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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]

After helping Thrakdur with bringing the wagon to the stable, I head to an inn to see if there are any rumors of people getting abducted/kidnapped or anything interesting. Maybe it will lead me to Rot.


If you're looking for information on your wife, that sounds to me like a Hit the Street roll. And describe how exactly you're going around ferreting for this kind of information - buying drinks, asking people directly?
Sorry not a ton of time to post today or yesterday.

I flash a nervous smile as I lead him and his escorts up the hill to The Peak. I make conversation about current events, notably the issues at Yenikapi, and the resignation of Justice Hur. I try and keep conversation light, in an attempt to gauge his temperament and views.


Sorry not a ton of time to post today or yesterday.

I flash a nervous smile as I lead him and his escorts up the hill to The Peak. I make conversation about current events, notably the issues at Yenikapi, and the resignation of Justice Hur. I try and keep conversation light, in an attempt to gauge his temperament and views.

You reach The Peak with no real incident, Arthur happily chatting away about this and that (though he is rather surprised to hear about the issues at Yenikapi - "I've been out of the loop too long," he grumbles). The lictors do not join in your conversation, but drop back behind into the crowd; though Arwyen is easily apparent from just about anywhere, her distinctive silhouette rising high, Tristan effectively vanishes from sight almost immediately.

Arthur is a boisterous fellow, the kind of man who doesn't just exude self-confidence, but gives off the impression that there is absolutely no room for self-doubt. The front of house greets you as you enter the Peak, and ushers you both to a private room, a balcony overlooking Xingchu harbour by night. The lights and their reflections on the water are dazzling, twinkling in the darkness; the moon casts a pale, steady light across the horizon. A waiter leans over to light the candles as the lictors reappear in the doorway; Arthur shakes his head, holding up a hand. Arwyen bows and steps outside; Tristan hangs back for a second, but follows.

"Tristan takes his role very seriously," Arthur confides, pouring you a glass (and it is glass) of water from a crystalline decanter. "Now, then, Magister - what is it you wished to speak about?"

Deken, what do you do?
If you're looking for information on your wife, that sounds to me like a Hit the Street roll. And describe how exactly you're going around ferreting for this kind of information - buying drinks, asking people directly?
I offer to buy them drinks. I ask them "Anything strange or weird they've seen on your travels like say kidnappings or strange hooded figures? You've must have seen anything peculiar? The other day I saw fish people in an old dusty fort! Not knee length tall like legends say, but more our size! You don't suppose you got a better tale?"

3+1+(2)=6 for the Hit the Street roll


I offer to buy them drinks. I ask them "Anything strange or weird they've seen on your travels like say kidnappings or strange hooded figures? You've must have seen anything peculiar? The other day I saw fish people in an old dusty fort! Not knee length tall like legends say, but more our size! You don't suppose you got a better tale?"

3+1+(2)=6 for the Hit the Street roll

The roaring crowd of sailors and cutthroats you approach laugh mightily as you describe to them fighting animate suits of armour and fish the size of men. "Amazing tales, tale-spinner!" one shouts, pressing a mug into your hand. "Aye, but I wish I had your talent..."

You spend the evening wheedling information from every drunken sailor you see, but again and again you are requested to sing of the Fight of Fishes, and soon enough find yourself making an impromptu ballad about it. How does it go? In any case, everybody seems far more interested in hearing about your tale than telling you anything of use.

Some time later, you open your bleary eyes to find yourself crumpled in front of a bar. The Winking Wyvern is emblazoned across its sign. Sighing, you stumble inside.


The chorus of voices and sounds and smells drops in pitch and tone, a keening in your mind; the spirits here are ancient beings, but they have been amongst more humans than the ones you are familiar with for far longer. How do the spirits normally communicate with you, Serrick? Whatever the answer, here they do things differently.

There are others, the wind whispers, leaves curling to change the breeze, amplifying, deadening, changing. The grove itself speaks to you, it almost seems. Many plant-weavers... they are... gardeners of knowledge... they are respectful. They talk to us, but... they do not hear.

