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DS is a lot of old games. Thank god for Advance Wars DS

One of the first games to actually be worth picking up the system. I mean jesus, how many of you are so honestly fueled by nostalgia for a console bomb like the n64 to whore out so readily?

Advance Wars DS > All
Am I destroying the fantasy? Maybe I should start editing my old N64 photoshop for ds?

They should just call it the Advance Wars machine, cause thats all im ever gonna play on it.


? Mario 64 is the only 'old' that comes to my mind...and it's heavily updated

i guess you can count animal crossing...

ff3 i guess....but considering a majority of americans never got to play it....


MrAngryFace said:
One of the first games to actually be worth picking up the system. I mean jesus, how many of you are so honestly fueled by nostalgia for a console bomb like the n64 to whore out so readily?

I thought I was the only one. It's like 1997 all over again with worse controls. Is it worth $200+ for portable N64 games?

Another is about the only interesting title I've seen so far.

aoi tsuki

It's funny, i never liked SM64 until a couple of years ago, and despite the fact that i picked up an N64, i can't play it (no tv). So i'm picking up SM64 for DS.
Are you picking up the SM64 DS cause you can watch his hat move independently, conquering the mini-map in real time, for all to see. I hear the uses for the second screen will change gaming forever.

Like, ill never have to press start to see the menu again, cause I can select screen alignment options whenever on the bottom screen. Time is saved, gaming is changed. Jesus fuck!


Unconfirmed Member
pilonv1 said:
I thought I was the only one. It's like 1997 all over again with worse controls. Is it worth $200+ for portable N64 games?
The games are also even uglier than they were in 1997.

Except for sweet, sweet Advance Wars DS. :D

Seriously, though, there's a ton of interesting concepts and games I would like to try on the DS, but let's be honest with ourselves here for a minute. Most of the games really are ugly as sin. I just hope Jump Super Stars is in sweet old fashioned 2D. Damning that game to the DS' archaic 3D capabilities would be a damn shame.

But nobody likes a downer, so hooray for Advance Wars DS and FF III!


works for Gamestop (lol)
MrAngryFace said:
One of the first games to actually be worth picking up the system. I mean jesus, how many of you are so honestly fueled by nostalgia for a console bomb like the n64 to whore out so readily?

Advance Wars DS > All

I agree with this poster


Planes on the top, tanks on the ground. Innovation!

(I think having only one screen capable of 3D really limits the potential)


Yeah, once Advance Wars DS was announced that was it for me, I had to get one.
I think I said something like "Fuck you Nintendo, now I have to buy one".

If there IS online multiplay, I'm truly doomed.

Having FFIII is nice too.


rollin' in the gutter
MrAngryFace said:

Watch the video. TOUCH > MAF
Hmm, actually. I'm definitely getting SM64 mainly sense I've only gotten to play through it once, shortly after I beat it on my N64, my system and games were stolen. I never got another after that. I do remember thoroughly enjoying it though, so I do want to play it again and the new features just make it an added bonus. Personally, I don't want to buy another N64 as Mario 64 was about the only N64 game I've ever played.

As far the older graphics and such with this system, it doesn't bother me. We did have SNES graphics with GBA no? I don't think many complained. Yes, I am kind of turned off by the poor attempts at games that some developers, mainly EA, are putting out. It doesn't look good at all when it came look pretty decent. In turn the graphic hinderances of the N64 are nothing something that bother me at all. I'm not much of a graphic whore, and don't really expect my handheld, which is a huge step up from the previous handheld, to do much better. Mainly I can settle for this. It doesn't bother me.

And yes we do see Sony and their PSP with even better graphics, closer to currentgen, but sadly it doesn't fall into my pocketbook quite yet, and its other features don't appeal to me. THat and I can't find very many games I want with the system. So that's why I'm waiting till it drops in price for me to get it. It's just something that I feel doesn't appeal to me outside of graphics quality.

EDIT: One thing I don't get is all the constant criticism on both sides. Why is it a bad thing to buy games you love and enjoy, even if they're ported again? I don't see why someone else should determine how another person's money is spent. Maybe people actually enjoy nostalgia? It's a nice feeling to a lot of people. Why is this such a problem for you? It's not like any system out there on the market now, or soon, will lack any original content.


I'm excited about SM64 because, as someone who played through the game five times in '96 and got all 120 stars each time, I really want to see how they redesigned the levels and get those extra 30 fucking stars. I'm a really big fan of the game, and though I'm sketical of the controls and camera, it just sounds fun. Am I wasting my money? I don't think so. I'm sure I'll have a blast.


Unconfirmed Member
DarthWufei said:
As far the older graphics and such with this system, it doesn't bother me. We did have SNES graphics with GBA no? I don't think many complained. Yes, I am kind of turned off by the poor attempts at games that some developers, mainly EA, are putting out. It doesn't look good at all when it came look pretty decent. In turn the graphic hinderances of the N64 are nothing something that bother me at all. I'm not much of a graphic whore, and don't really expect my handheld, which is a huge step up from the previous handheld, to do much better. Mainly I can settle for this. It doesn't bother me.
SNES 2D >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sub-N64 3D
I'm excited about SM64 because, as someone who played through the game five times in '96 and got all 120 stars each time, I really want to see how they redesigned the levels and get those extra 30 fucking stars. I'm a really big fan of the game, and though I'm sketical of the controls and camera, it just sounds fun. Am I wasting my money? I don't think so. I'm sure I'll have a blast.

Why couldnt you just send a letter to nintendo telling them to send you a mario t-shirt you could experience SM64 in again for the 6th time and SPARE US THIS REPEAT?!?!?


