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Drunk thread

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erotic butter maelstrom
Tonight I managed to get a decent buzz going without paying a dollar at the bar. Friends and new people that I met.🆒 But really I just miss my girl who is downstate tonight. Sleeping alone is suddenly so different when you get used to falling asleep with another person in your arms and the feeling of their breath on your face.


last night was fun

was supposed to meet a girl ive been seeing on a halloween bar crawl last night. cba with halloween and costumes and shit but it was a little awkward being the only guy not wearing a costume in town 😅 met up with her at one of the last stops after predrinking back home. bar staff thought i was on the bar crawl so gave me cheap af drinks (well, for somewhere not in the north).

but when they all went to a club i wasn't allowed in without the bar crawl 'wristband' thing (bouncers assumed i was drunker than i was at that point and jokingly tried to rip me off) which was a load of bollocks.

went back to a bar on my own, started drinking a lot when i saw a bunch of people i recognised so went over to them and ended up drinking soooooo much with them, got a crazy buzz going. even more people i recognised appeared. a part of the group said they were going to a house party and said i should just come so i did 👍🏼

everyone was there. don't know whose house it was but they clearly know a lot of people i do. i need to crash house parties more often, esp when these house parties are at massive fucking student homes that i question how any student can afford.

at the end of the night i was sat down with my ex gf's flatmate talking about life and shit but by then i was too fuzzy to remember all of it, 'browned out'. was nice

left the party and tried to call the girl at the club but i got no answer, turned out this morning i found out i had missed a shit tonne of calls from her around ~1ish and she had just gone home :/

don't remember how i got back home but considering my road is a fucking trek to walk down that's probably a good thing

flatmate wants to go gym this morning. not like this lol


only pic I took from model nite


one on the right is agus the girl I posted earlier

twas fun. gonna miss her

edit: good night tho. just turned out that the cool people went to some party I didnt have entrance to so I just stayed at this one place but enjoyed myself regardless
I went to a party at my friend's house. I was basically the only straight dude there. My friend's cute roommate offered to blow me but I told her I had plans to go see someone else.

She did not take rejection well.


Murder mystery nights are absolutely lameeee.

I figured out the plot so early it got tedious being in character. ( I was the drunk uncle so at least my drinking passed off well enough)


Has anyone ever thought that life just makes more sense when drinking.
Everything seems simple.,
I just understand things more... if that makes sense.


Has anyone ever thought that life just makes more sense when drinking.
Everything seems simple.,
I just understand things more... if that makes sense.


life is more clear to me sober

life is emotionally better while drunk, well because you're drunk..
rofl a drunk community thread?

I fucking need this right about now.

btw Local natives is totally amazing and everyone should check them out if you're some what interested into indie rock


So... I'm drun and it's Halloween. I'd never did get into my bum costume but I'm here sprawled out on the lawn . Lol
Edit. Bring on Samhain?
So... I'm drun and it's Halloween. I'd never did get into my bum costume but I'm here sprawled out on the lawn . Lol
Edit. Bring on Samhain?

I'm sure being sprawled out on the lawn is better than 90% of GAF's halloween experience.

embrace it, find a cute girl and talk to her (or cute guy, I assume everyone on GAF is a straight male)


anyone else getting plastered by themselves tonight? i'm just drinkin beer and trying to play some games and maybe watch a scary movie but i dont know what to watch
anyone else getting plastered by themselves tonight? i'm just drinkin beer and trying to play some games and maybe watch a scary movie but i dont know what to watch

yup, plastered and by myself.

honestly a watching a horror movie alone is kinda dull, I suggest watching a comedy drama, something like Shawn of the Dead


tteslagrad is pretty legit
i hate that it took it being a ps+ free game to get me to try it
my reflexes are shit though i figure out solutions and bosses first try but it takes me like 30 minutes to do the simplest shit because alcohol


i'm too scared to fuck up something in fallout 3 and theres not enough enemies to keep me occupied, so i'm just gonna youtube a bunch of shit and watch it all until my gf gets home


Left party early, gf decided to stay and finish off a round of Risk. Opened a bottle of Jameson and probably gonna watch some movie.


got like only 10 groups of kids at my house tonight. Oh well...more fun size candy for me.

now I'm gonna go cry into a bunch of beers after that Mets loss....:'(
bummer how Halloween seems to be less of a thing for kids with each passing year

my apartment complex didn't even hand out a flyer this year to put on the door if you were handing out candy

remember when we used to wear rollerblades in order to hit houses faster

nostalgia drinking


I'm sure being sprawled out on the lawn is better than 90% of GAF's halloween experience.

embrace it, find a cute girl and talk to her (or cute guy, I assume everyone on GAF is a straight male)
Meh... the most attention i got were sharp sticks and foam scythes prodding me to make sure I was still alive.

On the flip side... my javkolatern looks like it's smoking a fatty, so I don't think I got many visitors anyways.

I only wish there was a girl involved.


getting so ripped and taking advantage of the extra hour of drunkeness

blasting massive attack - protection over the speakers right now
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