A family of urban foxes run across the grass before you, and one pauses to nibble at your fingers. We welcome you to our domains, it yips, In this time of great crisis. It runs off into the shrubbery as a bird descends upon your shoulder, cawing loudly. You arrive at good time! it shrieks. Someone must know! Someone must hear!

Serrick, you know instinctively what they are trying to warn you about - something that threatens both the city and the wilds, for here in Xingchu, both are one and the same. What is it? What approaches?

real life was keeping me busy, and I'm playing another game here on GAF so I barely had time for both.


Much like the wind, I can't see them but instead feel where they're coming from. As to their voice, you know when you start thinking and you hear your own voice even though you aren't exactly hearing it? It's like that. They pass over me and through me.

They wouldn't warn me of something afar. The closest place of note would be... Ether Jungle to the east? What is wrong with it?

Its soil is decaying... getting dry. The earth answers my thought. To future generations thrive, that race must find another land. They will cross the human-made border and... claim a place for themselves here. A monkey jumps from a branch and lands in front of me, mirroring my stance and looking at me with sharp eyes. When the time comes, protect them from the humans!, it gibbers, and runs away. With it, the spirits vanish and I'm left alone.

"Another race, to be attacked by Xingchu soon... I hope we can solve our current problem first". And I'm talking like them, great. It's getting dark; I'll sleep on it, but first I need to go back home.

PS by "that race" I mean either gangly elves riding on lianas or ants about to plant millions of seeds simultaneously.
PPS if what I said earlier about my drive came out as a mean commentary towards you, Jintor, that was not my intention! I said time and again that I'm having fun here :/


No meanness was taken, so don't worry about that. I think we're waiting on Deken to talk with Magister Reichart before we move on, unless you four want to try and figure out a way to get a headstart on the next chapter.

I'd also like to introduce a new resource, Intel.

Intel is like Dungeon Gear: it's Chekhov's information that can be pulled out whenever you wish. Intel, when used, gives you an automatic +1 on your next roll as long as you can justify both having the intel and being able to take advantage of it in some way. Of course, you will be expected to make up the intel, but it means you can 'always have had it' when you use it as opposed to having to predict what will happen beforehand.

You stand the chance of gaining intel from the following moves: Spout Lore, Discern Realities, Parley, and Hit the Street, so long as there is narrative justification to do so.


Okay! I'll keep track using a title like this ^

And I think we're not using many +1's (aid/defend/other) on any rolls; I'll try to explore ways to use them as well.
"Magis- Arthur, I want to thank you again for this chat. Has the Admiral told you about the recent errand I've run for her?"

Either way I end up giving a run down about what happened. Leaving out the part where I yoked some helpless spirits to power my golem. I play up the fact that a warlock managed to engineer all the spells on the constructs and may have a connection to Shorn.

"This warlock needs to be taken care of with the greatest of haste. I recommend a full audit of the cities magically inclined. Some manner of generalized magical detection spell for those not in the College. See if we can sniff out mages that have not been trained properly, or those practicing forbidden magic. Arthur... what do you know of divination?"


"Magis- Arthur, I want to thank you again for this chat. Has the Admiral told you about the recent errand I've run for her?"

Either way I end up giving a run down about what happened. Leaving out the part where I yoked some helpless spirits to power my golem. I play up the fact that a warlock managed to engineer all the spells on the constructs and may have a connection to Shorn.

"This warlock needs to be taken care of with the greatest of haste. I recommend a full audit of the cities magically inclined. Some manner of generalized magical detection spell for those not in the College. See if we can sniff out mages that have not been trained properly, or those practicing forbidden magic. Arthur... what do you know of divination?"

Arthur chews in silence. "An incursion is a grave matter, yet..." he finally says, thinking. "Well, no, I agree in principle; laypeople should not have their hands on ou- on this domain, and rogue warlocks especially are a matter of concern. I guess my worries are more practical: how are we to do it? If what you say is true, you won't get any help from the College. And there are no true Imperial Magisters - besides myself and my lictors, of course - in Xingchu."

