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Drunk thread

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I really should stop drinking wine. This thing gets me everytime.

How's drunk GAF today?

wine is fine, especially from a mug.

I often get a rather speedy drunkness from wine. Well, white wine, really. Red wine puts me into this weird pseudointellectual state.
wine is fine, especially from a mug.

I often get a rather speedy drunkness from wine. Well, white wine, really. Red wine puts me into this weird pseudointellectual state.
I'm drunk now and going to party. See you all tomorrow!!!

White wine is fantastic!

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
taco bell was my drunk food on saturday night mmmm

im drunk now, not gonna eat cause i gotta fight these midnight snackins, on the weekends i plan drunk food into my diet since i know it is going to happen anyways.


oh shit

I've never eaten Taco Bell, always wanted to and now I remembered it exists in Chile

niiiiice. I'll be having some junk food next wednesday
Just funneled? my first wine cooler. If you put a straw in the bottle and bend it around while you drink it goes down so smooth. Hope I don't black out before I open my bottle of 07 sutter home white zin!
the amount of money I have given to the sutter home winery corporation over the years

I don't even like white zin but the cheapness >>>>

I would get snapchat but I would only use it to spread nudes, so
I was being facetious about the funneling of the wine cooler and the bottle of sutter home. I'm just sluggin down Guinness. If I did have to drink wine I would choose a Pinot Grigio. Not a fan of red. Last time I drank wine I pissed my pants and got a black eye. Not from a fight, but from me hitting a pebble and falling directly on my face.


fucking hell my drinking plans are ruined by my generosity. neighbor and roomate ended up drinking almost all the bottle and i got a free (awesome shrimp pesto spaghetti marinara) meal out of it but now im sitting here pretty much sober and pist on THE REALS


Hai guys, I'm on my 4th FORTUNE and I think it's the best mainstream beer that I have ever tasted, pls except me in your group pls :)


erotic butter maelstrom
I've seen that shit advertised hard but haven't gave it a shot yet. Usually strong abv cheap/non-craft beers are kinda gross.


its pretty okay in my opinion especially for the price. not great, but worth a try before it eventually disappears. i kinda get tired of drinking smuttynose, six point, and rogue sometimes


feelin good guys! checked out a jiu jitsu place today, going back tomorrow. drinking some wine and listening to ringworm. all in all not a bad day

J. Bravo

Fortune is good, this is coming from a Jack n Coke guy who's still in hois juniour year in college.

rock chalk my man

guys this 16 year old girl is seriously becoming a problem. texting a lot and calling each other babe now. i can't. we also had a talk about feelings. so fucking weird man. why can't she just be at least a senior in hs....


In six months I wanna hear stories of you going JCVD and wrecking dudes outside the bar.

im honestly surprised i havent been jumped yet. i have a big fucking mouth, especially in public, especially drunk. me learning how to fight may or may not make things worse! so if i actually get in a fight ill be able to back it up... ugh. haha but really im happy about martial arts! it will probably teach me some real goddamn discipline
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