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DUKE NUKEM FOREVER |OT| Spank One For The Good Guys


Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Gvaz said:
I usually don't agree with critic reviews but I am for once. I have no idea why this juvenile game was released in 2011 :\
Yeah Duke Nukem Forever should've been a gritty survival shooter.


loblaw said:
The point of Duke is to be juvenile. Don't be ridiculous. Aside from that, though, yeah it's probably not the greatest game ever.

How long are people taking to finish it?
I'm 6 hours (Shrunk Tunnels or something. Dunno how far) in so it's at least longer than MW2.


Gvaz said:
I usually don't agree with critic reviews but I am for once. I have no idea why this juvenile game was released in 2011 :\
Closure? From a business standpoint it kind of makes sense. An infamous game known by everyone in the industry.


I am having a ton of fun with it. Granted I am playing it on Xbox 360, but still its an enjoyable and almost mindless romp. I actually appreciated some of the puzzles and platforming elements no matter how small they were because they broke up the game play. The weapons feel and sound awesome, and my only gripe is that Duke doesn't have enough one liners! I had no expectations for this game and got it because its a piece of video game lore, but I've come to enjoy it. I think the review are a little too harsh, I would've probably given it a 7, with the majority of the points being docked for performance issues.


Dr Eggman said:
Yeah Duke Nukem Forever should've been a gritty survival shooter.

You can be as juvenile as you want, but don't release a piece of crap and say "it's supposed to be dumb."

Bulletstorm is often juvenile, and often dumb, and mostly great. It scored accordingly.
Right, like the rest of gaming has grown up so much since 1997, we've made such great strides in story telling and level design.

Give me a fucking break.

(This comment is not directed at anyone in particular.)


Loves Robotech S1
aegies said:
You can be as juvenile as you want, but don't release a piece of crap and say "it's supposed to be dumb."

Bulletstorm is often juvenile, and often dumb, and mostly great. It scored accordingly.
The thing is, it's not a piece of crap. It's a perfectly competent shooter with some really clever level design that had the misfortune of being released 6 years too late. I think people who don't care about the franchise either way would be happier if they could keep using DNF as a punchline for vaporware jokes. Personally I prefer having an actual game and am happy to finally get to play it, warts and all.

EDIT: the PC version of DNF is averaging in the 70s so far. By what standard is that "a piece of crap?"


The Xtortionist said:
So the PS3 version has no screen tearing and is otherwise identical to the 360 version? I had the 360 version preordered from Amazon, but a lack of screen tearing would be significant enough to warrant an exchange.

And yeah yeah, master race.

There's "master race" where you have a better framerate and some AA and some better textures, and there's "master race" where the console version is a pile of shit and the PC version is the "real" version. Based on the PS3 demo and the PC demo, the later definition of master race is true.

PC version supports the 360 gamepad with no configuration. I cancelled my PS3 pre-order after playing the demo and pre-ordered on Steam. The engine is a technical mess console side and was clearly shoehorned onto the hardware. Not that I'm surprised.
ElNarez said:
I was pretty indifferent towards this game, until I learned it featured women apologizing for being impregnated while raped by aliens. Now I'm kinda angry at it. Not only is it absolutely inappropriate for what is supposed to be a comedy game, but it's also pretty fucking unfunny. How can anyone think this is a good idea is pretty much beyond me.

When even the girls are spouting ridiculous one liners like "I want my daddy!" and "I thought it was safe to swallow", it pretty much ceases to be dark.
ElNarez said:
I was pretty indifferent towards this game, until I learned it featured women apologizing for being impregnated while raped by aliens. Now I'm kinda angry at it. Not only is it absolutely inappropriate for what is supposed to be a comedy game, but it's also pretty fucking unfunny. How can anyone think this is a good idea is pretty much beyond me.
OMG those poor digital women!!

What about the millions of dead in a digital war? What about their digital families that won't have a digital father?


The IGN review's assertion that the music is forgettable is baffling to me. I've had the Duke theme stuck in my head for the last two days, I love the music.