A waiter drifts in and lays out a silver bowl in front of you both. "For the two gentlemen," he announces, and lifts the lid and retreats. A huge silver fish is laid out in a light yet oily sauce, steaming gently, garlic and chives rubbed over its skin; Arthur takes a fork to it with gusto.

"Divination is not an Imperial speciality," he adds, as he piles seafood onto his plate. "A generalised view of the world rather conflicts with the more personal touch a vault generates, you know. And in any case, even the best of diviners cannot predict the entirety of a future. A script, yes, that any leaf-reader or I-Ching adherent can remake as a trifle. But an entire play? The true circumstances thereof? Muddled at best."
Arthur takes a fork to it with gusto.
I do as well.
How are we to do it?
"I agree, I don't think the College would care for this... audit. But they aren't the one's I'm worried about, it's the alley-witches and basement warlocks that inspire my fear. I think if I had some resources and protection provided by the Imperial administration I could put together a solid searching spell. It would improve our luck in track down abusers of our art."
"Divination is not an Imperial speciality," he adds, as he piles seafood onto his plate. "A generalised view of the world rather conflicts with the more personal touch a vault generates, you know. And in any case, even the best of diviners cannot predict the entirety of a future. A script, yes, that any leaf-reader or I-Ching adherent can remake as a trifle. But an entire play? The true circumstances thereof? Muddled at best."
I just kind of nod at this, knowing him to be wrong.


It sounds to me like you want to be granted Imperial Backing to perform some manner of magical audit with the leverage of working with the Imperium to prevent further incursions and wild magic. Deken, roll parlay.
It sounds to me like you want to be granted Imperial Backing to perform some manner of magical audit with the leverage of working with the Imperium to prevent further incursions and wild magic. Deken, roll parlay.

3+3+1=7. What is being asked of me here, so that I may promise + provide assurance of it.


3+3+1=7. What is being asked of me here, so that I may promise + provide assurance of it.

"Yes... yes... that, I think I can arrange," says Arthur. "But you understand, of course, that to do a thing with Imperial resources is to, effectively, be bestowed with imperium? To represent the Senate and the People of the Imperium in every matter? It isn't a small thing, you know. I - and the Admiral, of course, since she is the local representative here - will be... well, let's not mince words here, responsible for your conduct." He spears a vegetable piece. "And you, in turn, will be responsible for those of others who work with you."

Arthur leans forward as the a cloud drifts languidly across the path of the moonlight. "A contractor is one thing; but an Imperial Agent, quite another. Nobody would accept an auditor - an inquisitor - not widely known to be sworn to the Imperium itself. Nobody."

He looks at his glass of water, shakes his head, and points a finger at it; it immediately begins filling with a clear, rosey-red wine. "The day after tomorrow, before I leave, there will be a ceremony," he says, taking the glass and sniffing it. "Local honours, meeting the council, perhaps some Collegiate politics, et cetera. It's a rather good venue for spreading news. Were you to swear the oath of Imperium there, in public, before the crowds, then it'd be quite simple to support you in your endeavor."

Techically, I should demand you swear the oath now, but Arthur will settle for you swearing it at the ceremony since it needs to be quite public. However, he won't actively begin to assist until you swear the oath, so I think that's fair.
You spend the evening wheedling information from every drunken sailor you see, but again and again you are requested to sing of the Fight of Fishes, and soon enough find yourself making an impromptu ballad about it. How does it go? In any case, everybody seems far more interested in hearing about your tale than telling you anything of use.

Some time later, you open your bleary eyes to find yourself crumpled in front of a bar. The Winking Wyvern is emblazoned across its sign. Sighing, you stumble inside.
"In a walking suit of armor, shined and bright,
a fishman layed in sight.
With a couple of strikes, water the fishman bled!
With one last hard hit, with all my might,
the armor was stained in deep dark red!"

As I see Thrakdur, I take a seat next to him and ask for free water.

How much coins should I lose for trying to get info? Ein seems to want to save money after that waste.

