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DS Video - Puppy Times is Killer App

I'd buy a DS if the top screen had a 3D Drinky Crow deconstructing the crap in the touchscreen below it, at least then the extra screen would serve a purpose.
animal crossing is so stupid. I played it for like a month and then I though. This is stupid. Futile. Good thing it came with a free mem card.


TheGreenGiant said:
animal crossing is so stupid. I played it for like a month and then I though. This is stupid. Futile. Good thing it came with a free mem card.

That's more then I can say for most games. This is one thing I don't get with people and animal crossing. Me and a friend played it constantly for like half a year and then whenever the game is mentioned now he's like "That game sucks, it's so boring now."

I mean, dude, most(if not all) games get boring after awhile.
tt_deeb said:
That's more then I can say for most games. This is one thing I don't get with people and animal crossing. Me and a friend played it constantly for like half a year and then whenever the game is mentioned now he's like "That game sucks, it's so boring now."

I mean, dude, most(if not all) games get boring after awhile.

played it on and off. Dig stupid things like try to get all the fruits. Did the gba island. Never really found it fun. Kept trying.


so its not like it suddenly became boring. The letter writing business... ;|


TheGreenGiant said:
played it on and off. Dig stupid things like try to get all the fruits. Did the gba island. Never really found it fun. Kept trying.


so its not like it suddenly became boring. The letter writing business... ;|

Okay. Well not everyone's going to like it. As previously established it's a love/hate sort of thing.


I entered this thread because any positive nintendo game thread started by olimario is a coin toss, and on this one, I clearly won while human society as we know it is losing.

well, wait, I forgot, the guy that thinks puppy times will help him pick up chicks won't ever have children and likely won't be allowed to adopt, so eventually these kinds of thought processes should die out.


firex said:
well, wait, I forgot, the guy that thinks puppy times will help him pick up chicks won't ever have children and likely won't be allowed to adopt, so eventually these kinds of thought processes should die out.

But it shows my sensitive side...


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Gahiggidy said:
I've always wanted to make a game called "Spy Cats".

It would be about this group of badd-ass commando kitties who use stealth and technology to take out the terrorists. In between missions I'd have live action footage of cats getting geared up in cammo and equiping thier weaponary.

It's be like Mission: Impossible... but with cats. It'd be like Metal Gear Solid... but fun.

Well? What do you guys think of my idea? :)


The problem with drinky is that he thinks he's clever.

He thinks that because nintendo fans always respond angrily to his pretty obvious baiting he is in some way proving a point.

Unfortunately what he fails to realise (or more likely chooses to ignore at some deep emotional level) is that anyone with half a brain could just as easily play the same sad little game with xbox or sony fans and get an equally rabid set of responses.

Unfortunately anyone attempting to do what drinky does in any thread related to any other format would be banned for trolling where drinky is allowed to waffle on for page after page detailing just why his behaviour is so justified. This despite the fact that he is being inflamitory and confrontational simply for the sake of it.

The irony is that he believes the reactions he gets from people are soley related to their dillusional following of all things nintendo when in actual fact they are simply the result of the dillusional following of any coporate body and his own targeted postings which always bring this failing out in the people he seeks to provoke.

By his own defination of what he sets out to do he is certainly trolling (if by a defination of trolling you mean posting things that are inflamitory or confrontational simply because they will cause a reaction) and at the same time he is in no way validating anything but his own dilusional self-belief that only nintendo fans would react in this way. That he is on some kind of self-masturbatory crusade to prove this to them only deepens the irony as he himself is clearly just as rabid as they.

But enought of this.. I'm off to play some animal corssing and then get my ass kicked in halo2 - 6 years on this board should be long enough for anyone anyway :) hehe (awaits ban stick)


ninge said:
The problem with drinky is that he thinks he's clever.

He thinks that because nintendo fans always respond angrily to his pretty obvious baiting he is in some way proving a point.

Unfortunately what he fails to realise (or more likely chooses to ignore at some deep emotional level) is that anyone with half a brain could just as easily play the same sad little game with xbox or sony fans and get an equally rabid set of responses.

Unfortunately anyone attempting to do what drinky does in any thread related to any other format would be banned for trolling where drinky is allowed to waffle on for page after page detailing just why his behaviour is so justified. This despite the fact that he is being inflamitory and confrontational simply for the sake of it.

The irony is that he believes the reactions he gets from people are soley related to their dillusional following of all things nintendo when in actual fact they are simply the result of the dillusional following of any coporate body and his own targeted postings which always bring this failing out in the people he seeks to provoke.

