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Drunk thread

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cool party tomorrow baes

2014 edition of these pics I took last year:




theatre people throw weird parties


Only tincture I know is fucking Laudanum my friend.

50% booze and a ton of opium.

I'm bombed, explains all the postings. I'm a lone at home.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I start my second weed of work at 8:15 tomorrow so I'm gonna try to be asleep by 10:30.

Just tasted part of this kiva bar as well. You can get into trouble with the chocolate bar. Its really potent and meant to only be eaten a square at a time. I just ate half of a square, but its so fucking delicious. I could easily see eating the whole thing which would be like 10 doses.

The amount of THC goodies at the dispensary is mind boggling. Its mostly novelty stuff that I never try.

j2 are weed delivery services legal?

I wanna get a card but the dispenceries are far away

In the same state probably. I know green cross in SF delivers but its a pretty small radius. I don't even think they serve the whole city. It seems like less a legal thing and more a practicality thing if you're in a state that has dispensaries.

Here's a nice little image of tonight's haul. I wanted something to put me to sleep.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, each little squirt out of that tincture is 15mg of cannabis. And this specific one is CBD dominant by 20:1. Which means its not going to give me all the crazy trippy ass effects of super high thc content. That honey stick and chocolate bar are the other direction and would probably heavily fuck me up.

I squirted the dropped in the back of my throat and it feels super tingly and kinda soothing.

OMG I'm gonna squirt the honey stick into some chamomile tea.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I just cooked some salmon for my lunch tomorrow. I set some pretty high standards last week at work and now I'm kinda regretting it because I have to live up to them. I already started a project where I'm figuring out what items we have in the store that won't scan on the barcode reader and learned how to enter them into the computer system. I'm gonna get an apron soon and I'm gonna carry a spiral notebook in it. Its gonna be boss as heck ya'll.


erotic butter maelstrom
You got this. I can tell you're a super organized/detailed orientated dude and that makes you an asset.

We're at a club and there's a burlesque show. Some lady gave me a jellow shot.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm alone in a room.
I wanna see Godzilla again, they should give you a download code when you go see a movie.


erotic butter maelstrom
In time exclusive theatrical releases won't be a thing. It's such a dated concept. No other form of media is limited like that. The big screen is nice but I'm all for the change since I don't ever go out for that shit.


I'd like to see Godzilla someday. jtwo how many poeple do you think died throughout the movie?

I have to move by June 1st and my current house is awesome. Today I looked at two places. One of them was with these three real cute hippie girls and one of their boyfriends, the other one was some basement. I don't even know.


its almost 2am why i am i reading shitty OT threads how the fuck have half these people not been banned yet mac gets banned for just being a true lover with no regret

J. Bravo

saw godzilla with this girl. she invited me back to her place and i would have gone but i didn't come prepared. just as i'm about to get a bj her dad texts her and tells her to come home. fml. great movie though.

oh and before anyone says anything, she's 18. lives at home obvi. i live at home and if my parents ask me to come home i generally do it lol.

OG Loc

I have made it back to my house from the party literally down the street my friend had. Really bent right now bout to smoke some dope and crack some jokes with my friends yeeeaaaaaah


six point boxes are now six 12 oz cans instead of four 16 oz boys. but the price is still the same what does this mean

today is beautiful for beer btw, right amount of sun, nice breeze, damn.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
At work today I had a guy buying all new acrylic supplies we were talking and he mentioned how he's a sculptor by trade but is trying out painting. He then went on to articulate the differences between the two.

At which point I got a big grin on my smile and said "You could say its like a different dimension." I was very self satisfied and I turned to my manager just to make sure she heard and she gave this look that said I fit right in.


well none of my buds wanna go to that party

I have booze so im debating going alone. it's probably a bad idea. its freezing cold outside

but dammit next week I have some shit to take care of and the idea of not having a release today is awful :(
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