Without any leads, I ask Thrakdur, "Anything interesting happened when I was wasting time?".


How much coins should I lose for trying to get info? Ein seems to want to save money after that waste.

Nothing big - 5 coins or so.


Basso leans forward and offers Ein a frothing mug... and a much smaller cup of water. "Waymore here already paid for your night's drinks," he grins. "You're with them? Strange company you keep these days, my friend. How ya gonna do it, Way? How ya gonna break in?"

Waymore, Thrakdur, Ein: what do you do?
"Those terms are... acceptable," I say, of two minds about the the offer.

"I'll provide a list of materials and resources needed to run my operations."

"With that over with, will you time to see or play any jeo-ean games during your time in the city?"

last bit is just idle chat to change subjects, and I'm thinking jeo-ean is the popular table game of the city.


"Those terms are... acceptable," I say, of two minds about the the offer.

"I'll provide a list of materials and resources needed to run my operations."

"With that over with, will you time to see or play any jeo-ean games during your time in the city?"

last bit is just idle chat to change subjects, and I'm thinking jeo-ean is the popular table game of the city.

I think that's the important part of this conversation out of the way. Is there anything else you want out of this conversation, or shall we conclude the chapter?

His face falls. "I wish I had the time, but there are matters of Imperium to attend to," he sighs. "I was quite the player in my younger days, let me tell you. How about you, d'you play yourself?"
I think that's the important part of this conversation out of the way. Is there anything else you want out of this conversation, or shall we conclude the chapter?

His face falls. "I wish I had the time, but there are matters of Imperium to attend to," he sighs. "I was quite the player in my younger days, let me tell you. How about you, d'you play yourself?"

Nope we can conclude

"Oh I played here and there back when I was a student"


Basso leans forward and offers Ein a frothing mug... and a much smaller cup of water. "Waymore here already paid for your night's drinks," he grins. "You're with them? Strange company you keep these days, my friend. How ya gonna do it, Way? How ya gonna break in?"

Waymore, Thrakdur, Ein: what do you do?

Feeling the effects of my beverages a bit at this point, I smile to Basso while patting my companions on the back. "I'm very good at what I do, Basso, as you know. But some jobs require skill sets that I simply don't have... Ein, the Guild seems to be harboring our patchworked friend we've been running into as of late, as well as a certain belonging of my client over there," I say, pointing to Liana.

"I'm simply looking to kill two birds with one stone. As for how, perhaps it's best to simply arrange a meeting. Walk right in and speak with them, then perhaps lose them when a few friends of mine cause a distraction outside. I'm not exactly on unfriendly terms with the Thieves' Guild, just business differences. Namely, they want to collect dues from me and I want them to shove it up their ass. But if I arrange a meeting under the auspices of joining them, you and the rest can follow me there, wait outside a few minutes, then cause a distraction and buy me an opportunity. At some point in all that, I'll learn more about our fashion-impaired friend and retrieve an item of some import for a client."


After our night of carousing and merriment, I wake up early the next morning. Any movement of my head feels like my brain is crashing against the sides of my skull. I go through my stretching routine and crank out a few push-ups for good measure, then head out bleary-eyed into the early morning as the mist dances over the cobblestone streets. I walk up and down a few main avenues, enjoying the relative emptiness of it all, before diverting into a back alley towards the seedier part of town. The familiar beggars greet me and I nod in reply, before heading into a pawn shop to talk to the fence. I don't frequent this place, as it's run by the Guild and will typically only pay for merchandise from Guild thieves. I look over the counter at the portly, bearded fellow snoozing in an easy chair and clear my throat.

"Ahem," I cough with a knock on the counter, "I've business to discuss." It won't be fun humbling myself before this sow, but I know he can arrange a meeting for me, and he'll have to believe I actually need the help if he's going to do it.