By his own defination of what he sets out to do he is certainly trolling (if by a defination of trolling you mean posting things that are inflamitory or confrontational simply because they will cause a reaction) and at the same time he is in no way validating anything but his own dilusional self-belief that only nintendo fans would react in this way. That he is on some kind of self-masturbatory crusade to prove this to them only deepens the irony as he himself is clearly just as rabid as they.

But enought of this.. I'm off to play some animal corssing and then get my ass kicked in halo2 - 6 years on this board should be long enough for anyone anyway :) hehe (awaits ban stick)


DarthWufei said:
Oh Serico, have you become the next Drinky ass kisser? I'm saddened.

I was defending myself, not Drinky. It just so happens that we agree on this, and you know I've always hated Animal Crossing, so don't act surprised.
ninge said:
The problem with drinky is that he thinks he's clever.

He thinks that because nintendo fans always respond angrily to his pretty obvious baiting he is in some way proving a point.

Unfortunately what he fails to realise (or more likely chooses to ignore at some deep emotional level) is that anyone with half a brain could just as easily play the same sad little game with xbox or sony fans and get an equally rabid set of responses.

Unfortunately anyone attempting to do what drinky does in any thread related to any other format would be banned for trolling where drinky is allowed to waffle on for page after page detailing just why his behaviour is so justified. This despite the fact that he is being inflamitory and confrontational simply for the sake of it.

The irony is that he believes the reactions he gets from people are soley related to their dillusional following of all things nintendo when in actual fact they are simply the result of the dillusional following of any coporate body and his own targeted postings which always bring this failing out in the people he seeks to provoke.

By his own defination of what he sets out to do he is certainly trolling (if by a defination of trolling you mean posting things that are inflamitory or confrontational simply because they will cause a reaction) and at the same time he is in no way validating anything but his own dilusional self-belief that only nintendo fans would react in this way. That he is on some kind of self-masturbatory crusade to prove this to them only deepens the irony as he himself is clearly just as rabid as they.

But enought of this.. I'm off to play some animal corssing and then get my ass kicked in halo2 - 6 years on this board should be long enough for anyone anyway :) hehe (awaits ban stick)

Glad someone finally took the time to point out that the emperor has no clothes on. I agree with this point.


ninge said:

The difference between Drinky and N.luvers is that he makes jokes purposedly, they do without realizing it. Oh the power of naivety :)

Build self esteem, take criticism made in jest as a change for laughts, eventually learn to sling back some funy for collective amusement, enjoy the game friendly!


The difference between Drinky and N.luvers is that he makes jokes purposedly, they do without realizing it. Oh the power of naivety

I agree with all of that (you did read my post didn't you? that was pretty much the first major point in it!) but none of it makes drinky any less of an annoying ass.

We all know how he feels by now and those that don't almost certainly don't care. constantly labouring the same point and derailing as many threads as he feels like for what amounts to nothing more than his own 'amusement' was funny at first but the justification is so mindlessly weak and the joke (if you can call it that) has been so mercilessly rammed down the throats of anyone within reaching distance recently that it has simply grown old.
The irony is that he believes the reactions he gets from people are soley related to their dillusional following of all things nintendo when in actual fact they are simply the result of the dillusional following of any coporate body and his own targeted postings which always bring this failing out in the people he seeks to provoke.

No fuckin' shit, Sherlock!

And I *am* clever. Ain't no denyin'. You'll continue to whine about me, and I'll continue to laugh. It's just how shit is.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
ninge, it takes two to tango. He doesn't derail threads without the hapless inability of his prey to adapt. You might compare and contrast this thread with his recent attempts to get a rise out of Jak and R&C fans, for example.


ninge said:
Unfortunately what he fails to realise (or more likely chooses to ignore at some deep emotional level) is that anyone with half a brain could just as easily play the same sad little game with xbox or sony fans and get an equally rabid set of responses.

Er, no. Nintendo fans take criticism much more personally than Xbox or Sony fans. There is a reason that any threads with less than 100% positive news/reviews of Nintendo or their games have so many posts.


i'd hardly say i was continuing to whine - this after all, is the only thread where i've ever even vaguely felt like responding :)

If resorting to this level of humour with no regard for the annoyance it causes everyone outside of your small group of cohorts really is what floats your boat then theres not really much that can be said to disuade you from continuing i suppose.

And to be honest my post was as much aimed at trying to awaken the mindless hoards that continue to be your fodder to the reality of the situation, as it was aimed you at you for continuing to perpetuate this nonsese for your own self gratifcation.

At least take note that even some of us who usally sit on the fence, are too busy to post or normally just come here for the news and a good giggle at the fanboys are becoming bored of the constant midless back and forth bickering you so lovingly provoke.