One of the most beloved games in history is improved upon and we're not supposed to be excited?




explodet said:
I worry about the upcoming rise of handheld graphic whores.

Agreed. It's becoming really nasty at this point. All I know, on November 21, Mario 64 DS will be the best-looking handheld 3D game I'll have ever played. Unless Rayman comes out at launch, too. :\
MrAngryFace said:
Are you picking up the SM64 DS cause you can watch his hat move independently, conquering the mini-map in real time, for all to see. I hear the uses for the second screen will change gaming forever.

Like, ill never have to press start to see the menu again, cause I can select screen alignment options whenever on the bottom screen. Time is saved, gaming is changed. Jesus fuck!

Trolling is more fun when you know what you're talking about. Mario 64 DS is the most beefed up "port" I've seen in a long time.


MrAngryFace said:
Why couldnt you just send a letter to nintendo telling them to send you a mario t-shirt you could experience SM64 in again for the 6th time and SPARE US THIS REPEAT?!?!?

I've already replayed it a sixth time. And more. You don't have to agree with me, but I liked the original, was disappointed with Sunshine, and would love for this to recapture some of that magic, with extra content. And playable characters, no less.


Mario 64 is getting pretty old now...coming up on 10 years.

People in this forum forget two things:

1. Ports make money.

but more importantly..

2. There are *new* gamers. One's that have never ever played Mario 64.

Now take a moment to imagine a world without Mario 64. Current Nintendo hater or not, when you saw or played that game, it was just like a whole new experience. I have no problem with Nintendo slapping some polish on it, making the game bigger, and adding multiplayer. If you don't like it...don't buy it and stfu.

Secondly, n64 port machine...hmm...how many n64 ports are on the way for DS out of the 120 games in development? Mario 64 is the only one that comes to my mind...though maybe there are one or two other ones.

That being said, I think DS will only get better with time. Developers have never had so much to work with at once (touch screen, 2 screens, microphone, wireless..) -- I'm sure it can be a bit overwhelming. Therefore, I think a lot of developers are starting off by applying the new features of the DS to existing franchises just to get a feel for how things are going to come out.

Expect to see new and exciting things from Nintendo and third parties in early 2005.


explodet said:
I worry about the upcoming rise of handheld graphic whores.

I said before I knew when Sony entered the game they would bring the graphics whores
with them.

MrAngryFace said:
You dont need STARS! You need new games! Come ON! No wonder Nintendo is always third place. You guys are no help at all!

have you even looked at the new preview on Gamespot etc... its not just a port, load of new content has been added.

Nintendo are not 3rd place, they own 98% of the handheld market so STFU.


explodet said:
I worry about the upcoming rise of handheld graphic whores.

"Started the Handheld Graphics War has."
MetatronM said:
NES 2D >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sub-N64 3D

Then it's nice the system can do it to that level, and even better? I really hope this GBA graphics style trend doesn't keep shape. I really want to see some of these 2D games take on a greater form on the DS. I'm sure we can get even nicer 2D on this.


Gold Member
Watch the video. TOUCH > MAF

Controlling a 3D platformer or 3D racer by moving your thumb around a touch screen is the most retarded thing Nintendo has thought of since the industry revolutionizing connectivity. I'm all for the way the touch screen is used in the mini games, Nintendogs, and Advanced Wars, but don't turn the fucking thing into a joystick.


Controlling a 3D platformer or 3D racer by moving your thumb around a touch screen is the most retarded thing Nintendo has thought of since the industry revolutionizing connectivity. I'm all for the way the touch screen is used in the mini games, Nindendogs, and Advanced Wars, but don't turn the fucking thing into a joystick.

You're misinformed. Using the screen as such is *optional.* For example, in Mario 64 you can control Mario with the d-pad or by using the touch screen (depending on which you pick in the control options menu). So please don't bitch about them *including* a feature.

Ridge Racer on the otherhand is another story...but we all expected that to suck, really.


Unconfirmed Member
DarthWufei said:
Then it's nice the system can do it to that level, and even better? I really hope this GBA graphics style trend doesn't keep shape. I really want to see some of these 2D games take on a greater form on the DS. I'm sure we can get even nicer 2D on this.
As do I.


Then it's nice the system can do it to that level, and even better? I really hope this GBA graphics style trend doesn't keep shape. I really want to see some of these 2D games take on a greater form on the DS. I'm sure we can get even nicer 2D on this.

Guilty Gear DS plz..


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DSN2K said:
I said before I knew when Sony entered the game they would bring the graphics whores with them.
psst...I think they were already here...many of the people complaining about the graphics they're seeing on both DS and PSP are already handheld gamers...

I think it has a lot more to do with what Metatron said:
SNES 2D >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sub-N64 3D
Its good to have some old fashioned Nintendo Hate when faced with a day of good old fashioned gleaming miyamoto-wearing a brown suit Nintendo Gloating.

It will never balance but its good to set off the joy of the DS even more.

Good show, MAF! :D


fugimax said:
You're misinformed. Using the screen as such is *optional.* For example, in Mario 64 you can control Mario with the d-pad or by using the touch screen (depending on which you pick in the control options menu). So please don't bitch about them *including* a feature.

So instead of one control scheme that doesn't match the N64 version, we get TWO? Wow Nintendo really loves us!


One of my favorite games of all time? And now I can play it with 3 other people? Wherever I want? And extra challenges and mini-games? Sign me the hell up. f u maf.


pilonv1 said:
So instead of one control scheme that doesn't match the N64 version, we get TWO? Wow Nintendo really loves us!

Bah, shut up. You haven't even played it. The touchscreen control option might be great, even if you think it looks stupid.
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