Hit the Streets: (5+5)+1=11


Choose 3

They've got what you want right now.
You get a little something extra
It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications or consequences
The price is fair
It doesn't cost you right now


Choose 3

They've got what you want right now.
You get a little something extra
It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications or consequences
The price is fair
It doesn't cost you right now

They've got what I want right now
It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications, or consequences
I get a little something extra


"Oh I played here and there back when I was a student"

Arthur grins widely as the waiter brings forth a plate of chilled fruits. "Ah, good magister, it truly is the greatest game. Jeo-ean... ah, a good match can be more thrilling than girls or magic. Not girls and magic, you understand, but at the time, at least..."

He snaps his hand in a common stage magician's twist, producing a small counter with a flourish. "This may come in handy some day," he smiles, and hands you a small Jeo-ean tile. "If you ever need to get in contact with me in a hurry, use this."

Deken, what image is on the tile? How will it work?

"Ahem," I cough with a knock on the counter, "I've business to discuss." It won't be fun humbling myself before this sow, but I know he can arrange a meeting for me, and he'll have to believe I actually need the help if he's going to do it.

Jonathan opens his eyes slowly, his perpetual scowl never leaving his lips. "Ya make too much noise for a padfoot, Freelancer" he grumbles, not moving from his chair. "But if it's business ya be talking, it's business ya be talkin'."

He yawns, hugely, and stands up and shuffles over to a heavy wooden door. He raps on it in a complicated code pattern - it's useless memorising it, you know, it changes day by day -and it swings ponderously aside. Steps descend into the darkness, a test of their own. Anyone that needs to meet with the Guild knows how to see without seeing.

The scarred fence settles back into his easy chair and sits back; but as he passes you, he whispers something in your ear. (Gain 1 intel). And then the door swings shut. You are alone, in the pitch-blackness of the stairwell. But for one such as you, this is nothing. You shrug, and descend into the depths.


Thus ends Chapter Four: A Time of Meetings.

  • Gain +1 XP for someone in the group learning something new and important about the world (Waymore learned about the Guild and the Patchwork Man and Serrick has had a vision of an impeding future)
  • Take a look at your bonds. If you feel like a bond has changed or been resolved in some fashion, post about it, delete the bond, and gain +1XP. (Max 1 bond)
  • If you feel like your character has learned something about another character, you may write 1 new bond. (Includes characters you already have a bond with so long as it doesn't overlap on the previous bond).
  • If you feel like you've taken a step towards your character's Drive in some way, post about it and gain +1 XP.
  • If you haven't already, gain +1XP for each 6 or less you've rolled (Serrick +1XP for failing a Supply roll; Ein +1XP for failing a Hit the Street.)


As always, I'm eager to hear your thoughts. I definitely know what Waymore is doing at the beginning of the next chapter, but what do the rest of you think you'll be doing? I think I need to keep you all together in a group though.


I thought this was a fun little interlude chapter of us each handling our business rather independently, but yeah I'd say this definitely works best with most of us together. I had kinda figured Waymore would arrange the meeting, tell the rest of the guys, and then they could wait a certain period of time before causing a distraction for me. But hey, getting whisked down there right away is perhaps just the kind of precaution a criminal guild would employ, so perhaps Thrakdur and Ein, having heard my plan will try and locate me in order to assist. It's actually a nice little wrinkle.

I'll add the intel to my inventory, so I remember I actually have it at my disposal. It's basically just the information equivalent of adventuring gear, correct? I bust it out when a bit of extra information could be advantageous?

As for my bonds, I suppose Ein and Waymore should address just what kind of con they have running. That plot point has yet to manifest, haha. The same with Serrick having incriminating information about Waymore. I think Waymore and Thrakdur are definitely better friends now, having shared a few rounds of drinks and laughs together.

I added an XP point for Waymore's drive, since he's now learned of a new thief rising up the ranks and lighting a fire under him a bit. Robbing the Thieves' Guild is a rather exciting new challenge for him, having to out-thief his professional rivals under their own roof.


Thrakdur is pretty happy about having a horse and a bow, but I don't think it's significant enough to give him XP. I don't really know what Thrakdur would be doing next. Maybe, like Jim said, he's somewhere ready to provide backup to Waymore?