Let them be FFS and stop ruing it for the rest of us who CAN think before we type..
Nintendo fans -- although they are apparently completely oblivious to the fact -- have a much greater emotional investment in the Nintendo brand name than the average Sony/Xbox fanboy. Hence, the slightly disproportionate number of attempts to disabuse them of their gross character flaw.

Besides, it's my honest opinion that Animal Crossing really isn't anything resembling a game save that it comes on a disc and plays in a game console. It's not even an application. It belongs in the same family as screensavers and interactive DVDs. It's only about the pointless accumulation of things, with no obstacle to the collector save time. The promise is a sense of immersion based on the correspondence with a real-world calendar (along with a time-indexed database of NPC quotes and letters), but the end result is only sort of a modern ironic satire of the post-Industrial capitalist lifestyle, with the big joke being on the player for whom the collection of material goods and the shallow interaction with virtual acquiantances is ultimately the most absorbing pastime.

People got all shrill when I called the DS stylus feature the modern take on a snowglobe, but when these same folks get worked into a lather over VIRTUAL PUPPIES, I can honestly say that they might as well save $150 and just play with a ball of tinfoil, because these kooky kids really, REALLY don't like games any more.


So you still get amusement out of this? It's the same exact thing in every thread. Reminds me of a kid throwing a stone in a bees nest, every day. Why bother, just leave the bees alone.
I get AMUSEMENT by offering my opinions -- just like you do, or you wouldn't post here. My level of amusement is dictated by the quality of the responses, the same as you.

This isn't the fuckin' United Nations; there's no essential gravity in discussing videogames. Lighten up! ALSO BUY A PS2.


Drinky Crow said:
I get AMUSEMENT by offering my opinions -- just like you do, or you wouldn't post here.
I haven't seen you offering opinions, just what you consider facts and the ultimate truth.


Drinky Crow said:
Nintendo fans -- although they are apparently completely oblivious to the fact -- have a much greater emotional investment in the Nintendo brand name than the average Sony/Xbox fanboy. Hence, the slightly disproportionate number of attempts to disabuse them of their gross character flaw.

Besides, it's my honest opinion that Animal Crossing really isn't anything resembling a game save that it comes on a disc and plays in a game console. It's not even an application. It belongs in the same family as screensavers and interactive DVDs. It's only about the pointless accumulation of things, with no obstacle to the collector save time. The promise is a sense of immersion based on the correspondence with a real-world calendar (along with a time-indexed database of NPC quotes and letters), but the end result is only sort of a modern ironic satire of the post-Industrial capitalist lifestyle, with the big joke being on the player for whom the collection of material goods and the shallow interaction with virtual acquiantances is ultimately the most absorbing pastime.

People got all shrill when I called the DS stylus feature the modern take on a snowglobe, but when these same folks get worked into a lather over VIRTUAL PUPPIES, I can honestly say that they might as well save $150 and just play with a ball of tinfoil, because these kooky kids really, REALLY don't like games any more.

And you missed the point again. I have a few minutes, so I'll explain Animal Crossing to those that don't think it's a "game".

Animal Crossing is all about moments. Those moments when you step outside your house in the rain. That moment on the 4th of July when fireworks go off. That moment when Totakeke Slider plays your favorite song. That moment when you receive a birthday present on your birthday. Animal Crossing is a world in which money really does grow on trees, and where families can communicate with one another by living in the same town. Simply put, Animal Crossing is the best game I've ever played. It takes a memorable soundtrack and the charm of random NPC's, random occurrences, and unique experiences and puts it on a schedule. As sparse as it may seem compared to a real person's monthly calendar of events, Animal Crossing's time frame and the way in which it ties together the town is nothing short of brilliant. Morrowind lets you buy your own house after completing all the missions for certain gulds. That sense of amazement is Animal Crossing. That character is you. The idea of compelling gameplay in the way that Ninja Gaiden or Halo is compelling is so far outside the realm of what Animal Crossing succeeds at that it's laughable. If you look at Animal Crossing that way, it's a series of NPC interactions, "A" button presses, and drawings stretched out over an absurdly long period of time. You can love or hate Animal Crossing, but your opinion doesn't change the fact that it's an amazingly unique game. The 24 hour clock, the holidays, the house, games, creativity, activity and 4 player family interaction come together to make Animal Crossing possibly the most intriguing game this generation. You won't forget you played it. And it certainly didn't fail at what it tried to do. That's just impossible because no one's ever tried the "communication" game before. The creator of the Sims likes Animal Crossing, and that's as close as a game has come to a similar experience. In conclusion, I knew Animal Crossing was brilliant was the first time I had K. K. Slider play a song. You just don't get moments like that in most games. Perhaps Nintendo fans see more in games than you think.

