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Drunk thread

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I'm a fan of Michelob Ultra's Dragon Fruit Peach. Just downed two in five minutes. I'm ordering in diner food or sushi?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Good day at work. Again.
I didn't even take my breaks because I was having fun just kinda working and hanging out. The store has been in business for 46 years so there are TONS of customers that have been coming in a few times a month since probably before I was even born. They're all testing me out, its funny. I feel like I just was knighted or something and everyone is coming up to wish me well. But really they're longtime customers introducing themselves to the new guy. Socially its hard to imagine a more desirable place to work. There are other art stores in town but this is the biggest, oldest and we carry the most stock. So its kind of the epicenter of the art community in this city. Er, epicenter is the wrong word but you get what I'm saying.

Its a revolving door of weird, beautiful, creative people and I get to stand around and ask them questions about their projects all day and offer advice. Its the fucking best. And then I rode my bike home and smelled all my pot plants (which are getting tall! one of them will surely be 8-9 feet tall when all is said and done) and looked into the sky and didn't feel broken for a fleeting moment.

I met Dean. Roy's husband and co-owner of The Frame Up picture framing store that is in the same building as us. He's super nice. He's an incredibly lively and flamoyent 78 year old man who just couldn't be kinder. He lent me a DVD called "The Penis Puppet Show" which is... an australian comedy troupe doing puppet shows with their cocks. It actually sounds pretty hilarious, but they definitely pushed it on me as sort of a hazing type deal. I'm gonna watch it, it sounds awesome.

But I HATE it when people are like, "you have watch this, heres the dvd."
Its like, let me stop you right there. First, I'm gonna lose this piece of plastic that is of value to you. Don't give it to me. Secondly, I can find anything I want digitally on my own as per your recommendations. And thirdly, I don't have time to watch the stuff I already know I want to watch.

But alas, things are pretty good if the only frustration I have is that the people are TOO nice and TOO welcoming.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
How in gods name did you not know? You've been here for years.
I don't know maybe just nobody told me.

oh shit: lightbulb.
Thats why hes always buying clothes online. Because he lives in Montana and they don't even have supermarkets.


Homophobic health care professionals. Maybe you need to reread everything, but CIA has been pretty consistent in health care and home sexual health coverage.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I've bought tees and stuff but I'm super weird about the fit of stuff. Things need to be exactly right or else I forget who I am and what I stand for.


erotic butter maelstrom
Getting close to last call. 😬 TBH I really wanna score some togo beers at the last minute and just drink them and play some Battlefield. I'm so obssesed with the game rite now. Probs won't happen tho. 😰

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
bars are private business bro

i wonder if im the highest person on neogaf right now, marijuanaly speaking
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