Basically so long as it doesn't contradict anything set so far there's no reason that you can't, say, have told Thrakdur, Ein and Serrick to cause a distraction if you're not back by noon, or something along those lines. Perhaps you know where the big pow-wow is held, or know of a bunch of safehouses they can hit or something?


I tried to put our ideas into the plot with the grove scene; I wonder if we'll all pick the same side to fight for...

It's nice to see everyone doing their personal agendas and it seems like we're slowly getting more and more famous around the world.

Jim, if your relationship with the Guild gets sour I can use the info I have against you to "sell you out", setting up a meeting with the Patchwork Man or one of his underlings, which will turn into an ambush. I don't think he saw my face at the Koi.


Zhao was his buddy, right? Maybe he'll show up (with a proper weapon) to harm us another time.

I have a question, Jintor: what do we do with money? I have more than 100 coins and don't know if I'll ever use them except for small things like a meal.
You're probably making things easier for us, since we don't have to eat or drink (at least Serrick literally doesn't have to, but the others should), and we don't know where we're sleeping :p


Eh but I also kinda don't want the game to become accountancy management simulator 2k? I am being probably a little overly generous though


No, I'm not asking you to make us spend more coins, ahhaha
What I'm asking is: is this normal, or in a regular campaign we would never have that amount so quickly?

edit: it could break the flow if we all had to deal with mechanics like these, I think


I wouldn't mind having to do that stuff, but that's because I also don't have to keep track of rations when Making Camp. But let me ask you this. If we don't do much Making Camp stuff, could I change my Background (in terms of mechanics)?. It is completely useless if we never bother with making camps and keeping watch.


Sure, go ahead.

No, this is about right for a campaign when I'm being a tad generous with payments. The Admiral paid you rather a lot.

Technically I shouldn't have healed you to full in between sessions, I don't think I'll do that anymore either.


I think my problem is that the background options for the other classes have a more generalized utility while my options (Walker of the Wastes and Champion of Slaughter. I don't think Enslaved Gladiator fits with the character as established.) are only useful if we are making use of two specific moves (Making Camp and Outstanding Warrents) we haven't really used so far. So I'm not really sure what I should do. I think changing it to Champion of Slaughter fits the character more.

For clarification:
Walker of the Wastes: I don't have to consume a ration when Making Camp and I can't fail Take Watch rolls,
Champion of Slaughter: I use Str instead of Cha on Outstanding Warrents rolls and on a 12+ people want to be my buddies.


You could always just make up a background. What would you like it to be about?

Something to emphasize the Steppe Nomad aspect of the character probably. I don't really know what that would be though. If this was DnD I'd say something like a bonus to the Ride skill and proficiency with bows, but those concepts don't exist in Dungeon World. I also don't know what would be appropriate in terms of balance. I'm open to suggestions because I don't really have any ideas.

My main impetus for changing it/making a new one would be if we aren't going to bother with the Making Camp or Outstanding Warrants stuff. I don't have a problem if my background is only occasionally useful, but if we aren't going to use those mechanics at all, then it's kind of a waste. I don't have a opinion about using them or not using them since I'm new to Dungeon World but in other systems keeping track of food is usually one of the first rules to be ignored and the Outstanding Warrants stuff is something that I could see being under the DM's control rather than leaving up to dice rolls.


Background: Burdened Beserker

You've felt the rage come for you many times before. When you take damage in combat, you may take a -1 forward on your next roll in exchange for an extra d6 damage.

If it's okay with you all, I'm going to basically throw the other four into a simultaneous situation while Waymore navigates the Guild next, I think. I am the GM, after all - I guess I have that power!


Of course you can only decide to use the power before rolling - another I can't police it but please play it that way cos that's more fun thing
If it's okay with you all, I'm going to basically throw the other four into a simultaneous situation while Waymore navigates the Guild next, I think. I am the GM, after all - I guess I have that power!

He gives me a custom engraved tile of the Jester. It is a tricky piece, loved by bluffers and abhored by the more logical players. It looks like it has a stored alarm/tracking spell, cracking it should alert Arthur and transmit my location.