ElNarez said:
I was pretty indifferent towards this game, until I learned it featured women apologizing for being impregnated while raped by aliens. Now I'm kinda angry at it. Not only is it absolutely inappropriate for what is supposed to be a comedy game, but it's also pretty fucking unfunny. How can anyone think this is a good idea is pretty much beyond me.

this is a Duke Nukem game.

i was even surprised at the fact that Duke throws lines to make up for it when you decide to execute the women impregnated, "im sorry but its the only way" "she was already dead", etc.


ElNarez said:
I was pretty indifferent towards this game, until I learned it featured women apologizing for being impregnated while raped by aliens. Now I'm kinda angry at it. Not only is it absolutely inappropriate for what is supposed to be a comedy game, but it's also pretty fucking unfunny. How can anyone think this is a good idea is pretty much beyond me.

Is there another scene that indicates they were raped or something? Seems like the joke was that they noveltybanged the aliens and got preggers. Is it your assumption that aliens can't get laid without raping? Women love guys who are from a different/exotic place.


Neuromancer said:
Right, like the rest of gaming has grown up so much since 1997, we've made such great strides in story telling and level design.

Give me a fucking break.

(This comment is not directed at anyone in particular.)

My thoughts exactly.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
luka said:
EDIT: the PC version of DNF is averaging in the 70s so far. By what standard is that "a piece of crap?"

Modern review standards, sadly :|

ElNarez said:
I was pretty indifferent towards this game, until I learned it featured women apologizing for being impregnated while raped by aliens. Now I'm kinda angry at it. Not only is it absolutely inappropriate for what is supposed to be a comedy game, but it's also pretty fucking unfunny. How can anyone think this is a good idea is pretty much beyond me.

Going by their comments, they weren't raped, but willingly shagged the aliens because.. well, because they're both dumb as fuck, really.


I think that these kinds of reviews were expected. I'm fairly certain that fans of Duke Nukem will enjoy the game. It's the same Duke Nukem attitude and style that fans grew to love. On the other hand if reviewers are new to the franchise I do think that its normal for them to not like that kind of humour in 2011. A lot changed over 14 years.

Most reviewers are also trying to decide if the game was worth 14 years of delays and development hell. It's really hard to justify this when the final product is a technical disaster and is also in competition with a plethora of shooters that are much more refined and polished.

I don't have a PC to run this unfortunately so I'm stuck with the awful console ports. I'll definitely wait for them to hit the bargain bin before getting the game. It seems Gearbox couldn't salvage the technical mess and make it playable properly on consoles.

I have no issues with those negative reviews. If the game loads 30+ seconds when you die and is full of screen tearings something is clearly wrong.


Combichristoffersen said:
Going by their comments, they weren't raped, but willingly shagged the aliens because.. well, because they're both dumb as fuck, really.

You wouldn't go all Mass Effect on some alien poon if you had the chance? Who do you think you're fooling?


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Aselith said:
You wouldn't go all Mass Effect on some alien poon if you had the chance? Who do you think you're fooling?

Well, I haven't played Mass Effect, but IIRC there was some hot blue alien chick there. The aliens in the Duke universe are far from what I'd consider hot though, so you'd have to be pretty fucking dumb (like the Holsom twins) to willingly be porked (pun intended) by e.g. a pig cop :lol


Here's the problem

The game is $60 USD, ie a full priced game.

When you compare Duke Nukem forever @ $60 to what you get for $60 in 2011 it doesn't stack up

they should have put it out at 20

its no where near technologically a 2011 game, it runs like shite (on consoles, total slideshow sometimes) and yes there is the element of sexism which is part of Duke Nukem, and many people are reacting to.

Why is duke nukem forever, with a 5 year old engine, running like a 5 year old game, looking like shite the same price as unchartered 3 will be?

I know youc an say so many games are 60, not arguing, but really the game is being reviewed as it should. If you pay 60 bones is it worth it and the answer is no.

You can't be fucking apologetic because the game took so long. They put it out in 2011 against competition, with old technology and outdated graphics it runs like crap, the storyline is completely uninspired, the lack of variety in the environments is a problem and the multiplayer has some issues.

