After helping Thrakdur with bringing the wagon to the stable, I head to an inn to see if there are any rumors of people getting abducted/kidnapped or anything interesting. Maybe it will lead me to Rot.
Sorry not a ton of time to post today or yesterday.
I flash a nervous smile as I lead him and his escorts up the hill to The Peak. I make conversation about current events, notably the issues at Yenikapi, and the resignation of Justice Hur. I try and keep conversation light, in an attempt to gauge his temperament and views.
I offer to buy them drinks. I ask them "Anything strange or weird they've seen on your travels like say kidnappings or strange hooded figures? You've must have seen anything peculiar? The other day I saw fish people in an old dusty fort! Not knee length tall like legends say, but more our size! You don't suppose you got a better tale?"If you're looking for information on your wife, that sounds to me like a Hit the Street roll. And describe how exactly you're going around ferreting for this kind of information - buying drinks, asking people directly?
I offer to buy them drinks. I ask them "Anything strange or weird they've seen on your travels like say kidnappings or strange hooded figures? You've must have seen anything peculiar? The other day I saw fish people in an old dusty fort! Not knee length tall like legends say, but more our size! You don't suppose you got a better tale?"
3+1+(2)=6 for the Hit the Street roll
The chorus of voices and sounds and smells drops in pitch and tone, a keening in your mind; the spirits here are ancient beings, but they have been amongst more humans than the ones you are familiar with for far longer. How do the spirits normally communicate with you, Serrick? Whatever the answer, here they do things differently.
There are others, the wind whispers, leaves curling to change the breeze, amplifying, deadening, changing. The grove itself speaks to you, it almost seems. Many plant-weavers... they are... gardeners of knowledge... they are respectful. They talk to us, but... they do not hear.
A family of urban foxes run across the grass before you, and one pauses to nibble at your fingers. We welcome you to our domains, it yips, In this time of great crisis. It runs off into the shrubbery as a bird descends upon your shoulder, cawing loudly. You arrive at good time! it shrieks. Someone must know! Someone must hear!
Serrick, you know instinctively what they are trying to warn you about - something that threatens both the city and the wilds, for here in Xingchu, both are one and the same. What is it? What approaches?
"Magis- Arthur, I want to thank you again for this chat. Has the Admiral told you about the recent errand I've run for her?"
Either way I end up giving a run down about what happened. Leaving out the part where I yoked some helpless spirits to power my golem. I play up the fact that a warlock managed to engineer all the spells on the constructs and may have a connection to Shorn.
"This warlock needs to be taken care of with the greatest of haste. I recommend a full audit of the cities magically inclined. Some manner of generalized magical detection spell for those not in the College. See if we can sniff out mages that have not been trained properly, or those practicing forbidden magic. Arthur... what do you know of divination?"
I do as well.Arthur takes a fork to it with gusto.
"I agree, I don't think the College would care for this... audit. But they aren't the one's I'm worried about, it's the alley-witches and basement warlocks that inspire my fear. I think if I had some resources and protection provided by the Imperial administration I could put together a solid searching spell. It would improve our luck in track down abusers of our art."How are we to do it?
I just kind of nod at this, knowing him to be wrong."Divination is not an Imperial speciality," he adds, as he piles seafood onto his plate. "A generalised view of the world rather conflicts with the more personal touch a vault generates, you know. And in any case, even the best of diviners cannot predict the entirety of a future. A script, yes, that any leaf-reader or I-Ching adherent can remake as a trifle. But an entire play? The true circumstances thereof? Muddled at best."
It sounds to me like you want to be granted Imperial Backing to perform some manner of magical audit with the leverage of working with the Imperium to prevent further incursions and wild magic. Deken, roll parlay.
3+3+1=7. What is being asked of me here, so that I may promise + provide assurance of it.
"In a walking suit of armor, shined and bright,You spend the evening wheedling information from every drunken sailor you see, but again and again you are requested to sing of the Fight of Fishes, and soon enough find yourself making an impromptu ballad about it. How does it go? In any case, everybody seems far more interested in hearing about your tale than telling you anything of use.
Some time later, you open your bleary eyes to find yourself crumpled in front of a bar. The Winking Wyvern is emblazoned across its sign. Sighing, you stumble inside.
Without any leads, I ask Thrakdur, "Anything interesting happened when I was wasting time?".
How much coins should I lose for trying to get info? Ein seems to want to save money after that waste.
"Those terms are... acceptable," I say, of two minds about the the offer.
"I'll provide a list of materials and resources needed to run my operations."
"With that over with, will you time to see or play any jeo-ean games during your time in the city?"
last bit is just idle chat to change subjects, and I'm thinking jeo-ean is the popular table game of the city.
I think that's the important part of this conversation out of the way. Is there anything else you want out of this conversation, or shall we conclude the chapter?
His face falls. "I wish I had the time, but there are matters of Imperium to attend to," he sighs. "I was quite the player in my younger days, let me tell you. How about you, d'you play yourself?"
Basso leans forward and offers Ein a frothing mug... and a much smaller cup of water. "Waymore here already paid for your night's drinks," he grins. "You're with them? Strange company you keep these days, my friend. How ya gonna do it, Way? How ya gonna break in?"
Waymore, Thrakdur, Ein: what do you do?
Choose 3
They've got what you want right now.
You get a little something extra
It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications or consequences
The price is fair
It doesn't cost you right now
"Oh I played here and there back when I was a student"
"Ahem," I cough with a knock on the counter, "I've business to discuss." It won't be fun humbling myself before this sow, but I know he can arrange a meeting for me, and he'll have to believe I actually need the help if he's going to do it.
You could always just make up a background. What would you like it to be about?
If it's okay with you all, I'm going to basically throw the other four into a simultaneous situation while Waymore navigates the Guild next, I think. I am the GM, after all - I guess I have that power!
Also I'll need a bill for the dinner. If I'm too broke to pay then I give an IOU - maybe I'll make them a sick magical oven or something[/I]
If I did not encounter anything,
I then get down on all fours and rummage through the roots, flowers and rocks.
Discern Realities, 2d6+WIS. (3+2) + 2 = 7