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Drunk thread

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member

This cats name is chic and he's sitting on a box.
Mr white seems to have walked off.


he'll probably come back eventually...fill up that food bowl!

just checked my ipad and I had 3 new cats chillin


Already wasted all my damn gold sardines....gotta figure out how to get more.

Got off work early today and after this bike ride am gonna finish the beer in my fridge and probably tend to my e-cats all evening.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Had a minor anxiety earlier but now I'm making meatloaf and mashed potatoes. 🚨😱🚨

J. Bravo

It's kind of weird how much marijuana had helped me with a lot of issues. Since running out and not smoking for almost a week, I am slightly depressed, tired all the time, unmotivated, and generally just feel crappy. This is how I felt before starting to smoke as well. Life sucks.

Someone smoke me up through the internet plz

J. Bravo


My homie just came through in the clutch with a free smoke sesh. High af and feeling great about to order some sonic and watch Netflix.

Really enjoying these new smilies on my new s6


erotic butter maelstrom
So my friends were watching this show on Netflix called happy tree friends, and I was wondering why they were watching a kids show at 2:00am in the morning. They told me it's not a kid show and I watched and this show is disgusting. It's so gruesome, worst than mortal kombat fatalities.


drink them

Went on a bitchin 20 mile bike ride after work today and am now kicking back drinking an icy alcoholic beverage I made in the blender. Feelin pretty good.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah, didn't even need a filter. I xsplored some uncharted territory 2day, it was nice. Basically was riding and hiking for five hours straight and now trying to recover so I can go to pint nite for the first time in months which is a terrible idea but fuck it.
So my friends were watching this show on Netflix called happy tree friends, and I was wondering why they were watching a kids show at 2:00am in the morning. They told me it's not a kid show and I watched and this show is disgusting. It's so gruesome, worst than mortal kombat fatalities.
I'm surprised you didn't know anything about this show. Was a classic at 10pm on the German MTV.


erotic butter maelstrom

Tbh this cat knows nothing about jon snow or
Game of Thrones in general and it's really annoying

I'm gonna throw her out the window


erotic butter maelstrom
Just joking w that but dm has been worrying me lately. He hasn't been himself. Brings back some really bad memories of another cat. I just hope he's okay. I just couldn't go on without him. If I lost him on top of everything rn it would be time 2 begin my cosmic journey.
He's fine was drunk.


Haven't been on drunkgaf in awhile. Last Monday morning I was in a ton of pain so I drove to the hospital. They said I had a strangulated hernia, and they needed to do emergency surgery. They ended up cutting a foot of dead intestine that was trapped in my scrotum/groin out, and then sewed the living intestines back together. Spent 4 days in the hospital shitting blood, it was cray. Now I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy for 2 months. The next 3 weeks or so I can't do anything so I bought GTAV. It's p amazing. If anyone has book recommendations lemme know, I've got nothing but free time.
Haven't been on drunkgaf in awhile. Last Monday morning I was in a ton of pain so I drove to the hospital. They said I had a strangulated hernia, and they needed to do emergency surgery. They ended up cutting a foot of dead intestine that was trapped in my scrotum/groin out, and then sewed the living intestines back together. Spent 4 days in the hospital shitting blood, it was cray. Now I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy for 2 months. The next 3 weeks or so I can't do anything so I bought GTAV. It's p amazing. If anyone has book recommendations lemme know, I've got nothing but free time.
That sounds pretty painful. Get well soon!

I looked through my 13 Xbox live accounts earlier tonight because I knew I bought Peace Walker on one of them. Turns out I bought it on my main account an wasted a half hour.

Are there any Spatoon players on drunk GAF? I'm playing the game alone while my friends are playing melee.


Haven't been on drunkgaf in awhile. Last Monday morning I was in a ton of pain so I drove to the hospital. They said I had a strangulated hernia, and they needed to do emergency surgery. They ended up cutting a foot of dead intestine that was trapped in my scrotum/groin out, and then sewed the living intestines back together. Spent 4 days in the hospital shitting blood, it was cray. Now I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy for 2 months. The next 3 weeks or so I can't do anything so I bought GTAV. It's p amazing. If anyone has book recommendations lemme know, I've got nothing but free time.

gooddamn joey goddamn good to know you are well though


Damn Wool thats rough....glad you're gonna make i though! I had a wussy inguinal hernia back in high school but that obv didn't require emergency surgery and is a pretty minor thing. I was in and out of the hospital in like a few hours and then I stashed all my pain pills because I didn't have much post surgery pain and because I'm a degenerate.

I don't of any books I could recommend because I don't know what type of shit you like and also haven't read any shit in a minute. My Kindle is collecting dust right now sadly.

Drinking and watching the NBA finals right now.


Thanks bros, I don't like to get too livejournal in here but drunkthread usually tolerates that kind of thing.

Damn Wool thats rough....glad you're gonna make i though! I had a wussy inguinal hernia back in high school but that obv didn't require emergency surgery and is a pretty minor thing. I was in and out of the hospital in like a few hours and then I stashed all my pain pills because I didn't have much post surgery pain and because I'm a degenerate.