Really, what did they expect? Fucking glowing 10/10 reviews just because it got released?

and then eveyrone would bitch that journalists are just doing that for nostalgic value

can't. fucking. win.


Neo Member
This game is a disaster.

I honestly don't understand how anyone finds it funny. Not only is the irony in this kind of sexism largely lost after decades of social progression, but the jokes themselves simply aren't funny.

Besides that, the gameplay is mediocre at its best, bad most of the time, and absolutely horrendous at its worst.

Good thing I got to try my friend's copy before buying it.


Choc said:
When you compare Duke Nukem forever @ $60 to what you get for $60 in 2011 it doesn't stack up

A 5 hour corridor shooter with no interactivity and an entirely scripted experience?


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Choc said:
Why is duke nukem forever, with a 5 year old engine, running like a 5 year old game, looking like shite the same price as unchartered 3 will be?

I'd rather pay $60 for Duke Nukem Forever than $20 for Half-Tuck Adventures 3.

Edit: I mean I'd pay $60 for the PC version obviously. The console versions both seem to be awful, technical fuckups and should be avoided unless you have no other means of playing DNF.


Vamphuntr said:
I think that these kinds of reviews were expected. I'm fairly certain that fans of Duke Nukem will enjoy the game. It's the same Duke Nukem attitude and style that fans grew to love. On the other hand if reviewers are new to the franchise I do think that its normal for them to not like that kind of humour in 2011. A lot changed over 14 years.

Most reviewers are also trying to decide if the game was worth 14 years of delays and development hell. It's really hard to justify this when the final product is a technical disaster and is also in competition with a plethora of shooters that are much more refined and polished.

I don't have a PC to run this unfortunately so I'm stuck with the awful console ports. I'll definitely wait for them to hit the bargain bin before getting the game. It seems Gearbox couldn't salvage the technical mess and make it playable properly on consoles.

I have no issues with those negative reviews. If the game loads 30+ seconds when you die and is full of screen tearings something is clearly wrong.

Reviewers should specify that the console versions are the ones that suck, and obviously they are reviewing those.

Choc said:
Here's the problem

The game is $60 USD, ie a full priced game.

When you compare Duke Nukem forever @ $60 to what you get for $60 in 2011 it doesn't stack up

uh, what? im getting as much out of this as any other full-priced game this gen.. it even has multiplayer


Aselith said:
A 5 hour corridor shooter with no interactivity and an entirely scripted experience?

whilst this is a problem indeed with COD etc, there are many examples where this does not apply (not shooters though i must admit)


Choc said:
Why is duke nukem forever, with a 5 year old engine, running like a 5 year old game, looking like shite the same price as unchartered 3 will be?

To be fair in terms of game hours I have played 6 hours of duke nukem and I think I am getting near the end.

In comparison, Uncharted 2 took a little over 7 hours for me to beat. I think Uncharted 3 will probably be beaten in the same amount of time.


Choc said:
whilst this is a problem indeed with COD etc, there are many examples where this does not apply (not shooters though i must admit)

Well, then your post is obsolete. COD, Gears etc sell like hotcakes at 60 bucks. Many other worse corridor shooters sell at that price.

By your definition the only games that should cost 60 bucks are supposed to be 200+ hours of content or something? i prefer a good game, even if its short.

Not gonna discuss price since im against games costing 60 bucks to begin with (thankfully i never pay that thanks to my PC), but what im saying is that this game is worth as much as any other, and the price should be the same.

Seriously if you guys worry over gameplay hours you should be looking at the app store, MMO's or i dont know.. Tetris, of wich ive played over 2000 games on the DS version.

Im looking for good and fun experiences, not how much time im gonna spend in front of a monitor.
Duke Nukem Forever told me a lesson. I will never buy a game again before i have seen a review. This game killed something inside me :(


I love this game, punching aliens in the face while drunk is great fun.

At some point a guy says: "Yeah, take this guy with you he's the only guy crazy enough to go with you and please don't get him killed Duke and he dies from a laser after two steps lol


I think the 60$ comments are intended more to the tech.\performance aspect. From what i'm reading, the console versions are barely functioning so how the hell are they thinking about pricing it the same as contemporary games that look and perform as one would expect a 2011 retail 60$ game?
And that's before you address the gameplay.

