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Drunk thread

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aka Mannny
This girl is trying to get my to take in my kitten's sister, who was the other one I originally wanted. It's probably a really bad idea since I already have too many cats to take care of but it's super tempting. Two kittens would be dope as fuck. Talk me down.
Fucking do it you pussy.


erotic butter maelstrom
I didn't. I decided that the wisest move is to savor this one kitten while I can, then when he gets all old and dusty and I will cash in that new cat credit for a fresh kitten.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
What if you put just like a tiny of banana in your guacamole? Just a tiny bit.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Rewatching Season2 of Game of Thrones. Season 4 is basically Season 2-2.


erotic butter maelstrom
Just finished my rewatch. I feel like a pro now that I know all of the characters and connections and backgrounds and shit.

After like three hours of Battlefield I'm burned out on visual entertainment, now it's Fri night and I don't know what to do with myself. I'm solo tonight but I got beers and probs will end up wandering out eventually. Dunno how I used to just spend every weekend farting around indoors all night.

The new Blackbird Blackbird record is gonna be really good.


im just gonna play mario golf tonight

but tomorrow is my grandma's birthday big family party gonna steal all the liquor

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm making some chocolate fudge type deal and play titanfall.


bluemoon farmhouse red and rounder are surprisingly non-shit

deciding between finishing my night off with either Fez or random 3DS games or maybe some game center cx


erotic butter maelstrom
So I'm walkin home fairly drunk from solo bar and I run into a group of homies at another bar on the way back. Uh oh.


erotic butter maelstrom
Seen this funky goth chick I used to hang w/ back in the day. Was in deep w/ another girl way back then but she woulda rode this dicku. Funny seeing her now.


Jesus christ drunk gaf.

I'm sitting at home for the weekend in Connecticut and I get a call from my girlfriend. She's in Cambridge, got too drunk with her friends, left them because she was tired and was wandering the streets completley lost, crying and scared. Had to call me and I google maps her drunk ass directions which she followed terribly. Ended up taking the train the wrong way to Harvard, puked there, and is now finally on her way back with a phone that has its battery dying.

This shit is funny when I do it but its fucking terrifying being on the other end. :(


I was walking the dog today, and the sucker decides to jump the curb and poop on the lawn. At that moment, the lady drives up and tells me "He pooped right there on my lawn". I yell "I'm picking it up". I always pick up after the dog, and her husband is a cool dude every time I walk by. Evil witch!

J. Bravo

captain and coke, listening to tupac for the first time in forever, and looking for the post your pic thread so i can post a pic of last weekend
i know yr snarking but i'm in cleveland

where it's legitimately an accomplishment if there's anything to do outside my house for more than an hour at a time


alright, here we go then.

a fist should be made out of five points. a fist should be made with purpose, and swung with it too. the fist is the symbol of action. the fist is the razor. the fist is precision, the fist is decision.

if you're accused of being "ham fisted" it means you went into a given situation looking like an idiot. clumsy. not ready. impoverished. weak. beta. etc. etc. because instead of a purposeful thing on your fist you had a christmas ham. you were a fat lousy fuck.


Got fucking smahed, fucked some randim chick, and then went running st 4:30am.......

proceeded to puke my guts out

dont do drugs kids
alright, here we go then.

a fist should be made out of five points. a fist should be made with purpose, and swung with it too. the fist is the symbol of action. the fist is the razor. the fist is precision, the fist is decision.

if you're accused of being "ham fisted" it means you went into a given situation looking like an idiot. clumsy. not ready. impoverished. weak. beta. etc. etc. because instead of a purposeful thing on your fist you had a christmas ham. you were a fat lousy fuck.
this never occurred to me. deep stuff.


tbh i think the term originated in the times of john wayne or prior ie olde dayse which means it doesnt mean shit now, but im pretty sure it goes back to somebody believing there was a useful an honorable purpose of fists ie punching people and crackin skulls etc etc which may itself be a dated notion


erotic butter maelstrom
tbh i think the term originated in the times of john wayne or prior ie olde dayse which means it doesnt mean shit now, but im pretty sure it goes back to somebody believing there was a useful an honorable purpose of fists ie punching people and crackin skulls etc etc which may itself be a dated notion
God, shut up.

I got fuckin lit up last night. Phew. I feel like shit. It's a miracle I was able to walk home.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
My relationship with alcohol is pretty much over at this point. For the time being at least. I've had one drinking episode in the last three weeks. Last Saturday I got drunk after having abstained the previous two weeks. It was more a "test" and I really didn't like it. After not having drank for two weeks it just made me feel terrible and it was really hard to stop drinking too, it bled over into the next afternoon. Its a hard thing to describe.


erotic butter maelstrom
I drank like a million beers and now I'm really struggling just to get out of bed at twelve thirty in the afternoon
Got fucking smahed, fucked some randim chick, and then went running st 4:30am.......

proceeded to puke my guts out

dont do drugs kids

Some of you guys are crazy man. Anybody here like to just chill out and take it easy? Fights, drama, and wildness is just not something I wanna be dealing with anymore.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
All I ever do is chill out and take it easy.
Manny's got the right idea man. A picnic with your girl is way better than going out clubbing and then some sleazebag hits on her and you gotta defend her honor by kicking his ass.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
When I get my VR headset I'm gonna take girls on dates inside the computer.
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