Yup Deken could be be wondering the streets after the meal and just bump into the guys serendipitously, I'm good with coincidences that make everything flow better.

I also take 2 xp total for the chapter. Getting some imperial backing for his inquisition fulfills his drive.

Also I'll need a bill for the dinner. If I'm too broke to pay then I give an IOU - maybe I'll make them a sick magical oven or something


Episode Five

Darkness. Quiet and still. The drip of water echos, the sound cutting through the air like a blow. Footsteps as WAYMORE, groping his way through the darkness, steps into view.

These aren't sewers, but it's a close thing. A tight corridor, long and narrow. Waymore strides forward, pauses. Runs his fingers along the wall, and pushes. A long spear thrusts firmly out just before him. He eases around it, leaning back, and continues on his way.

Before long he sees an orange glow, and then, a door, lit by a glowing rock contained in a brazier above it. The door swings open silently as he approaches, and a CAT-HEADED WOMAN steps out. She is armed in simple leather, with a sheathed short sword by her side. She holds up a definitely human hand.

Freelancer! Finally come to pay your dues?​

Waymore, what do you do?



PAN DOWN as BASSO leads THRAKDUR, DEKEN, EIN and SERRICK through an empty alleyway, hood covering his face and eyes darting suspiciously around. Nobody else is here, but that doesn't stop him worrying.

...every bolthole needs an escape route, see? And the thing about escape routes is, of course, they work both ways. So...​

He presses his way through streets and fences, the procession unnoticed and unmarked by anyone. He doubles back, moves between crates, looks both ways, and opens a rough wooden gate in a wall.


This squalid little garden holds shades of what it once was. A withered cherry tree stands dead center, above a fountain that has seen better days, still dribbling water into a small, moss-ridden basin of cracked, dirty sandstone. Walls on all sides are in disrepair, enclosing the dirty area. It all screams destitution, dehabilitation.

(growling) The only time this place is gonna be part of Glorious Xingchu is when someone burns it to the ground.​

He spits.

Anyway, the exit - well, the entrance - should be somewhere around here. I'll help you find it, but after that, you're on your own.

Should come out near where they do their little meetings around the Month of Moons, if I'm remembering right. Hope I am, for Way's sake.​

Deken, Thrakdur, Ein, Serrick: what do you do?


Also I'll need a bill for the dinner. If I'm too broke to pay then I give an IOU - maybe I'll make them a sick magical oven or something[/I]

25 additional gold for the rather good meal and view. If you can't afford that, they'll take what you have and apply to the Admiral for recompense. Or you can try and offer some kind of magical service as leverage, if you'd like (though it will involve a parlay roll). (An icebox would be nice, for instance)


Really nice intro scene, Jintor. I like it.

I raise my hands, showing my empty palms in sarcastic feign of surrendering. "Freelancer. Dues. You sure know how to make an honest criminal feel unimportant," I chuckle. "That being said, I have come to discuss finally making things official. Nearly starving to death on a prison ship for the better part of a year makes a man realize the risk we all assume, as well as the necessity of a support system."
I whisper to my conspiratorial compatriots, "So we're causing a distraction when the Thief needs out? How are we going about that again? And please don't say set fire to the whole place."


Can I pay for the dinner with cash from the horse sale? Is that cool with everyone?
As for the game it's been going great!


Stylish; I loved it.

Walled garden, no living person nearby...
"First let's find the entrance, then we think about the distraction once we know its size and location. And I hope we can find a way without harming this already dying garden."

I walk around the periphery, hitting my club on the walls and the ground to hear a hollow noise.
If I did not encounter anything,
I then get down on all fours and rummage through the roots, flowers and rocks.

Discern Realities, 2d6+WIS. (3+2) + 2 = 7


No worries.



"Maybe you can ask the spirits of this garden if they know of the entrance Serrick. Every second we delay means way more trouble. For Waymore."

Im fine with using the horse funds to pay for what should have been fantasy Taco Bell
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