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Drunk thread

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My friends left and they later really want to go to that one pub that is out of the question for me.

Edit: We don't go anywhere because of me. Everyone is pissed off now. I'm just going to drink more beer alone in the kitchen now I guess.


also anyone wanna explain to me what the hell I'm supposed to do w/ an iPad?

My sister gave me her old 2 cause she got a new one and literally the only thing I've found it useful for is the NY Times crossword app and using it the kitchen for recipes.

It seems most of it's things people like doing on them I already like doing better on my iPhone or MBP (also have kindle papewhite for ebooks because reading on iPads blow).....guess I'm just a laptop man 4life.

god I feel like a jackass for complaining about free shit.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The new one I'm polishing atm is heartbreaking & beautiful. 🌇😻 It's this year's chvll shvt mix, the sequel 2 chvll shit 2013 and chvll shvt 2014. Can't believe we've made it this far.
I'm working a mix titled LOUIS CMYk


im old and have a houseguest staying over during a break between touring that needs quiet. never had a party straggler that managed to maintain a presence after they left thou.

i am really liking this mix. i started listening it while writing a post ragging on the USPS but then stopped and threw away everything i worked on because the mix was so good and it got me thinking there needs to be a snuggles OT in offtopic since i usually miss when you post them because ive been drinking and just want to complain about things itt (see above for prime example)
Hoggert I was just razzing, I know how it is.

I'm enjoying the current snug production as well, vibing with my huge amount of mac & cheese and headache. So glad I didn't have to deal with a crappy kid today and had good students.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Eating spring rolls for lunch and the city is having a parade so this morning I rode my bike past a fleet of cops parading on their motorcycles.


Hoggert I was just razzing, I know how it is.

I'm enjoying the current snug production as well, vibing with my huge amount of mac & cheese and headache. So glad I didn't have to deal with a crappy kid today and had good students.

dont mind me im just raging since i got cockbloooooooooooooooocked


Sierra Nevada torpedo and a jazz apple is a hella refreshing combo

like there are better, fancier beers out there but I'm p sure I'd rather just be drinking an OG Sierra or Tropedo 99% of the time.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
In the car with linnet and she's talking shit about mall goths

J. Bravo

It's like a freaking monsoon here!! I love it. And I'm so high. Just chillin in my truck hoping it will pass soon so I can go inside lol


I think the lone reason since 3 years of quitting cigs I would pick them up again is so I don't notice smelling like ass after hanging out w/ my peeps who do.

Love my smoker bros but there's a reason(s) I'm never going back.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Grey of grey
Neutral tint
Davy's grey
Paynes grey
Peach black


thats p cool security tbh

I mean they could have just booted your ass...kept your card there and charged you like whatever your tab was + the always ridiculous tip markup for leaving your card there.


I rummaged around in my freezer and for some reason I had fuckin eggos

I just toasted those bitches and put nutella and peanut butter on them and formed a sandwich and now i'm gonna go die
thats p cool security tbh

I mean they could have just booted your ass...kept your card there and charged you like whatever your tab was + the always ridiculous tip markup for leaving your card there.
Yeah fortunatelyi had friends there to keep me in check or else I would have been booted no doubt.


erotic butter maelstrom
Drinking a few out in the wild. Probably the last night I can afford 2 drink for the next couple weeks. Times are tough. It's fukkin packed here tho. &#128548;


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah I'll probably be wasted soon.&#127939;&#127996; to the liquor store real quick b4 they closed after killing a pitcher now back at the barn to close it out with a few then I gotta return to my supply
drop by the beach in some bushes. Oh well after this I'll have to b a good boy so might as well maxx out my nite.


erotic butter maelstrom
I wanted to finish BB B4 witchboyz but I'm almost to the end and all the worlds left 2 beat are annoying. &#128555;


never played a Witcher game...should i get this shit?

from what I've gathered it seems the series features a lot of mad corny/embarassing video game banging scenarios which has me like :/


erotic butter maelstrom
They're p salacious at times but not rly corny and it's never turned me off from all the good stuff. Playing rn and it's amaze. &#128076;&#128175;&#128175;&#128175;&#128142;&#10024;&#127378;&#127378;&#127378;

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Dang had like 7 cracks at Amelia today and have been rebuffed. Got it down to half health but then lost focus. ><

Drinking some beers I kinda wish I wasn't drinking since I haven't drank about two days, but hey.. its 10pm. 10pm is an acceptable time to break fast.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah I somehow beat her but being rly aggressive and just staying close up on her ass &#128298;&#128054;

Maythe cosmos bless u w/ good fortune &#127747;&#10024;

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm using a torch and a cane.

