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Drunk thread

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Oh yeah, so today I'm trying to play MegaMan 1 and its fucking impenetrable.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I got banned like 6 years ago for saying that Metal Gear Solid 4 would ship with lots of garbage content on the bluray to fill up the 45 gigs, just like a few of the previous PS3 games had. I also got banned for calling John Mayer a cunt. And then I requested a ban one time too.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Drinking mint tea, mate, and lemonade together and its making me happy. Yesterday was a true transgression of my habit.


erotic butter maelstrom
My kitten really likes bbq chicken wings. He chomped it up. 🐈🍗✨💕

He needs meat to build strong bones. He's gonna be a monster when he's grown. Tbh I won't be shocked if he ends up eating a few people. He's a predator.
A predator?



My kitten really likes bbq chicken wings. He chomped it up. 🐈🍗✨💕

He needs meat to build strong bones. He's gonna be a monster when he's grown. Tbh I won't be shocked if he ends up eating a few people. He's a predator.

Just make sure he doesn't eat the bones, cooked bones shatter -> punctured intestine -> very costly at the vet as best, dead kitty, at worst.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
lmao getting my haircut. the place I go to is way too fancy for me.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Haircut was so good my stylist photographed me afterwards.


aka Mannny
You're just going to want dip anyways.

This is true but I'd rather be drunk than continue buying cans just to throw them away the next day. I have that addictive personality thing and I'd rather avoid nicotine altogether than to jump face forward into it. How I love smokes soooo much though.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
oh man i ate too many buffalo wild wings

does anyone here have titanfall on 360? i have no one to play it with


erotic butter maelstrom
Jtwo that looks nice I have a similar cut but I'm due for a refresh.

I got a pack of Nat Sherman menthols yesterday and they're a delight. The filters have a subtle mint flavoring that really add a new dimension of pleasure to the experience. 😎🚬✨💕

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ugh, I don't really even want to think about this but I need to unpack what just happened.

So I haven't seen my Mom in about 3 weeks. I had to go over to sign a paper for my taxes since she does my taxes since shes a bookkeeper. Context: Its been kinda icy between us because her and my Dad are getting divorced after a 10 year separation. Anyway, the whole thing about the situation is my Dad is now dating my Mom's childhood friend. So now she feels she has the moral ground to spew loads of shit and be all angry, even though she carried on a full fledged decade+ long affair with someone else while still married to my dad.

I try to stay out of it.

Anyway, So she offers me a beer and I sit down. She was a little tipsy. But it started immediately like it always does: she doesn't care about anything I'm doing. We talk for like 3 minutes about how I'm taking a summerclass and about my swimming, etc. Then she just starts asking all these questions about my Dad. Like whats he up to or how often they hang out and just general interrogation. She's fucking delirious, like I would have any idea what my Dad is up to. But she's all fuckin' pissed. And talking about how i just don't get it.

So I'm being polite but am being very hurt by how she is A.) not hearing anything I have to say and B.) acting like I'm 12. She's like, super anxiety ridden this women is gonna marry my Dad and become my new mom. Which is fucking outrageous. I'm 26. I'm an adult. I choose who I want in my life. I told her that and she looked at me blank faced.

She was like, "Well, what if I tried to introduce you to some man I'm with.." and I said "it would depend on who he is and how I felt about him" which just completely went over her head. The idea that me, her son, would have a choice about who I accept into my life seemed completely foreign to her.

The other thread is that she keeps blaming this other women for everything. Its all her fault. Hell my Mom could spin her own (previous) affair as somehow being this women's fault. My Mom is just so sure that this Women is some succubus who is controlling my Dad's every thought. Apparently my Dad has been secretly dating this women for like 4 years, but have only been "public" in the last 6 months. Which *SHOCKER* is when my Dad started giving my Mom the silent treatment.

Anyway, my Mom is like "your dad always said we would be friends" and I'm like "when did he say that, 8 years ago?" And she's like "no" and I'm like, "2 years ago?" And she's like, "no" and I'm like, "6 months ago?" And shes like, "yeah kinda"

And then I go, "Well, thats just something he said. Nothings changed in the last 6 months" And she's like "yeah, donna"

And then she, my mother, wholesale points directly in my face, starts laughing hysterically and says "see, gotcha!!!!"

I honestly was about to explode. She had just got done telling me they had been together for four years and then somehow still clings to the idea just 6 months ago big bad donna cracked the whip and is forcing my Dad to keep away from Mom.

Yes. Surely thats the truth. Because he doesn't just want to move the fuck on with his life like the rest of us.

J. Bravo

Damn. I was gonna ask a question about this 16 year old cutie that wants to smoke with me before work on 4/20.

sorry to hear you're having family troubles jtwo. Hope you get through them quickly and with whatever relationships in tact.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Yeah jtwo parents can be dicks, I remember a lot of stuff like that when my parents divorced. Frustrating. Just keep on through it I say.

Damn. I was gonna ask a question about this 16 year old cutie that wants to smoke with me before work on 4/20.

sorry to hear you're having family troubles jtwo. Hope you get through them quickly and with whatever relationships in tact.

Do it. Do her.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly its just my life at this point, I'm not too upset about this particular interaction. Its been about 15 years of stuff like this.

I just had walked into a huge whirlwind-argument-fugue-state out of nowhere. And then it was over as quick as it started. I shouldn't have gone over, but I kinda wanted to since I hadn't seen her.

Agh, I just got a super vivid recollection of her saying "I have nightmares about her" and me saying "I know, I can feel it."

Yeah, lets hear about the 16 year old qt.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Talking to my Mom in RL is like engaging an internet troll. You can just see her mind behind her eyes completely fork way out into logical fractals she doesn't even understand in an attempt to "win" the argument.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I love my Mom too. She's just difficult to be friends with.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah my parents divorced when I was like 13 and I can see now that it had an impact on me. It's like I wasn't really bothered by them separating, it's just seeing your supposed role models act in such an ugly and petty way can fuck with you. It as a shit show. Plus it definitely gave me a pretty futile outlook on relationships

J. Bravo

Yeah jtwo parents can be dicks, I remember a lot of stuff like that when my parents divorced. Frustrating. Just keep on through it I say.

Do it. Do her.

i think i mentioned her in this thread before. but i'm 22 and i'll be 23 this year. she just turned 16, is a soph in hs. def smoking tho.

she is really cute though. cheerleader, fantastic ass, really flexible, etc.

but yeah. 16.
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