Brink also had a pretty destructive launch in terms of tech and performance and it too suffered harsh reviews.
You can't get away with launching a game like DNF as a full-priced retail product which is presumed to be high-profile.
It´s fascinating to see a game with so much tasteless humour and so many apparent flaws being defended like this one is on internet forums, while other games are getting strangled at the first sight of low res textures.

People say that you should accept the game for what it is, but wasn´t this game, like Duke3D supposed to be a game that was going to rase the bar for FPS games? It´s one thing that the development of it resulted in dated graphics, but it really doesn´t seem to be mediocre at the best not matter what aspect of the game you look at.

I doubt that George Broussard and the rest of 3D Realms intended this to be the next Postal game.


[Nintex] said:
I love this game, punching aliens in the face while drunk is great fun.

At some point a guy says: "Yeah, take this guy with you he's the only guy crazy enough to go with you and please don't get him killed Duke and he dies from a laser after two steps lol
then Duke says something like "Oh leroy!" beautiful leroy jenkins moment :)


Well worth the £5 and LA Noire trade-in - playing multiplayer (on 360) with friends who have the title, I think I can safely say that the game has become our online game of choice. Excellent maps, good weapons (nostalgia-tinged, admittedly), hundreds of challenges, and just for outright fun, DNF beats pretty much any online experience I have had on any game/platform. Fun should be what matters for any game release. To hell with the haters.

I can only assume that those complaining about the single player campaign are fairly new to gaming (i.e. within this console generation, or the last one), and lack the experience with classic shooters, a la Duke 3D, Hexen, Heretic, Blood, Blake Stone, amongst the others already suggested within this thread.

The game that divided the hobby - less console wars, more Duke wars. And I'm sure thats what the Duke himself would want! ;)


CecilRousso said:
People say that you should accept the game for what it is, but wasn´t this game, like Duke3D supposed to be a game that was going to rase the bar for FPS games? It´s one thing that the development of it resulted in dated graphics, but it really doesn´t seem to be mediocre at the best not matter what aspect of the game you look at.

Really? I never heard that duke was supposed to do anything like that. I doubt many (any) peopel bought it expecting the game to lift FPS to new heights.
Wow, I just played the PS3 demo and it's much better than 360 on a technical level. No screen tearing and the framerate rarely dipped any significant amount. Not once was it a "slideshow". That's in contrast to the 360 demo which has screen tearing out the ass with frequent, jarring framerate issues. It's definitely the console version to get if the full game follows suit.


i'm not talking about gameplay hours

i am talking about the quality and experience of the game

i don't need 200+ hr games, in fact i loathe them

but i want quality and DNF is not quality for 60 bucks.


clockpunk said:
I can only assume that those complaining about the single player campaign are fairly new to gaming

You know what they say about assume...

i have been gaming since '86

I have played thousands of games (I used to work for CNET AU and some magazines)
Choc said:
but i want quality and DNF is not quality for 60 bucks.
So don't buy it?

It's not anyone's fault you made a poor decision but your own.

When you compare Duke Nukem forever @ $60 to what you get for $60 in 2011 it doesn't stack up
To you?

Don't act like this is some snake-oil swindle.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
The Xtortionist said:
Wow, I just played the PS3 demo and it's much better than 360 on a technical level. No screen tearing and the framerate rarely dipped any significant amount. Not once was it a "slideshow". That's in contrast to the 360 demo which has screen tearing out the ass with frequent, jarring framerate issues.. It's definitely the version to get if the full game follows suit.

Unless you have a PC that's able to run DNF. It's pretty evident that DNF was built for the PC, with the console versions being afterthoughts.
Combichristoffersen said:
Unless you have a PC that's able to run DNF. It's pretty evident that DNF was built for the PC, with the console versions being afterthoughts.
I don't really think that's necessarily the case, I think it has to do with 3D Realms'/Triptych's inexperience and Gearbox doing their best to get the game 'ready' for release whilst being cost-effective.

But I wouldn't doubt they'll do their best to patch it.
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