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Drunk thread

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erotic butter maelstrom
im honestly surprised i havent been jumped yet. i have a big fucking mouth, especially in public, especially drunk. me learning how to fight may or may not make things worse! so if i actually get in a fight ill be able to back it up... ugh. haha but really im happy about martial arts! it will probably teach me some real goddamn discipline
Then again you can always just grab a rock or a garbage can lid or some shit and lay a dude out.


rock chalk my man

guys this 16 year old girl is seriously becoming a problem. texting a lot and calling each other babe now. i can't. we also had a talk about feelings. so fucking weird man. why can't she just be at least a senior in hs....

Bro, you should call it quits, it aint wotrht it man, there are plenty of pussies in the sea.

this is coming from somone wheise dating a none-KU student in Toeka.
i think im the god of starting amazing threads in ot. man i am so hip and cool. i'd like to give a big shout out to the man above and to my friends in the east.

J. Bravo

Bro, you should call it quits, it aint wotrht it man, there are plenty of pussies in the sea.

this is coming from somone wheise dating a none-KU student in Toeka.

i know i know. we're not gonna do anything. i'm probably just using her as an emotional crutch until i find someone my own age. you in lawrence tho?


erotic butter maelstrom
I mean, yeah, girls of that age can be attractive but it's like you don't even really need to be looking at them. It's off limits. Even putting aside legal and moral concerns it's just a bad idea.


i have a love/hate relationship with wine. i hate it cause its nasty as fuck, but i love to chug it more than beer. less full, more drunk.


i get cheap strong shit at the local super market. LOL

edit: red in color. i think the only thing "white" i had is champagne, and i dont know if that counts. i hate champagne too


rock chalk my man

guys this 16 year old girl is seriously becoming a problem. texting a lot and calling each other babe now. i can't. we also had a talk about feelings. so fucking weird man. why can't she just be at least a senior in hs....

Probably cause she's 16.


J. Bravo

C qwark is a fucking creep man.

well i have to tell someone and i can't tell people i actually know because they all know her too. i'm not worried about you guys judging me

i'm just crushin man, we work together all the time, she's cute, and we see each other outside work a fair amount too (working out, mostly). we don't drink together or hang out together.


a buddy of mines parents loved wine and sometimes we would drink theirs. it wasnt even red it was dark purple and more thick. disgusting. the stuff i buy is cheap and more watery, but man, the "good" stuff.....i dont know how people can do it. his brother would just tell me it's something you have to get used to.

well i have to tell someone and i can't tell people i actually know because they all know her too. i'm not worried about you guys judging me

just stop talking to her. simple.
i dont get it so its not funny

so my whole joke is ruined. jesus juice is what mr michael jackson told the kids to drink. before he put the to sleep in his dream land. it was wine. they drank it and listened to beat it while he put them to sleep. classy guy and a legend in my book.


so my whole joke is ruined. jesus juice is what mr michael jackson told the kids to drink. before he put the to sleep in his dream land. it was wine. they drank it and listened to beat it while he put them to sleep. classy guy and a legend in my book.

yeah, well next time join my idiocy and mock fine wine with me


erotic butter maelstrom
Quark ain't raping nobody he's just conflicted but he know right from wrong, just gotta relay those orders to sgt ding dong.


yo my brother is making some bacon wrapped hot dogs uggghh.

should i be a lazy lethargic moron tomorrow for jiu jitsu or eat and worry about that ish later

im conflicted


juan, i think we are total opposites. mayo is something i just cant eat! i dont hate any food or condiment but i can say i absolutely hate mayo. well ketchup too. i cant stand ketchup
juan, i think we are total opposites. mayo is something i just cant eat! i dont hate any food or condiment but i can say i absolutely hate mayo. well ketchup too. i cant stand ketchup

we are def polar opposites. i'm polish though. give me mustard and sauerkraut and i'll be a happy tenter.
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