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Drunk thread

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erotic butter maelstrom
Was having a wank and realized I didn't have any tissue around, so I busted my load into a plastic grocery bag. Now I know what to send Manny for his next birthday.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
i just made an olive tapenade and basically thats how this day will be remembered

I was watching Game of Thrones Season 2 and actually said to myself "I don't remember this show being so violent."

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
hoggert im gonna kiss ur neck and whisper
consent is sexy


erotic butter maelstrom
i just made an olive tapenade and basically thats how this day will be remembered

I was watching Game of Thrones Season 2 and actually said to myself "I don't remember this show being so violent."

Just starting the new ep on HBO Go. Feelin super anxious. 😬

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member








Honestly, I think this falls under the new news new thread rule but I wasn't 100% sure.


Was having a wank and realized I didn't have any tissue around, so I busted my load into a plastic grocery bag. Now I know what to send Manny for his next birthday.
i just made an olive tapenade and basically thats how this day will be remembered
Dude, I had never had olive tapenade until last year while I was traveling, shit is amazing.

Save some for me on our play date !~~


anything can become a mascot anythinggggggggggg


a friend reminded me first post on gaf was drunk. was worried i'd get banned for a first post. for context, everyone was like is that a TMNT tat on cactus's arm, but it is the title of a game/music video he had done which is up there with cream wolf as one of those "wow did not but should have expected that" in the lycanthropy subgenre of odd indie stuff


erotic butter maelstrom
game of thrones is gonna kill me one day i sware
I want to be put into a medically-induced coma for the duration of the series, and then be revived at the end so that I can watch every single episode in a row, seamlessly, while hooked up to an IV and shitting my diapers so I'm not interrupted for a single moment while still staying alive on a basic level. Pretty good show.



I want to be put into a medically-induced coma for the duration of the series, and then be revived at the end so that I can watch every single episode in a row, seamlessly, while hooked up to an IV and shitting my diapers so I'm not interrupted for a single moment while still staying alive on a basic level. Pretty good show.


i'm so happy that you end your posts with an emoji summary. it's like the idiots guide to snuggles for people like lazyslob

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
in exactly 12 hours ill be sitting in a job interview its a good thing i have my raps memorized

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I woke up at 6am to smoke weed since I need to be on point by 10am.


erotic butter maelstrom
Keep playing with fire and eventually you're gonna feel the sizzle. 😁👉🔥


G/L J2. I'd give you the job.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
It sure would be nice to free myself from the all-consuming disdain I feel towards everyone and everything in this life.


erotic butter maelstrom
Maybe you just wake up in the morning one day, and find that it's gone. I'll let you know if that ever happens.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
IIRC, thats one of the first symptoms of early stage alzheimers.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Watch me buckle into VR only to realize I'm in a simulation of a Safeway.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah so job interview at the art store.
Went well. I was only there for 10 minutes. I kinda knew it before going in, since I had interviewed back in December. She pretty much said they already picked me, it was just a confirmation and formality mostly. I walked in and immediately she spotted me and was like "Hey Jeff! Hows it going!" and then we just kinda chatted for a while. There was a ton of laughter and smiles. The second I sat down I looked her right in the eye and we both got huge smiles on our faces. She's solving my problems by giving me a job and I'm solving her problems by being an amazing hire. Its gonna be awesome. AND they're gonna hire me before the big block party/vendor gathering in June. So I get to work the big cool hip art store festival thing that all the QTs will be attending. I'll know for sure by Wednesday.

If they don't hire me for some reason, I'll be continuing with my junior college plans. I took my placement test last week and placed into all the right english courses.

It was definitely a weird interview though, I walked out thinking it was too easy. And it felt like a trap and surely they were all laughing at how gullible and ignorant I am. But thats just the depression talking.

God now what do I do. Its 1030am, ive been up since 6 and I have nothing else to do today. This is where I'd usually just get drunk until tomorrow.
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