back a month or so on the PC but still..

Decisions man....


Really enjoy getting stoned, drinking some brews and helping dudes beat bosses in Souls games.

Enriched so many lives by helping some weaklings beat Rom tonight. feeling real blessed. 🙏

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Dang, haven't played much BB this week.
I'm at what I think is the beginning of maybe the foresty area. And there are two dudes, one with a rifle spear and the other with an electric mace that wrecked my shit last time I played. Also I've put like 45 hours into that game.

Really into Necrodancer right now and still learning my Luftrausers game too. Also kind of playing that crappy Halo iOS game.


erotic butter maelstrom
Forest is a diff direction. 🌲 That way is a dead end 4 now.

I'm towards the end and it's rly tough. 😓

Have you fought the big dog lady? 🐕
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