I don't of any books I could recommend because I don't know what type of shit you like and also haven't read any shit in a minute. My Kindle is collecting dust right now sadly.

Drinking and watching the NBA finals right now.

This game is really intense. They gave me an oxycodone prescription but I didn't get it (yet). I figured if I'm going to sit on my ass and play videogames for a month I shouldn't be wasted on pain killers too. Smoking a lot of dro tho.

J Bravo do you still play Diablo? I'm thinking about getting the expansion and getting back into it.


Thanks bros, I don't like to get too livejournal in here but drunkthread usually tolerates that kind of thing.
This game is really intense. They gave me an oxycodone prescription but I didn't get it (yet). I figured if I'm going to sit on my ass and play videogames for a month I shouldn't be wasted on pain killers too. Smoking a lot of dro tho.

dang get that shit man! Really enjoyed my hernia experience because, as I said, non emergency outpatient surgery, and because I was in high school working part time as kennel tech at a pet hospital which involved a lot of physical shit (walking/picking up/holding/grabbing dogs/cats/bags of food/boxes etc...) and I had the same "can't lift any heavy stuff for a 6-8 weeks" thing post surgery even though I had a relatively painless laparoscopic surgery (don't get me wrong my abdominal area did hurt though for several weeks when having to bend over). So I had very enjoyable 2 months of getting paid for showing up stoned to work and having little shit they could actually tell me do...

Now I'm a stupid adult that works a soulless office job where I could never get away w/ slacking despite a surgery unless it involved like me having cancer or something...

J. Bravo

Thanks bros, I don't like to get too livejournal in here but drunkthread usually tolerates that kind of thing.

This game is really intense. They gave me an oxycodone prescription but I didn't get it (yet). I figured if I'm going to sit on my ass and play videogames for a month I shouldn't be wasted on pain killers too. Smoking a lot of dro tho.

J Bravo do you still play Diablo? I'm thinking about getting the expansion and getting back into it.

not as much lately. i would if you wanted to tho. sucks about the hernia too. this lightning is crazy i'm about to go light up a bowl and sit in my garage to watch it. go warriors. watch this music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPC9erC5WqU

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Haven't been on drunkgaf in awhile. Last Monday morning I was in a ton of pain so I drove to the hospital. They said I had a strangulated hernia, and they needed to do emergency surgery. They ended up cutting a foot of dead intestine that was trapped in my scrotum/groin out, and then sewed the living intestines back together. Spent 4 days in the hospital shitting blood, it was cray. Now I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy for 2 months. The next 3 weeks or so I can't do anything so I bought GTAV. It's p amazing. If anyone has book recommendations lemme know, I've got nothing but free time.

Hoooooooly shit. Wool. That's intense.
Read the death gate cycle! It's an amazing fantasy series.


Yeah no I dug how much he was attempting to branch out w/ the features at the time and do a crossover record I just didn't feel any of them tbh....

still kinda funny/weird how he got Jai Paul on that record in retrospect considering how reclusive that dude is/was/has been since his initial wave of a couple tracks that got acclaim/"leaked" album that never got properly released etc.....

that leaked "unofficial" album by Jai Pau is still so fucking good though...can't understand why he never wanted a proper release for it.


Unconfirmed Member
So, I've been sleeping on a couch at my friends place for the past 2 weeks while I try to get the money back from my stolen card.. The only good thing is I have an interview Tuesday.

Otherwise I have no money or anything. I've been steeling rolls from the grocery store bakery near us for the past 2 weeks to eat...

Tonight we had a friend visiting from NYC. She got me drunk and I left because the drunker I got the worst I felt about myself and life.

Right now I'm sitting in a park in the pouring rain , I don't want my friends to see me like this... It'd be easier if I could just disappear.
So, I've been sleeping on a couch at my friends place for the past 2 weeks while I try to get the money back from my stolen card.. The only good thing is I have an interview Tuesday.

Otherwise I have no money or anything. I've been steeling rolls from the grocery store bakery near us for the past 2 weeks to eat...

Tonight we had a friend visiting from NYC. She got me drunk and I left because the drunker I got the worst I felt about myself and life.

Right now I'm sitting in a park in the pouring rain , I don't want my friends to see me like this... It'd be easier if I could just disappear.

Don't beat yourself up man. Like you said, Interview Tuesday. Focus on the good. You're trying. Go back and get some rest.


Hoooooooly shit. Wool. That's intense.
Read the death gate cycle! It's an amazing fantasy series.

I'll look into that tmrrw, thanks.

So, I've been sleeping on a couch at my friends place for the past 2 weeks while I try to get the money back from my stolen card.. The only good thing is I have an interview Tuesday.

Otherwise I have no money or anything. I've been steeling rolls from the grocery store bakery near us for the past 2 weeks to eat...

Tonight we had a friend visiting from NYC. She got me drunk and I left because the drunker I got the worst I felt about myself and life.

Right now I'm sitting in a park in the pouring rain , I don't want my friends to see me like this... It'd be easier if I could just disappear.

That's rough man but you'll get through it. Gotta stay positive and confident for that interview.
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