Why do people enjoy riding down the road in a game if there's no race, nothing to kill or run over? Why would any gamer enjoy throwing a frisbee to a dog?

You've criticized Nintendo for creating games that are mired in convention. And you're right. Wind Waker's control setup is outdated, especially with games like Prince of Persia and Ninja Gaiden on the market. There should be voice acting in the game as well.

So why then would you mire the industry in convention by defining what gamers should be enjoying? There will surely come a point at which you realize that the average game isn't interesting enough for you, and no developer will be there to fill that void. But that's what you wanted.


ok, I'm truly tired of drinky's troll posts and they aren't funny at all (and haven't been for awhile - sorry, but it's just basically the same joke over and over again... now making fun of conservatives, drinky has made that into an artform), but it's like Speevy is just setting himself up for mockery.


firex said:
ok, I'm truly tired of drinky's troll posts and they aren't funny at all (and haven't been for awhile - sorry, but it's just basically the same joke over and over again... now making fun of conservatives, drinky has made that into an artform), but it's like Speevy is just setting himself up for mockery.

Speevy's problem is that the awareness and intelligence of this forum is a few notches above the audience he's used to catering. Keep in mind, he hails from a forum where having the mental clarity to form a cohesive paragraph puts you on the high rollers list. He'll either learn to adapt or go down in a blaze of unparalleled mockery. It should be fun either way :)


No i think Speevy is actually outtrolling Drinky here (probably by accident though) :) If he keeps writing those 1000 word responses Drinky will eventually stop reading them and go away.


firex said:
ok, I'm truly tired of drinky's troll posts and they aren't funny at all (and haven't been for awhile - sorry, but it's just basically the same joke over and over again... now making fun of conservatives, drinky has made that into an artform), but it's like Speevy is just setting himself up for mockery.

I don't mind being mocked. In fact it makes the inevitable reply all the more rewarding. I have a few brain cells, at least enough to combat Drinky's absolutist pseudo-intellectual rantings about what game design should be.


Jagernaut said:
Er, no. Nintendo fans take criticism much more personally than Xbox or Sony fans. There is a reason that any threads with less than 100% positive news/reviews of Nintendo or their games have so many posts.

Haven't been around here for very long, have you?



My F*cking Grandpa said:
Speevy's problem is that the conciousness and intelligence of this forum is a few notches above the audience he's used to catering... He'll either learn to adapt or go down in a blaze of unparalleled mockery. It should be fun either way :)

The intolerance and "club" atmosphere of this forum are the major differences. Many folks here have tricked themselves into believing they're enlightened beyond the point of debate, and that hundreds of threads with screenshots, news, and cliquey little references to other forumers' posting styles makes this the elite forum.
Drinky Crow said:
Besides, it's my honest opinion that Animal Crossing really isn't anything resembling a game save that it comes on a disc and plays in a game console. It's not even an application. It belongs in the same family as screensavers and interactive DVDs..

The genre's called "simulation" , It's been around for a long time.


People need to learn to ignore trolls if they want to keep a decent discussion alive. You can't tell me that long time posters don't know what they are in for when Drinky decides participate in a particular thread. Like Kaching said, it takes at least two posters to make trolling work.
This type of behavior is ok now and then, it's funny at first, but the act is non-stop and it's just plain pathetic, especially when you consider the fact that there is a 30 year old man trolling for the sake of some laughs on the internet.

Why don't you use that time to do something productive?


Speevy said:
The intolerance and "club" atmosphere of this forum are the major differences. Many folks here have tricked themselves into believing they're enlightened beyond the point of debate, and that hundreds of threads with screenshots, news, and cliquey little references to other forumers' posting styles makes this the elite forum.

The fact that you know this makes me question why you keep putting yourself in the line of fire. Look at how much energy you just put in to that post about AC; then think about what good it's going to do you. Drinky's probably rubbing his hands together hungrily as he scans over your post right now.

And hey, last time I went to TeamXbox, it had quite the "elite" set of posters in which you were ultimately head honcho. The difference is, again, that the set of standards here are just a tad higher. A huge tad.
kpop100 said:
I knew what you meant, and I'm not even saying the game is good or bad in my mind..just that there are a lot of suspect games that have large community boards..etc

That makes zero sense. Its obviously not suspect to those who enjoy it. Where do people get the idea that their opinions set universal truths? You're supposed to outgrow that.
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