Also my apple watch arrives tomorrow and tonight soundcloud released their watch app. It was meant to be.


uh boy

this girl randomly started throwing some kind of... homophobic fit

out of nowhere

like, not terribad but some of her ideas about the whole thing are.. uhm

oh boy


like maybe not straight up homophobic but she was basically saying she's disgusted by lesbians who look super manly and they bother her when they complaint about being discriminated or some shit

but that she feels that way not because they're lesbians, like they can do whatever they want, but she feels silly about them getting upset when someone looks at them funny or strange since they.. look funny and strange

that's me kinda salvaging it and getting the best possible idea out of it but.. still

whole thing came from talking about discrimination and how she's always thought to be super dumb and rich or whatever cause of the neighberhood she lives in and cause she's blonde and people are surprised when she says she studies engineering and that's all good and dandy but.. still

dude, talk about a fucking left. out of NOWHEREEE and I was feeling so good about her


They're p salacious at times but not rly corny and it's never turned me off from all the good stuff. Playing rn and it's amaze. &#128076;&#128175;&#128175;&#128175;&#128142;&#10024;&#127378;&#127378;&#127378;

Right on. I'll probably DL that shit here eventually. Really need a new game anyways.

Man getting stoned and using a foam roller while some stars of the lid is playing is just incredible.....think ive reached some state of enlightenment. &#128519;&#127886;


good lord I feel weird as shit

like literally hole in stomach. this girl was great and I was feeling better and better about her and then she pulled this shit

it was real rough. she didnt speak in a way that she wouldnt agree with my counter-arguments or was so closed as to not change her mind about some stuff but it still was scary as shit

ended up going on not just about "why can't lesbians still be girly and delicate and they have to be all MACHO-like and disgusting" and into "the people who are really discriminated are the rich, not the poor" and some other baffling stuff like that

never had this happen. holy crap.

im kinda surprised at the immediate 180 I just did, kinda. I mean im not ruling anything out or anything and I know shit was moving fast but it feels like being heartbroken in a slight way

what the actual fuck guys

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Salsa, she sounds really sheltered. I'd try to have a semi-serious but friendly discussion with her and poke a little further at her views. See what happens. If she doubles down then you know what to do.


I think she immediatly regretted bringing the subject up, maybe cause I was visibly like "uhhhh wow wait what" but I don't feel like bringing it up again.. soon at least, but her arguments were kinda strong and even with like.. anger behind them. It was through text chat so I can't be completely sure on the mood or actual feel of the conversation but it read terrible

I don't know. what a weird fucking thing. I was gonna sleep and now im wide awake as fuck

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah. I actually found myself in a similar discussion with my girlfriend today about the latest Game of Thrones rape. I was just feeling kinda apathetic towards the whole thing and she was not having it. I quickly was made to feel like my desire to not be bothered was selfish.

If you like her, call her out. In person.


well according to what I saw on her sis instagram the other day by chance I think she votes right wing, and probably comes from a wealthy family. It all seemed very oldschool "girls acting not girly = ewwwghh" which really threw me off but coupled with that probably speaks more of her upbringing or family environment. The fact that she kinda regrets bringing it up makes me think maybe she doesn't feel as strongly about that stuff.. but that's probably me trying to salvage the thing

she's barely 24 since like last month so maybe she's just being dumb about the world but.. damn. Idk if i'd bring it up soon but I wonder how she would even feel about some of my friends now

if anything it made me hit the breaks hard on this whole thing unexpectedly and I was really enjoying riding it out and being hopeful / having my mind set on another girl

by how the conversation ended I actually think the same thing happened to her, or at least she noticed a sudden "change" in the whole future prospect

what a god damn bummer

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I have not fought the Blood Starved Beast yet. What the hell. Why am I at Amelia.

Seems like you've made your choice then. Hope you meet someone super sexy soon!
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